Sunday, June 18, 2017

Sunday 6/18 GUEST again

Hi, Guest typist again - trying to be a good enough secretary to pass muster.

Patti wrote: (Typist's Note: there is no date on the page, however, I believe this was started on Friday)

Let me tell you about my day.  First, it was donut day for breakfast.   Everybody was given ONE donut.   Mine was a blueberry cake donut, and it was delicious.  Small quietly pleasure (sic), and heaven knows I need some pleasure.

Then I went to therapy for an hour with the walker.  I did 63 steps.  Round trip for walking is 83 steps, so, not bad for my first time.  Then, I had 15 minutes if arm cycling, I didn't make any record, but I hung in there for the full 15 minutes.  After therapy, I saw the doctor again and he adjusted the time I get my pills.

After getting a pain pill, I laid doen on my bed, until the "leg God" calmed down.  I hate making the "leg God" unhappy!

While I was resting, the discharge people came to see me.  Jeff will be so proud of me, - I stood my ground.  I told them, I wasn't going anywhere until I could climb up and down the stairs and take a shower.  The shower thing might require some help from somebody.

Lunch was pretty good I had an egg salad sandwitch, but only ate the salad.  No need for bread.

When I came back to my room, a nursing aid took me down, and gave me a shower.  Not a wet washcloth for my face.  No, she washed my hair, and most of my body.  I washed thr "nether" parts of my body.  I came back a happy camper!

They are doing manicures this afternoon, and I am going to try and get one.

My friend Angela is coming today for a visit, and I asked her bring a disposal razor so that I could rid myself of my "winter coat" of hair.  I know you ladies understand.  As for you men, I know you DON'T understand.  Something about Mars and Venus.  I am trying to schedule face waxing.  Again, you fellows don't know what the big deal facial hair is on a women's face.  If I had blond hair, the "whiskers" wouldn't be so noticeable but alas, I'm a brunette, and my facial hair is dark and I hate having these unwanted hairs on my face.

Manicures are being done at 2:00 and I am going to try and ger one.  A day of pampering is good for a women's spirit.  Good News, the manicures are free, Yahoo! (or maybe not, we will wait and see).  The manicure was lovely and now my fingers are oainted a very nice color, abd tesm U can sense all the men rolling their eyes!

Friday Evening:
My Good friend Angela came to visit and we enjoyed a good long chat.  She also brought me some disposal razors do that I could shave my legs.  Again, too much information for you guys, but women understand.

Angela brought me a little pot of yellow flowers - not exactly sure what kine, they are, but they do brighten up my room.

Sat. AM:
I ate breakfast alone, as none of my new lady friends came in.  I'll take down a crossword puzzle book at lunch.

There is one table filled with really old women.  I'd rather eat alone because I have nothing in common with these ladies.

Just now, for some reason, everybody asks me constantly if I feel sucidal.  I assure them  I am not.  My door has to remain open at all times.

My new lady friend left today, and it made me very sad.  When she came to say goodbye, she had written out her address on a slip of paper.  I had done exactly the same thing for her!

The doctor came in and told me that I was a little anemic and he is giving me B-12 pills, since I have not been outside much.  I told hime that people were talking about discharge.  He told me that I did not need to worry about discharge right now.

Sunday AM:
Late yesterday afternoon, a lady I met when I was having my manicure, stopped by to see me.  Ilene returned my People magazine that I had loaned her.  But, that was not all she brought me.  Apparently there is some kind of store on the campus, where everything is free.  She picked out a beautiful (really beautiful!) lace blouse for me.. Price tag still on this NEW item on thje blouse is $54.00.  the blouse fits like a dream, and I thanked her many times.. Next week, she and I are heading to store for "retail therapy"!.  She says they have everything from scarves to coats and any other item you could wish for.  And it is all free!! (ed note - when something appears too good to be true, it probably is)

My good friend Sharon came to visit me yesterday afternoon.  She and I had a very nice visit.  She has recently been to Colorado and while she was there, she bought a lovely amethyst necklace.  Very unique and I can definitely see why she bought it.  They gave me my pills early, so I was slurring my speech before she left 😟.  I sounded like a Saturday night drunk!.

