Thursday, February 28, 2013

Guest Blogger - back again

Feb 27, 2013
Jeff here - again.
It seems that on Monday ( Feb 25) Patti was admitted back into the hospital with sever chest pains.  Tuesday morning she was transferred to Johns Hopkins, where they did an angioplasty - and discovered that she has one artery that is blocked 90-95%.

The recommendation for this is either stents - or heart bypass to bypass the blocked artery. Then today, she has developed bleeding in her GI tract. This development, led to an endoscopy looking for the source of the bleeding in the UPPER GI tract... initial discussions seem to indicate that nothing remarkable was found.  This fact, logically indicates that we are looking at a lower GI issue...

This new development, of the GI bleeding, has put a hold on the solution to the bypass - because any surgery requires blood thinners - and - until they find and control the GI bleeding they have the surgery decision on hold.

Patti had and MRI of her brain last night, and again, nothing remarkable - specifically, no stroke indicated - again, good news..

I have to tell you, the care at Hopkins, is surpurb!

More updates as I learn

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Cuzilu Here


Cuzilu Here

Yes, it's really me.  I have survived emergency room treatment, ICU, a regular hospital room with an annoying room mate and lock down in a psychiatric outpatient facility. And I have survived so I must be made of tougher stuff than I thought.  My spirit is stronger than I knew and was determined to survive against all odds.

I am been sprung from the "looney bin" and today start daycare for two weeks in yet another facility.  My days will be filled with individual and group therapy sessions and probably other creative outlets.  I didn't participate in yoga while in the outpatient facility and I won't be participating now.  Nobody needs to see me on the floor or trying to get back up - it ain't pretty.

My first night at home was a disaster.  I was up all night because I was so agitated and couldn't relax.  Jeff is taking me to see my primary physician today at Hopkins so maybe I will be able to enjoy a nap in the car.  Tomorrow my outing is to my psychiatrist where I will try to explain to her what I was thinking (or not) so many days ago!  

My jaunt through the medical system allowed me to lose 10 pounds - I don't recommend it as a steady weight loss program because hospital and outpatient facility food is terrible.  The stuff served in the cafeteria at my last place of residence was horrible and we patients learned to live on potato chips!  Not a healthy diet but at least the hospital can't ruin pre-packaged food.

In case you're wondering I'm not well - physically or mentally.  It is yet to be determined how much physical damage has been done to my body but I'm sure that testing of my heart and brain are probably in my future.  Mentally, I'm stable but shaky and my recovery back to normal (whatever that is) might be a long journey.

This is going to be short today because I can't be late for my first session at the hospital.

Be good to yourselves and take care.


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Guest blogger 3rd update

Feb 19, 2013

Wow, how the time flies - not having much fun either....

I had a meeting with the social worker yesterday, and they are working out a treatment plan for Patti going forward.  Currently, it appears that she will be in a day program of intense therapy, both group and individual, for a period.  This will allow her to come home, and begin a transition back into a more normal routine, now that the immediate crisis is behind us.

I am really hoping for an early spring, to help move some of this excessive grey weather on out...I know, I personally feel better on the BRIGHT sunshiny days, as opposed to the grey overcast.  

Patti tells me that the food in the hospital is VILE and almost UN-palatable!!  and she is anxious to have something besides institutional food.  She is still complaining about GI tract issues, however, said yesterday - some improvement.  THERE IS HOPE!

I have been busy - trying to maintain the house, process all the mail, pay all the bills (I really MISS my partner) - work, and be on time for visiting hours.  

I know everyone is looking forward to having our favorite blogger back...

Maybe in the next few days....


Saturday, February 9, 2013

Guest Bloggger - 2nd edition - UPDATE

Feb 9, 2013
So, to everyone that has called, written, and check on us - thank you - I appreciate the support during this stressful time.

The medical emergency is now past, and under control.  It has been a whirlwind of a week, with lots of time spent at the hospital waiting area. 

Patti is now out of danger, and recovering. 

Patti is currently being treated for depression as an inpatient at the local psychiatric hospital.  The treatment plan suggests a minimum stay of 1 week, possibly longer.

I am probably not going to be in a position to update the blog - however, if  anything changes significantly, I will promise to do so in a timely manner.


Monday, February 4, 2013

Guest Blogger again - Patti is out

February 4, 2013

Hi all,
Patti is unable to blog today - in fact - probably for the next few days... however, I did not want to leave you with the impression that she does not care... she does care immensely - hence - while I do not have her gift of prose, I did now want leave everyone wondering...

Actually Patti is Ill, and quite seriously so... with a problem with her body chemistry.

now, Patti has made no secret, that she suffers from depression (see blog HERE).

Well, today - with all her different drugs - she has her body chemistry - "out of whack" was the term the doctor used... and as such, is off being treated to untangle this extremely complicated issue.

We are not sure how long it will take, until our favorite blogger is back, but, if this goes on too long, I will again jump in - to provide an update.  The problem seems to manifest itself, in many ways, and the physical problems can lead to major organ failure -  too much or too little potassium can be life threatening... blood sugars too high or too low - cause problems, too much or too little of so many things can cause horrible symptoms that are difficult to analyze until blood and urine are tested.  All of this can be caused by taking the wrong meds - too little or too much - in the wrong combination, and results in a lengthy process to get the overall body chemistry back in normal mode..

