Friday, April 9, 2021

Sorry - Missed a Day


Guys, I'm sorry about yesterday. But, this girl had a busy day, and paying for it now.

You can only a visitor for one hour in your apartment. But, after that, you're free to leave the premises, just have to let the staff know you're leaving. It's not like prison, but I really can't say, well because I've never been in prison!

A few weeks ago, Stacey and I bought these lovely pink and lavender sheer curtains for my room. She managed to get the hooks into the wall, but then our hour was up. She's going to try and make an appointment with me for next week, so she can put the curtains up. This is something that Jeff could easily do, but between curtains and my computer, guess which one is more important? If, you said computer, then you'd be right! My computer is my world. Can I blog for you guys, do my research on anything. Oh, where was all this technology, when I was in high school, and had to use an encyclopedia for your research. For you younger folk, those books were are "research", our only research. Think what we could have written, if today's technology was available back then. If, you don't know what an encyclopedia is, then look it up on the internet!

Stacey and I shopped, I think our final shop, for little bits and pieces. I did find, and bought (thank you Jeffrey), a bright purple folding table, that is almost the same height as my computer table. At the moment, I'm using the table to hold some extra things that I had on my computer desk. Very, very handy, and a wonderful color too!!!

Here's a tip for you. They make glasses with a blue tint. I bought a pair for reading, and if you don't think they're working, just take the glasses off, and you'll see how white the page is. I don't use them for my computer, but since I read so much, they are a wonderful gift to myself!!

Stacey took me to the library yesterday for me to pick up my books on hold. I didn't count, but I think there was ten. I'm never lonely, if I have a book. Well, almost never lonely.

Jeff and Bella are visiting on Saturday. During his one hour appointment in my room, I'm hoping, actually I know he can, "fix" what I've managed to mess up!! Which is practically everything, as it relates to me, which is nothing new. Because unfortunately, I do this all the time. Hit a button there, or change a setting, and I'm off to the rabbit hole!

Stacey and I also went to WalMart, and I did a lot of walking. And, I did sit on my buggy periodically. The result? I can hardly move this morning, and told the physical therapist, we'd have to start again on Monday. I even cancelled my participation for Bingo this afternoon. Since there is a waiting list to play Bingo, I've made somebody happy.

Sad news for me, that Prince Phillip has passed away, at the age of 99 I think. I think that most of you don't follow the Royal Family, but they have fascinated me for years. The Queen and the Prince were married for more than 70 years. That's a long life, not only for his age, but for how long they were married.

I think that's all for today. See you back here on Monday. Have a wonderful weekend.


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