Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Happy Birthday Jeffrey!!


Today is Jeffrey's 72nd birthday. We have celebrated our birthdays generally, with just a card. Or, sometimes, because we are so sentimental, we browse the birthday cards. We find one, and read it to each other. Doesn't make Hallmark happy, but their cards, aren't cheap.

While Jeff and I were dating, I didn't make much money. There was definitely no commas in my paycheck.  Groceries, utilities and child care, just about emptied out my money in the bank. The average wage in 1974 was $11,000. Looking back, I don't know how we survived.

Jeff was a blind date, that my Dad and his Sister arranged. It could have gone wrong in so many ways. But, it didn't, and here I am writing about Jeffrey's 72nd birthday.

Jeffrey knew I had a dress on lay-a-way at a local store. He paid the remaining balance.

We went to the grocery store together. I was, due to a lack of funds, looking for dented cans, food, like bread, for instance. I had to feed myself, and my son. So the pickings in a grocery store, for me were minimal. While shopping, Jeffrey kept adding a lot of things, in his cart. When it was time to check out, and I saw all the things in his cart, I told him that I definitely couldn't pay for all that food. No worries, Jeffrey put my minimal amount of groceries in his cart. At that point, he was my hero, even though he didn't wear a cape!! But, he quickly became my significant other, and he is still today.

Our honeymoon was in San Francisco. It was September, and for people who lived in the southern part of the state, they we're still wearing shorts. 

During the days we spent there, it was definitely coat and gloves time. I truly can't remember if we found and bought, gloves. I didn't enjoy jumping on and off the trolley. Even back then, I was a whimp (however you spell it). 

After we spent a few days in Frisco, Jeff told me that with the money we hadn't spent, he would buy me a real washer and dryer. I know people, that appliances can be touchy as a gift, but, for me, it was like receiving diamonds. I kid you not I'll tell you why. In my first life, I had a wringer washing machine. It looked very similar to the picture below. You basically had to fill the tub with water and soap, then rinse. Are you tired yet? After you had rung out your clothes by hand, then you put the clothes through the wringer. I learned early on, that buttons needed to be inside a shirt, or there would be less buttons. But wait, it gets better - then you had to put the wet clothes on a close line and pin them up. Basically, it was a whole day project. And, then if you weren't too tired, then ironing came into the picture

We bought our house, and lived in it for 32 years or so. It was small, but so was the mortgage! With the help of friends and family, It was no big deal, for Jeffrey and his friends, to take on a project, generally on the weekend, and you know how well that works out, when the stores weren't open. Remember, this was a long time ago. A window was put in place, and it drastically made a difference.

I could go on and on, about the life we've lived. The experiences we've had, and the highs and lows, just like everybody has. We think of our life, as two people in a row boat, and we're both rowing, in the same direction, as it should be.

Our vows, like everybody else, say for good or bad. At this point in our life, I'm afraid that Jeffrey got the short end of the stick. And, for this, I apologize. It's not easy being around, and having to help somebody with a mental issue, 24/7. I know having to care for a person like me, is not an easy task. Which is one of the reasons, I'm living in an assisted living facility, at least for now. Jeffrey knows that I'll be safe here, meet people and participate in activities. And, I promised him, that I would leave my room, and I do.

Last but not least, but this man has been my best friend and supporter through all of these years.

Happy Birthday Jeffrey. Love you.


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