Monday, February 4, 2013

Guest Blogger again - Patti is out

February 4, 2013

Hi all,
Patti is unable to blog today - in fact - probably for the next few days... however, I did not want to leave you with the impression that she does not care... she does care immensely - hence - while I do not have her gift of prose, I did now want leave everyone wondering...

Actually Patti is Ill, and quite seriously so... with a problem with her body chemistry.

now, Patti has made no secret, that she suffers from depression (see blog HERE).

Well, today - with all her different drugs - she has her body chemistry - "out of whack" was the term the doctor used... and as such, is off being treated to untangle this extremely complicated issue.

We are not sure how long it will take, until our favorite blogger is back, but, if this goes on too long, I will again jump in - to provide an update.  The problem seems to manifest itself, in many ways, and the physical problems can lead to major organ failure -  too much or too little potassium can be life threatening... blood sugars too high or too low - cause problems, too much or too little of so many things can cause horrible symptoms that are difficult to analyze until blood and urine are tested.  All of this can be caused by taking the wrong meds - too little or too much - in the wrong combination, and results in a lengthy process to get the overall body chemistry back in normal mode..

So, please help me - in wishing our favorite blogger - a quick trip back to the keyboard, so you don't have to try and follow MY ramblings...



  1. Gosh, I am so sorry to hear that Patti is going through this. I am sending many hugs and good thoughts her way and yours and will put her in my prayers.

    Much love,

  2. I hope Patti feels better soon. Please forward my love to her.


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