This morning, I went down for breakfast armed with my crossword puzzle book.  I ate alone, which was fine by me. 

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Guest Blogger again 6/15/17

Hi all, I am back - the less than functional secretary - and care giver (this is a difficult job - don't ever let anyone tell you it is not difficult)

Patti is now in the Asbury Methodist rehab center - in Gaithersburg.  She wrote out the following:

Unfortunately, Jeff had to take three days off to care for me.  And, just for the record, I am NOT a good patient. (Shocker!) And using the potty chair is easy to use, but no the way I want to live my life.  It will be a read letter day when I can "WALK" to the bathroom.

You don't know how nice things are, until you can't do them anymore.

It has been weeks since I have slept in a bed - and NO, hospital beds don't count.  Sure you can raise and lower the bed but is gets old after a while.

My stay with Andy and Stacey made a lot of work for them.  Once I returned home, I returned to my recliner (ugh) and my potty chair (double ugh!)  Since it appears I am not safe on my own, Jeff has taken 3 days off to care for me.  

Hear is what I do know - that I am going to have an awesome scar!  Today we went to Hopkins to have my staples and sutures taken out (Yipee!)  My appt was at 9:30 but we didn't actually get into a room until much later.  After the appointment, I gave in and told Jeff that I knew now (slow learner) that I needed to go to the rehab, and before Jeff could take a breath, the Asbury rehab center called and said they they had a bed ready for me. 

After gathering up some clothes, crossword puzzle books, I reluctantly went to Asbury.  I am very impressed with the staff and the facility.  It is a private room with pictures on the wall, and there is a real lamp on the side table.  I even have a bedspread!  There is very little medical equipment in the room.  The nurses came in to get me in my "jammies" and gave me a warm soapy wash cloth so I could wash my face - Lovely!

(Typist's note - the hand written note ends here)

The did move Patti to a new room already - not sure exactly why, but now in room 129.  When I went to visit this evening, she was fussing that the TV in her room did not work - and two different technicians tried and failed last night to make it work.  I climbed up on the chair, unplugged it... waited 10 seconds, and plugged it back in - now works fine...

She indicated that  she had a GOOD chat with the facility doctor, went over her situation, medications etc. and HE suggests, that she needs to have her lower spine looked at... so we will see what happens next.


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Day Two Being Home


I'm now on day two of being home.  Mind you, I'm not alone at home.  Jeff had to take yesterday and tomorrow off to be my "Nurse Cratchet"!  (just kidding) Since I have a super early appointment tomorrow to remove the stitches, it's likely he'll be with me again tomorrow.

A visiting nurse came yesterday and we went through all the preliminary questions about my care. It was the nurse's professional opinion that I could not remain alone in the house, for safety reasons.  While I didn't like his opinion, I knew it was the right one.  His argument was that if the house was on fire, would I be able to get out of the house.  Smartly, I told him of course.  Realistically, probably not.

I try to be a very good patient, and truthfully I'm not good at being one!  (Huge understatement here).  Jeff has plenty on his plate and doesn't need me nagging him about: "did you do this", "how about that", who was on the phone?"  Well you get the idea.

One of my pills, and it's hard to say which one, causes my mouth to become try.  I'm not talking a little dry, nope, I'm talking Sahara Desert dry.  Ice water has become my new table side companion, unfortunately.  

Today, I would like to do a "spit and wash" kind of washing up, and put on some new clothes.  My hair?  It's a fright.  With my hair standing up on edge, I'm pretty sure I could scare small children on Halloween!  Just saying.

The words "rehab center" are being banted (not a word but sounds good) around.  From a safety standpoint, I'd be better off someplace where I could receive constant care as well as PT to help get myself better.  I may have to give in and do some "time" outside of the house.  But, when they discharged me from the hospital, I was just so homesick that I couldn't wait to get back to the house. Still safety will precede my being homesick every time.

