Saturday, April 3, 2021

Did You Miss Me?


Friends, I'm sorry that I haven't been posting for a few days. Unlike when I'm home, and have lots of time. Being here in this facility, there are a lot of things to do, during the day. And that's a good thing, especially for me!

This facility, like most others, has a schedule. What time are the meals. What time are the activities. 

I start my morning with 30 minutes of exercise, followed by a coffee and chat. I enjoy this activity very much. The topics are varied from day to day. 

Some activities are more difficult for me. I don't have a creative bone in my body, except perhaps writing.

But, I've been trying my best. Flower arranging, painting wooden eggs, bingo, things like that.

On the first Friday of the month, you can order books from the library. My books came yesterday, and there are six of them! You have to return the books in 30 days, so my spare time is generally spent reading.

The weather I think, for the rest of the week, will be in the 60's. Short sleeve weather for sure. While I'm not generally an outside girl, if the weather really is nice, I may take my buggy and walk and soak up the sun.

I believe I'm going to start physical therapy next week. After the virus started, I decided that I didn't want to go out for my personal training. Medicare has approved my therapy 3 times a week. Who knows, maybe I'll be ready for a bikini (please don't get a mental picture of this) in time for summer.

The activities for today are over, so I have a lot of free time. Once I've walked outside this afternoon, just short of having my hip "talk" (pain) to me.  But, at least I'd be trying, which would be big for me, because I abhor exercising. Need it, but that doesn't mean I have to enjoy, or even like it.

Lunch is here, which will give me time to continue reading the last volume of the Hunger Games. This series is both interesting and definitely keeps your imagination  going.

Thought for the day:

"Life is tough, but so are you"


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