Sunday, April 25, 2021

 I’m going to be away tomorrow, so I’m going to blog today, so that you guys don’t think I’ve fallen through the cracks or anything.

Everybody touts the need to save and/or preserve our natural resources, water for instance.  And, I’m on board. We recycle what we can, you know, bottles, paper, etc.

I'm living in an Assisted Living facility. You’ll see where I’m going with this in a minute. My “apartment” has one of those new low flow or whatever they call it, toilet. And, it's supposed to be environmentally friendly. I'm here to tell you, that eventually, there won't be any "real" toilets. And, that will be sad. I feel like everybody should buy a real toilet now!

With this low flow toilet, because we're saving water, I don't think we are. If you flush anything liquid, works pretty well. But, if it's something beside pee, then you are in trouble! Seriously. I have had to flush the toilet four or five times before the mission is finished. I'm really having trouble understanding when I do this, we're saving water. Right? Somehow, I don't think so. But, hey what do I know. Understanding why we have new toilets, is beyond my pay range. 

Jeff is picking me up this afternoon, to go and celebrate Benjamin's 13th birthday! I'm supposed to grow old. Knowing how special Benjamin is, I'd like to keep him little, as long as I can! And, yes I know, that's not going to happen. He's already taller than me. Keeping in mind, that I'm a "bit" older then he is, and if I shrink, as time goes by. Well, at just 5 1/2 feet tall, I really can't afford to get shorter!!

On Friday, the Outreach librarian came personally to deliver books to me. I now have 15m and I've already read two! Because, it's me, I have several books that are a series. And, yours truly, didn't pay attention to that!! You can't read the other books in a series, if you haven't read the first one!!

I lost in Bingo again for the second time. Boo. My "rival" is an old lady named Doris. She is in her 90's. Her body has failed her, but her brain is working just fun. On Bingo day, she and I have to exchange "smack" talk with each other. It's a lot of fun, and I love this woman. I don't tell her that, because I don't want her ego to start growing! There are so many people here, that are older than me. Duh. Having a conversation with some people here, isn't easy. Many of the seniors here are "low talkers". They speak, you can't hear them, and they can't hear me. I do a lot of head bobbing, as if I understand what they're saying. It's the best I can do. I don't want to hurt their feelings, just because I can't hear them. Who knows, at some point in my life, it might be hard for people to hear me, is what I'm saying. 

Time for lunch. Talk to you on Tuesday.

Stay well.



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