Okay, my duration at my desk is now over.  More tomorrow.


Monday, June 12, 2017

I'm Back

Cuzilu here.  Yes, really it's me.  I have been released from the hospital because after the surgery, they felt that they couldn't do anything more for me.  Because Jeff was going out of town to do some airplane stuff, Jeff picked me a "to go" bag and rounded the girls up in the car and off to Virginia we went.

The girls got along famously with Andrew's dogs, although there were a number of potty training accidents (insert unhappy face here).  I was well cared for at their house, but because I'm stubborn and have an "I can do this by myself" attitude, I fell twice.  Okay, so perhaps I can't do everything.

I am eligible for home care and a nurse came out to see me and talk to Jeff and I about my continuing care.  I am, at this point in time, really useless.  Obviously, I can't walk so I hobble around with my rollator, which just now allowed me to get close enough to my office chair to chat with all of you for a minute.

Stitches are supposed to come out on Wednesday, which isn't going to change anything much for me, as the actual incision isn't particularly painful.  But, I'll have an awesome scar on the back of my leg!  

Jeff is working very, very hard to take care of me.   And, I on the opposite end of my care make things more difficult for him, than I need/should.  You know those wedding vows: richer, poorer, sickness and in health.  There was nothing in those vows that said anything about emptying out my "porta potty" each morning.  That particular chore is asking a lot of a person, and hopefully I will be able to "walk" more or less and get myself to the bathroom.  Baby steps people, baby steps.

While in the hospital, busy being a blob in my hospital bed, I found a television show called "Street Outlaws".  Now why I binged on that show, I cannot say.  It's like watching an accident and you can't look away.  These guys race mostly for money (a lot of money) and race each other down an unused road and hope and pray that the police don't show up!  Anyway, I love the bravado that each of these drivers have and the amount of money they can and do put up for a race.  Sometimes, that number has a "comma".  I think I would probably kill Jeff if he came home one day and said casually, "oh by the way, I lost $5,000 today on a race".  Of course, I'd sing a different tune if he said that he had won $5,000.  

Well, while I enjoy being back at the keyboard, my leg is telling me to get my "hinney" (however you spell it, back to my chair and continue watching cheesy television.

Thank you all for reading Jeff's guest blogs.  I was afraid that if you didn't "hear" from me, you might wander away to somebody else's blog, and we can't have that, can we?  More tomorrow.


Monday, June 5, 2017

Guest - quick update - 6/5/17

Jeff here - as GUEST blogger again
Just a quick update for the followers - Early Monday afternoon.

Patti had knee surgery to remove the Baker's cyst on Friday.  We assume the surgery was successful.  I say this, because, we have NOT yet spoken to anyone from Orthopedics - There was a quick update to Patti's electronic medical chart - telling the nurse to change the bandages.  She of course did that, and the drain, has gone from a bit red - to now clear - (they tell me this is goodness).

Patti did get up and walk a bit with the walker and a nurse to assist.  Down to the end of the hall and back - a couple of times to the recliner - and a couple of times to the potty chair.

This is of course a HUGE improvement from could not walk at all...
She is still in a significant amount of pain, not all from the surgery in the knee... still the lower calf and foot.

I have encouraged here to use the pain meds - and spend her efforts on getting better - and STOP fretting about the logistics of her care.  We (the family and friends) will tend to our part - SHE must spend the effort that we CAN NOT supply, to do the excercises, and take care of and advocate for herself.  She tends to be "too nice - don't want to make any extra work or effort for the staff" to which I am asking to ADVOCATE FOR YOURSELF - to make sure the meds come on time, and when you NEED something - don't hesitate to ask, and be forceful if required.  Not, NASTY, but simply forceful enough to get things accomplished.

