Thursday, April 22, 2021



Sorry about yesterday. Around noon yesterday, Jeff picked me up to go to the dentist (my favorite person - not), to have a look at my broken in half tooth. Remind me, should I forget, not to eat nuts. The first tooth I broke sometime back, I was eating an almond. Then this time, I was eating a walnut. I'm swearing off nuts, which is too bad, because I really like them. 

I am one of those revolving kind of patients that are in the dentist chair often. This is not a good thing. He did some work on the new hole in my head, and it will, of course, need to have work done by an oral surgeon!!! $$$$$. There goes my diamonds as a Christmas present.

We had some time to kill before the actual appointment. We went home. I felt like a stranger, I've been gone so long. My little dog, Daisy, is an anxiety peerer (is that a word), and true to her nature, peeded on the kitchen floor. I guess she was happy to see me!

Jeff had nicely recorded the funeral of Prince Phillip. We have a Tivo at home, which means you can fast forward through commercials, etc. So in the 20 minutes I had left, before the appointment, Daisy and I were able to watch the events of the funeral.

And, if I thought coming home was odd, then leaving it was even odder. I haven't been gone that long, but it feet as if I didn't belong there anymore.

I'm excited about tomorrow! The Outreach Librarian, which comes here once a month, is taking time away from her day, to bring me books - what else? I think I'm getting 15 books, and since I love books, I'm very excited. 

When I ordered my first set of books, I didn't realize that I had ordered volumes 2 or 3 from a series. Argh. Tomorrow, I'll get the first volumes, and I can't wait. Not much happening around here on the weekend, but that doesn't matter to me, just gives me more time to enjoy a book(s)!!!

Jeff is picking me up on Sunday, so that we can participate in Benjamin's 13th birthday. Since we have early appointments at Hopkins, I'm going to stay over at our house. And, that will really seem strange. At the moment, I have 4 books to give to Stacey, so she can give them to her mother. I read a book, and then I'm done. There has only been one book, that I've read and read over again, "Ladies of the Club". Don't bother to order it. Why? It's a very thick book, and everybody who has ever borrowed it, returns it back to me within a day or two. You might have one or two books, that you don't intend to give away, like ever. Well, the "ladies" is that book for me.

I looked at the news on line yesterday. I only looked at one or two current events, and then I was sad and discouraged. I really don't know what's going on, except the police officer who killed George Floyd, is going to prison. Hurrah for justice. Do you suppose that he thought he might be found not guilty? Myself, and a lot of other people, were happy that justice was served.

Jeff brought his car yesterday, but it was fairly cold outside, and sprinkling. So, top up. When we bought his car, we did so in January, and test drove it with the top down! Okay, sounds stupid, but we didn't mind the weather, and the price was reasonable. I love it, when we can ride with the top down, it's so much fun. Hint? Always bring a comb!! Unless, you're bald like Jeff. At the first part of this ugly virus, I went to the barber and had my hair cut down to mere inches from my scalp. We couldn't go out anywhere, so it made no difference to me, to have a buzz cut. The virus continued on, so I repeated this process one more time. And, then I stopped. My hair has now grown in, and it's at a very nice length for me. I don't know about you, but it takes a very long time for my hair to grow!!

Hate to run, but it's time for exercise. And, I don't ever miss exercise.

Happy Thursday. Talk to you tomorrow.


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