Tuesday, April 13, 2021

The News From My Corner


Weather wise here, it's neither particularly cold or particularly hot. Dilemma? Do I put the a/c on, or the heat on. I know I'm well past hot flashes, but I'm forever changing the temperature in my room. At least, every room can control their own temperature. Thank goodness for that.

Just finished the 30 minute morning exercise class. I don't actually think I'm making much progress, but I go anyway. And, when the class is over, and I've done my best, I'm really proud of myself. Kuddos to me!

I tried to watch the ballgame last night, I can't remember if it was the Nationals or the Oriels. In the end, it didn't matter, the rain stopped the game. When I'm watching a game, I'm not really watching it, I'm doing something else, like a word search puzzle.

There is a poetry contest due by May 15th. Stacey wants me to enter a poem. And, I am working on a funny poem. Last night, before I went to sleep, I had, in my mind (dead space), a perfect set of lines. I guess in the poetry world, those lines are called stanzas. Of course, this morning, I can only remember some of the lines that I thought were kind of funny. Ah, the "benefits" of short term memory loss.

This afternoon, me and my "creative" self, are going to an activity that involves paint splattering. I have no natural talent for anything that even comes close to being called "artsy fartsy" (if that's even a word, and if it is, I don't know how to spell it!! But you get the general idea. So, if I make something for somebody, while it's not perfect, it's definitely made with love.

I wish I was home, as far as the ability to record shows. I've always had a lot of interest in the Royal Family. And, now with Prince Phillips death, I which that I could record all the events. 

Years ago, a friend of mine and I took days off to watch Prince Charles' wedding, as well as Princess Diana's funeral. Of course, one event was joyous, and the other was quite sad. Either way, they were major events in the Royal Family's life. And, the funeral this week, will definitely be historic. 

Because, I don't know if any of my neighbors read my blog, and I don't think they do, I'll carefully give you the news from the neighborhood bulletin board.

1st. There is a dead turtle in a backyard. Question? What do I do about it? Really, you can't figure this out on your own?

And, somebody has been put "on notice" that if they continue to post, what has been deemed unacceptable, they will be banned from the community bulletin board. Seriously. The threat of being banned, would make me tremble in my boots - not. And, I wonder who makes the decision about postings. Perhaps, the Wizard of Oz!! Such power, could easily go to your head!

I don't know if it's the area where we live, but it seems as if many residents, don't seem to have anything else to do, but post silly stuff, at least that's how I see it. But, that's just my opinion. And, you know what that's worth - nothing.

I've been given exercises to do in my room. And, believe it or not, I did the first set of these exercises this morning. Shocker I know. In my mind, exercise is not a word that easily comes to mind.

My lunch is here. Of course, I can't remember what I've ordered, since I ordered yesterday. But, I hope it's good.

Till tomorrow.


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