Tuesday, May 4, 2021

I've Been Busy!!


Sorry about missing you guys for a few days. Please forgive me. I'm retired you know, and my days can get pretty busy. You exercise, paint with water colors, physical therapy. and of course, reading!!!

The library on wheels is coming this Friday. I am returning 12 books, and in return, getting 14. When I first ordered books, I wasn't paying too much attention to the order of each series. Yesterday, I spent time, actually quite a bit of time, going through the books I haven't read. And, I haven't read them because I'm missing a book in the series! You would think that a book lover like myself, would be able to think about selecting books in line! Apparently not. But, on Friday, all should be okay in the book world.

I've had two outings. Of course, I can't remember which one, if any, I have chatted about. Please bear with me, if I've already shared my "news" with you before. Um, I really don't remember.

First, was Benjamin's 13th birthday. He is now taller than Mom-Mom (me). Benjamin is growing up way too fast for me. I keep looking for that little toddler, who used to scramble up onto my lap. But, life goes on. And, as Benjamin has aged, yours truly has as well. 

We had burgers, etc. Stacey, hung different masks from their dining room chandelier. Very unique. Jeff's best friend's wife, a doctor, from Alaska, is in town to take care of her brother. And, to present a paper, the subject of which, escapes me at the moment. Benjamin received many gifts, which included a new laptop, and some kind of electronic gadget that he had asked PopPop to buy. I don't remember what it was, or does, but in any case, Benjamin loved it.

Last Saturday, Andrew took me to Scott's house, to celebrate his 41st birthday. Wendy made real sour dough bread, it was so good, that I could have made a meal just eating the bread.

She also made a chocolate ice cream cake, with caramel on the top. It was past delicious. My mouth wanted another slice, but my brain "kicked" in, and told me that I didn't need another slice. And, the brain was right.

I got back to my room at midnight. Unlike most nights, when I really don't want to go to bed, I was glad to be in bed, and fell asleep in minutes. I also took a nap on Sunday.

Jeff sent me, a box of art supplies. A large set of watercolors, brushes, thick stock paper and pens filled with paint. I have already painted my first painting. It reminds me of geodes, where the rock is open and inside are beautiful colored rocks. I painted a version of that. And, from my point of view, is beautiful!! We have painting class today, so I can't wait to show it to Sandy, our instructor.

Yesterday, not only did I have my usual morning exercise class, but a combined session in the afternoon of occupation and physical therapy. I ended the day, feeling pretty happy with myself - as far as exercising went.

While "watching" a baseball game, I was actually doing more reading. I have four books left from last month to read. Two of the books are really thick, so I might not finish all of the books. Trust me, I'll try.

Weather in the 80's today. I don't go outside, even for a short walk. I use my buggy when I go outside, but I have a real fear of falling. Inside the building, I walk on my own two feet, and don't seem to have any fear of falling. Maybe, because it's carpet rather than asphalt!

Time to close. Have to get ready for exercise class. I haven't missed a day since I've been here. There are generally 7 women who come most, if not, all of the time. We call ourselves the Magnificent Seven. We have a wellness goal for May. You know what that really means? Um, weight loss is a huge part of that. 

I've already started with eating and drinking high protein foods. I reached my first goal, 50 pounds in a year. I have a scale in my room, and I weigh twice a day. I have a two pound window, as far as numbers go. With two cakes in a week, I'm um a little past my window (sigh). This morning, I ate only one waffle and one piece of bacon. When I think back to my high protein diet, I was never really hungry. And, if I'm not hungry, I once was disciplined enough, to stop eating, Worked before and it can work again. 

Have a wonderful day. Chat with you tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that you are busy and enjoying yourself. And you paint! it's fun, right? and it gives you peace. Love, M


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