Monday, May 17, 2021

Nothing Big Happening Here


Weekends here at the "old folks" facility, are slow. I mean there are no planned activities for Saturday and Sunday. And, the sad truth is, that since our Engagement Director left, we are getting a minimal amount of activities during the day. Or, for most of our days now, there is really very little reason to even leave your room. 

You know the drill. Put an ad (probably something electronic these days) asking for an Activities Director. Oh, and must enjoy working with older people. Even if they found Mary Poppins today, there's the interviewing, reference checking, and perhaps a background check. I'm not sure about that last one. In my mind, I would be surprised if we had a new activity person in 30 days.

Yesterday afternoon, I took the buggy out for a loop around the parking lot. One of the ladies from our exercise class joined me. It was very nice to have company. This wasn't a power walk, but definitely could be cataloged as exercise. We talked about the quality of the food. When I first came here, I thought the food was okay, but lately I've not been too impressed. A piece of meat, which I must have ordered, that might have been fish or a pork something? Took a bite, didn't like it, and left the rest of the meal largely untouched. But, on the other hand, the desserts are very good. And, I do like my sugar.

We normally get a daily bulletin, letting us know which activities you want to sign up for. For the last few days, we haven't received our daily "what to do" list. After breakfast, I'll go down to the lobby to see if there are any activities today.

The library bus won't be here again until the 4th of June. I have been ordering more "lady" books. I'm a bit burned out, at the moment, reading about galaxies, monsters, and flying beasties, etc.

It's likely that I will have physical therapy today. Still working on that balance issue. I can't decide, whether I'm making some/any progress on that issue.

Jeff is very busy, with work, the usual paperwork - bills, taxes, etc. All boring things. Plus, customers (clients?) want him to be available 24/7. When I even think about going home in a few months, I know that his work circumstances likely will not have changed. I believe he likes what he does. Trouble is there just isn't enough hours in a day for him. Reasonably so, he's tired. and I understand.

Went down this morning to see if there were any activities for today. There was a morning exercise class, but I didn't go. I was sitting in the lobby, talking to an interesting man. I preferred conversation over exercise every time!

An example of the idiocy about living in a facility -- I have a wheel on my rollator that has tilted away from the frame. I called to ask for Victor to come and fix the wheel. Wait for it. Her answer was that Victor, handyman, wouldn't be able to fix it. That this was a job for the physical therapists! Here's what I do know. I'm not taking the rollator outside, until the wheel is fixed. The last thing I want and/or need is to have a problem with the wheel when I'm outside walking. I'm trying to keep my falling record down to one a month. So, I've met my fall requirements for May!!

I wish I had new news to write about. Sadly, I don't. Basically, I live in a fish bowl, which is, at the moment, good for me. I do check up on the news every few days. 

I'm going to admit that I'm lonely. But, having an actual pet, is a lot of work. Walk the dog, clean the kitty litter, stuff like that, doesn't appeal to me. 

Time for my "head clearing" session for this week. Before talking to Dr. H, I prepare a list of things we need, or I need, to talk about. 

Have to close. Maybe, I'll actually have something to talk about tomorrow. Have a good day.


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