Monday, June 5, 2017

Guest - quick update - 6/5/17

Jeff here - as GUEST blogger again
Just a quick update for the followers - Early Monday afternoon.

Patti had knee surgery to remove the Baker's cyst on Friday.  We assume the surgery was successful.  I say this, because, we have NOT yet spoken to anyone from Orthopedics - There was a quick update to Patti's electronic medical chart - telling the nurse to change the bandages.  She of course did that, and the drain, has gone from a bit red - to now clear - (they tell me this is goodness).

Patti did get up and walk a bit with the walker and a nurse to assist.  Down to the end of the hall and back - a couple of times to the recliner - and a couple of times to the potty chair.

This is of course a HUGE improvement from could not walk at all...
She is still in a significant amount of pain, not all from the surgery in the knee... still the lower calf and foot.

I have encouraged here to use the pain meds - and spend her efforts on getting better - and STOP fretting about the logistics of her care.  We (the family and friends) will tend to our part - SHE must spend the effort that we CAN NOT supply, to do the excercises, and take care of and advocate for herself.  She tends to be "too nice - don't want to make any extra work or effort for the staff" to which I am asking to ADVOCATE FOR YOURSELF - to make sure the meds come on time, and when you NEED something - don't hesitate to ask, and be forceful if required.  Not, NASTY, but simply forceful enough to get things accomplished.

More as I learn later this evening.

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