Saturday, May 29, 2021

Lost A Few Days!


Yep, it's me. Lost a few days there, sorry about that. But, once you have had a tooth removed, you're not feeling very spry. I know, I know, I never really was. But, as they say, that ship has sailed!

This week, because I didn't have any fun scheduled, I went to see the oral surgeon to have a part of my tooth removed. Twice, while eating nuts, almonds and walnuts, has ended in a tooth disaster. Teeth disasters unfortunately cost money, and if you're having an implant, which I did, there is also a waiting period of a few months, before the process ends. In the meantime, I have a hole in my mouth - looks really good I assure you - not!

At this facility, like others I suppose, you learn as you go. I think I've been here for 3 months or so. I have put my finished tray on the floor near the door. And, that's been okay. Today, I was told that my tray is supposed to be on the counter. And, nobody told me this, why? Don't put your dirty laundry outside your room, until bedtime on Friday night. Again, learned on my own. Have to sign up for activities in a binder at the front desk. That, like everything else, self taught. A new resident handbook would be very useful to new people coming in.

Yesterday, we learned that on the first of June, everybody would eat in the dining room, with a few exceptions, being sick is one of those. If you want to eat in your room, it will cost you $8.00 every time you eat in your room. I didn't in the past, liked to go in the dining room. Large tables, and people who can't hear you, and I can't hear them. I like, correction, I love reading. And, if I eat in my room, I can eat and read, which I enjoy. But there is no way that I'm going to incur yet an additional fee for Jeff to pay.

They told us yesterday, that the front doors would now be locked at 5:00. You could have heard the uproar from far away. I've been out after the door was locked. You press a button, and they let you in. When I am going to away for the day, I leave a note at the front desk, letting them know when I think I'll be back.

Several opinions yesterday, were along the lines of living in a prison. I think that's a stretch of their imagination. You do, need to play nice in the sand box, but that could be said of any place where old people live. After retiring, I have lived my life in a rut, if you will. New things that I need to learn how to use definitely doesn't fall into my rut. Neither does appointments. Things like this, upset my routine, and that doesn't make me happy. How do I put this in a word or two, most anything that is out of my norm, gives me anxiety.

If you don't suffer from anxiety, or any of the other mental problems, then it's likely that you don't understand how debilitating living with being mental, really is. 

I'm still thinking about, what kind of pet I could have in my room, that wouldn't require a lot of upkeep. Since I don't really walk well, having a dog is probably too much for me. I'm still thinking about a low maintenance animal, a cat perhaps.

I hope you're having or going to have a nice weekend. It's  pretty gloomy outside, at the moment. Maybe the sun will come out later.

Talk to you next week.


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