So, please help me - in wishing our favorite blogger - a quick trip back to the keyboard, so you don't have to try and follow MY ramblings...


Saturday, February 2, 2013




If you're in a relationship of any kind - work, couple, friend, relative - or you name it, then you have experienced the pesky little quirks of someone else.  Over time you either learn to love (or at at least accept) those little things or you go crazy.  Simple as that.

I'm not going to ask you what it is that you possibly do that might be an irritant for somebody else.  Nope.  I'm going to tell you some of the things that I know makes Jeff nuts and has been doing so for 38 years.  I know that I could do better with some, if not all, of these things -the  truth is I just don't. I think my only excuse is that I "might" be lazy.

I, for instance, don't bother to put new toilet paper or paper towels back on the holder.  My theory, or perhaps my excuse, is that you're just going to use the stuff up anyway so why hang it up.  

Toothpaste is another biggie.  I squeeze from the top and Jeff's a bottom squeezer (boy that almost sounds bad).  If Jeff didn't have one of those roll-up plastic thingies that he (not me) puts on the toothpaste I think he would lose his mind.  

I can't get in to most of those reseal packages and when Jeff's not around I simply cut the top off the package thereby making it impossible to reseal unless you're willing to use duct tape!  This method of opening generally (how about always) allows the food to dry out and eventually be tossed out which doesn't endear me to him I assure you.

I love coffee and can drink it after it's been sitting for 24 hours.  I have a nasty (see at least I recognize this) habit of leaving coffee cups all over the house with just an inch or two of coffee inside.  There is generally a cup by my reading chair, one in the kitchen and one at both my upstairs and downstairs desks.  Jeff has ONE cup that he uses and washes it seldom.  His cup doesn't wander around the house like mine do.  It's either by his chair or on his desk and easy to find.  If he "misplaces" it he will search until he finds it - no other cup will do.  Heaven help us if it ever gets broken!

Now you're probably about to give Jeff saint status.  It's true that he puts up with a lot and after all these years it's apparent that I'm a slow learner BUT  he has a few faults of his own which I'm not going to share - at least today!

So just think of your own life and I'll bet you'll be able to come up with a few quirks of your own.  And it is those little things that make each of us a unique individual and keeps the world from becoming boring.

Food for the day - heavenly hash day.  As I write this I'm thinking of that nasty hash that comes in a can and there is nothing heavenly about that.  So I went back to do some research, turns out this is an ice cream (I don't get out much).  It's vanilla and chocolate ice cream filled with white vanilla marshmallow swirls, chopped almonds, and dark chocolate chunks and it does sound heavenly.

Little known weather fact: The winter of 1932 was so cold that Niagara falls froze completely solid!  I bet that was a beautiful sight.

It's Saturday so enjoy.  Sit back and have another cup of coffee and put your feet up you deserve it.  


Friday, February 1, 2013

Mouse in the House


Mouse in the House

Over the years occasionally one of those little furry critters finds his (notice it's a he mouse not a her mouse) way into the house.  I keep the dogs' kibble outside in a small trashcan with a lid that I don't secure very well.  Okay truth time - don't secure at all.  I also have a habit of dropping bits of kibble in the garage when I'm getting the morning rations.  At 5:00 in the morning, and without coffee, it's a wonder that I can even find the garage!  I understand perfectly why these little mouses might want to live in my garage.  And on some level I'm even okay with it.  The deal is - I don't see you - then you don't exist.

Here's the rule - you have to stay in the garage.  No sneaking in the house at night and making yourself comfortable in the pantry.  There is a variety of goodies to choose from in the pantry and on the few occasions that we have caught a mouse I am always amazed at how small they are.  Sometimes a corn chip falls unnoticed the floor of the pantry or a stray nut or two when somebody is trying to stuff a handful into their mouth.  Shocking as this sounds - I don't sweep the pantry every day. I know call Martha Stewart immediately.  Look even if the pantry was squeaky clean if they just hung around Emma's cage long enough she would eventually toss some seeds out onto the floor.

This week there was some "evidence" in the pantry that we had a visitor.  The trap was set and voila "we" (Jeff) was successful the first night.  I've cleaned out the pantry AGAIN and we reset the trap and have come up empty every night.  I find it hard to believe that we had a solo mouse in the house.  There must be brothers and sisters lurking in the shadows somewhere and I know how much they love peanut butter.  I feel like calling "come out come out wherever you are."  I know that the minute we remove the trap the midnight bandits will move back and set up camp.

For the moment the trap is locked and loaded.  Perhaps just knowing this is enough to keep the rest of the family outside where they belong.  Or - and this is a long shot - maybe somebody in the mouse family has a peanut allergy - which sometimes can be deadly.

It's the first of February and a Friday, so enjoy.  I haven't investigated the foods or weirdness of February yet - so today is a virtual free for all.  Eat everything.  For tomorrow I may have a list!


Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...