Monday, April 12, 2021



It's a Monday, but I had to look! How sad is that? I've said it before, and I'll say it again, once you're no longer working, you forget not only the date, but what day of the week it is. You'll see for yourself some day. Who knows what technology might be like in the future. Maybe, we'll have something like Alexa, who will tell you the news, weather, date, day of the week, etc. When I think about this, two things come to mind, (a) how annoying that might be, or (b) how intrusive this will become.

Jeff came on Saturday, for the one hour visit. It's a long way for him to come, and I appreciate that he did. He fixed my computer, so that it now works like it should. You know, where's a geek when you need one?

He also brought me the remote for my little colored globe, I guess you could call it that. I have set it so that the globe, keeps changing colors all the time. That might annoy some people, but for me, this makes for a great night light. And, during the day, it just cheers me up.

Last night at dinner, other residents told me, that you are not supposed to keep your door open, even for an inch or so. I call this bull shit (sorry for the language). I didn't think I was, but have discovered that I'm a little bit catastrophic. Who knew? Oh, back to dinner, those who have lived here for a long time, tell me that your apartment door is never supposed to be open, even for just an inch or two. Well, I've been here a month, and nobody has said anything about this to me. I like seeing and hearing people in the hallway, so I don't feel isolated. If, this becomes an issue, then I'll have to pull up my big girl panties, to state my argument. Hope it doesn't come to that. But, again I say, for the amount of money this is costing Jeff, then I should be able to leave the damn door open, if that's what I want to do.

I'm going to ask Jeff to record all things Prince Phillip. I've always had an interest in the royal family, and the funeral coming up, is definitely going to be on television. Since, I'm having trouble with the Xfinity remote, the chances of me find the right station, and the right time, will not be possible. I'm lucky if I can even find a ball game to watch! 

If I do happen to stumble on a ball game, I really don't watch, I just like the "white noise" in the background. I generally have a large word search book in my lap. I no longer look for the actual words, nope, I go rouge and look for all the other words I can find. This is good brain exercise, or at least I hope so. I need all the help I can get.

I check the weather every day, basically so I'll know what to wear. Today, a bit on the cool side, so long sleeves. I love being able to control the temperature in my room. I go from needing a little heat, to needing more air conditioning! And, I'm not even going through that old lady business, because that ship has sailed a long time ago!

Last night at dinner, I bit down on something very hard. Two hundred dollars, if you know what it was. If you said a tooth, ding ding, you're a winner. Jeff's going to make an appointment at the dentist, but since I'm not in any kind of pain, I told him no rush. I generally don't like smiling, and now with part of my tooth missing, I really don't smile. When I do see the dentist, I really want to talk about what can we do for my upper teeth. It seems like, to me anyway, that on more than one occasion, a tooth seems to just fall out. I know it's not quite like that, but this is my second tooth that has broken off. And, the good news about the masks, is that nobody can see what's behind the mask, including missing teeth.

I have a lot of spare time, so I read and, at the moment, try to write a funny poem. 

Stacey, was kind enough, to take me to the local library, for books (of course). I came away with I think ten or more books. That should hold me for a while. There is a library outreach program that comes on the first Friday of every month. Since I've read all of the books I received on the first of April, I needed new books. At the moment, I think I have perhaps 12 books in my room. Activities that I participate in, take away from reading. When I moved here, I told Jeff that I just wouldn't stay in my room, and I don't. Generally, there are at least two activities that I participate in every day. One activity that I don't go to, is a documentary film and discussion. Definitely not my cup of tea.

I don't know if I mentioned it, and apologize if this is not new news. I do my very best with my limited memory. I bought from CVS, a pair of reading glasses. Okay, so what's the big deal? I bought a pair of reading glasses that are tinted blue. I wanted to try tinted glasses, to see if they make a difference when I read. And, oh boy do they ever.  I'm here to tell you, that they are amazing. I definitely use them when I'm reading, and it makes such a difference. Every now and again, I take the glasses off, to see how effective they are. Happy to say that my "blue" glasses make a huge difference, at least when I'm reading.

Stacey, wants me to enter a poem in a poem contest. First prize is $65.00 and bragging rights. I have seriously been working on my poem, add this, take away that, that's how it works. I have written several stanza's, who knew that a break in a poem even had a name. I always thought a break in the poem, was more like a "writing cramp" issue. There's stuff in my head, all I have to do is get on paper! Wish me luck. Once I've finished said poem, I'll put it in a blog. But, don't hold your breath while waiting for this poem. Creativity just doesn't suddenly pop into your head! It takes time, and also some breaks from what you're trying to write.

It's a sunny day here. I hope there is sunshine in your neighborhood. Talk to you tomorrow.


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