Thursday, April 29, 2021



Good morning everybody.

Today, I'm going to write about books. I read, and likely you do as well. But, when I say I read, I mean that, whenever possible, I'm never without a book. 

When reading a book, you can become anybody, anywhere, rich or poor, beautiful or not so much.

As a teenager, every time we moved, which was a lot, since Dad was in the Air Force. When shopping was done in the PX, while my parents went in one direction. Me? Oh, that's easy - books!

I don't actually remember, but I'd like to think that there was a library of some sort on every base, where Dad was assigned. 

As a teenager, I was in trouble more than once, while telling Mom, that I would come and do "x" chore, as soon as I finished the chapter. Oh, and then the next.....

And, then before I knew it, I was an adult. I now had control of what and how many books to read. Our spare room, has books on three shelves. I do not want to ever run out of books.

At the assisted living facility, where I live now, the local library has an "Outreach" program. They come on the first Friday of the month. You can return the books you've read, and pick up new books also.

Here's the thing. I have 15 books in my room at the present. But, what I don't have, is all of the series. I need book one, or three, etc.

The book that I finished yesterday, somebody had the nerve, in my opinion, to write things on more than one page. Why, would you do that? I don't write anything in the books that I own. And, I don't know why people feel the right or need to underline, and/or write in the margins of books that belong to the library. Obviously, it doesn't take anything away from the story. But still, why mark up a book that doesn't belong to you? It's not likely that you'll read the book again. The markings in a book, I have to read. One of the problems is, what to make sense of the writings. Give me a clue. I read and reread a page with markings, several times. I don't see the reason for either the markings, or the underlining. My thought is: you don't own this book, so I believe you have no right to do your "own thing" to the pages. Of course, this may just be the ranting of an old woman - me!

The library bus comes next Friday. While I've got lots of books to read, I'm expecting to receive books that complete a series. I can't read book two, if I haven't read book one! That just makes sense to me.

It's about time for exercise class. After my physical therapy sessions yesterday, I have a stiff and sore back. I also had a memory session, and it went better than last time, but still not at 100%. I'll work hard, but hope in the weeks to come, that I'll make progress with each new session. One of the OCD strategies, that the therapist has given me, is to write down on a piece of paper, where things are in my room. Things like: glasses in cup on my desk, puzzle books in top drawer of the dresser. Stuff like that. She has even made me a small list of things that I can check off one time, rather than checking multiple times. The list is primarily for me to check off, that I know I already have, glasses, mask, my wallet, etc. The deal is, that when I have checked off each box, then I'm not supposed to go back through my purse. I know what I have with me. I hope this works. I'll let you know how this works. 

Have to close, time for exercise class.

See you tomorrow.


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