More as I learn later this evening.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Guest - continued 6/1/2017

Hi, again, Jeff here - being the paid typist for my bride
Again she has written out a LONG bog in longhand.... I will do my best

First of June already - really?
Time just flies by when you're having fun!  When you're stuck in a bed, time moves veeeery slowly!

Last night, I was super sleepy and was ready to go to sleep.  Unfortunately, my CPAP mask had been dropped and the mask had come apart.  I wasn't in the mood to try and fix the mask, so I went to sleep with without it.  Around 1:00 in the morning, someone from Respiratory came in to my room to hook me up to the CPAP machine.  I declined.  About 6:00 this morning, A doctor came in to see me.  What is it with doctors (this one I had never met), showing up and starts futzing (a made up word, but very appropriate) with my foot.  Our visit was not very successful as far as I was concerned.  After he left, the "leg god" was angry, so I stayed still until the pain level goes back down. 

I've has my breakfast, which was good.  As a nod to my daily limit of carbs, I had rice krispies, instead of my preferred Frosty Flakes.

Several doctors came to see me.  I explained how much I was to be able to walk.  They told me that my EMG (think pins and needles) showed a pinched nerve.  This pinched nerve has never been much of a problem for me.  Any pain I has was for sure tolerable.  NOW? Not so much!

Physical Therapy is going to show me today  how to get up the stairs.  That should be a lot of fun.  (insert smiley face here) :-) 

Since I am a prisoner in bed, I am "enjoying" daytime television.  There is "Say Yes to The Dress", "Four Weddings", "Street Outlaws" and some kind of bounty hunter show.

For Christmas, Jeff bought me two jars of products for my face.  They cost ? - A mear "couple of dollars".  The catch? While the original product is cheap; what they don't tell you is that you just signed up for a subscription, which costs over a $100 each month.  To untangle the mess, took me a lot of time.   So, now, I am watching commercials advertising products "X" or "Y" that you can get for VERY little money.  The catch? The comsumer unwittingly, is signing up for more products as a unreasonable price.  While watching these commercials, I just KNOW tht there are people who are already typing in the email address or calling 1-800-GETSCREWED!

Occupational Therapy was just here and she gave me soap and water, so that I could wash all my bits and pieces!  I would LOVE to take a shower - that would be heaven.  This afternoon Physical Therapy is coming and we're going to do something called "stair Bumping".  Sounds like fun doesn't it?

The Ortho doctor came in and told me that the "cure" for this situation could take months.  Then this afternoon, a procedure for tomorrow.  It sounds like they are going to make an incision and remove the "goo".  I am very excited and am keeping my hopes up that this procedure will give me some relief.  I don't know what changed, his mind and I guess I don't need to know. (Longhand blog ends)

Typist's update:
When I arrived this afternoon, Patti told me to "STOP RIGHT THERE" as I entered the room.  She said she had something to show me.  She actually got up and took a couple of steps on her own.  I was very pleased.  She indicated that she had been doing exercises all morning, and when PT came, she was able to walk a little bit... Later, I learned she actually went down the hall, and up and down a few stairs.

While I was there, it was revealed that yes indeed, there is a "procedure" scheduled for tomorrow, and this came up, because the sign on the door that says NPO after midnight (no food or drink).  When Patti asked Dr. Segal, she learned that yes indeed, Ortho was planning on a procedure.   (non-descript).  I was there later this evening, and the Orthopedic surgeon came by to discuss.   She is the Resident and her BOSS will be doing the actual surgery, while she will assist. 

It turns out, that they will use General Anesthesia, and are performing a Baker's cyst-ectomy (removal).  She explained that this is not done very often, but, in this case, they felt this was warranted.  Recovery will be 2 to 3 days - surgery will take 2 hours.  Somewhat complicated due to large arteries in the leg in the same area that must be avoided. 

Bottom line, some progress on the horriffic pain problem - now able to walk a tiny bit... hopefully that will continue to improve... AND - tomorrow, they expect to remove the cyst that they feel is the major contributing factor.  WHOOPEE! PROGRESS... Thanks DR. Segal...



Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...