Saturday, May 22, 2021

New Things - Old Habits

 5/19/2021 now it's 5/20/21and now 22!

If you know me well, and I think most of you do. Then, you'll understand that I like things just the way they are. Thank you very much. I don't, for the most part, want or feel the need to switch things around. They call this a rut. Or, perhaps it's just an old woman disorder!!

Today, hasn't been my best day. I went to exercise class, and that was fine. Now, several days, later, I don't remember what was bad about Tuesday. It wouldn't matter if I sat here until next Tuesday - it's already gone.


Still no activity director. No exercise class in the morning, and the afternoon activity was a word search puzzle. I can do this all on my own. I have half of a drawer filled with this kind of puzzles. I stayed in my room, because I was heavily involved with a book. And I know that surprises nobody!

In the afternoon, they came and removed our Xfinity boxes. They replaced them with Direct TV. The basic package with Direct TV doesn't include sports. So, there goes my watching and/or listening to ball games at night. Victor told me that if everybody in the facility voted to pay for sports channels, then we could have those channels. I'm thinking why bother? There is no way on earth, that people here are going to pay, I think, $34.00 a month, just so that I can watch baseball games. Apparently, if only I wanted to pay for more channels, that doesn't seem likely that's it's going to happen. Everyone pays for their room, and the monthly rent is not cheap. Then, what I don't under- stand is, if Jeff pays the monthly charge for extra channels, why would that bother anyone? I told Victor (handyman sort of) that what I wanted, and won't hurt anybody, why would it matter if I paid for extra channels. For the last few nights, and using the Direct TV remote, which is very easy to use, and operates much like our Tivo remote, I've been able to find movies that I actually watched more, and read less. This movie, in particular, had several actors when they were young, and probably just starting thir careers. Bill Paxton is one, of those actors. When Jeff and I talked last night, about Paxton, we both remember watching him on a show, but neither of us could remember the name of that show! Wikipedia, swoops in, to provide answers. He was in a movie called Big Love and a show called Training Day.

Since the best thing for me mentally, is to have mostly everything remain the same, any changes, minor or major, bother me a great deal. I'm sure that most, if not all of you, don't have this particular problem. And, you're lucky, I assure you.

My strap on my buggy, which you pull on broke the other day. Again, yet another call for Victor and Morris. After they turned the buggy over, Victor came up with an idea for fixing the strap, so it won't break in the future. And Victor assured me that with his new fix, the strap won't come off again. Now, all I have left to do, is to ask Jeff to look at the right wheel. Perhaps, when myself and the rollator fell, it's possible that it might, and likely is, the reason the tire is leaning in toward the frame. I've been assured that the rollator will still work fine. But, with nerves like mine, which are frayed at the edges, as they almost are, I'd just feel safer if the wheel was straight like all the others. We're taking the rollator home with us, so that Jeff can assure me that this slightly bent wheel is not going to break off, or something similar. If he says it's okay, I'll return to walking with it.

My fear of falling, has become an absolute fear for me. For most people, probably all of you, don't worry about this issue at all. For me though, when I have already, fallen twice and stumbled more times than I can count, falling is on my mind. My doctor wants me to use those socks they give you in the hospital, that have the grip dots on the bottom. We're supposed to wear shoes, but my "discussion" will be, that this kind of sock, is safer for me, rather than shoes. I don't know if I can win this battle. I have told Jeff that you do have to pick your battles. Getting ice with each meal, only took a month! Not bad. Asking for milk, other than whole milk, has only taken a few weeks, And so it goes on and on.

At Bingo yesterday, several ladies complained that they didn't have books to read. I offered that I had 6 books, that I have read. I told the ladies I don't want the books back. They asked me to put the books by my door. By bedtime yesterday, the books were still there. Now, they are back in my room.

Before any activity, I bring along my very large print word search book. One lady asked if I had an extra in my room. I told her that I didn't have any other books like mine. But, I did have a very small book of puzzles. She literally asked if I had another book like mine. I told her, look for word search puzzle books on Amazon. In my "stash", I have 9 more puzzle books, but they are very small in size, compared to the one I am using now. 

Jeff is coming to pick me up on the 26th to stay for two nights. During my visit, I'll go and have the "girls" checked out, and see the oral surgeon to start the process of yet another implant. Other than the huge expense, somewhere around $50,000, I could have all new teeth. I won't lie, other than the expense, it would be wonderful to have very nice-looking teeth, for once in my life.

I am now supposed to start wearing those nasty compression socks. You know the white ones they give you in the hospital. I may need to wear socks, but they don't have to be boring. The socks that I ordered are anything but plain. There are stripes, dots, and other colorful designs on black socks. Will they "go" with anything I wear, doubtful. Do I care? Not in the least.

It's the weekend, and life is more boring than usual. Today's only activity is a walk to collect money for Parkinson's disease. We have several people in the building, that have advanced Parkinson's. I won't be walking, (a) it's supposed to be hot today; and (b) it's likely that I couldn't keep up. I know, excuses right? Everybody needs one or two!

I guess I'm finished. This has been an involving blog. Hopefully, this won't happen again.

Have a good weekend, and if it's hot where you are, stay inside!


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