Friday, September 27, 2013

Bits and Pieces


It's Friday and almost the end of September.  Almost time to drag out sweaters and long pants and say good-bye to your summer tan.  I was stuck inside all summer so I have no tan lines of any kind.  

Our gas fireplace is on the fritz and the repairman is coming out to service it on Tuesday.  He made mention to Jeff that perhaps it's not working because of spiders.  I'm wondering how big or how many spiders there would have to be to prevent a nearly new gas fireplace to stop working.  We're coming up on the season where a "fire" would feel good.  I was so happy last year to see the end of piles of firewood (messy), ashes (also messy) and trying to breath life into a wavering fire.  I know that once we get the gas log working again it will be very nice going forward as the days and evenings turn cool.

I went to the library yesterday and picked up 7 books that I had on hold.  The problem with me having books is that there is very little desire (if there ever was) to do anything but read.  I still have 20 or so books still on hold but the library has cut me off for reserving - guess I've reached my maximum number. No worries, I am as I write, getting ready to jot down the names of more books that I have gleaned from my magazines.  

I had my head shrunk again yesterday and I am scaring the doctor and Jeff with my behaviors.  I really am trying to be well and I am trying to take baby steps toward my recovery.  It's just a slow process and I can only manage one day at a time.  We left the doctor's office and bought me a seven day pill box which I have loaded up with my pills.  I check in with Jeff after each dose and he can see if pills are missing for the days ahead.  

Last night Jeff took me to a parking lot and I drove around in circles getting used to being behind the wheel again.  It's been almost 10 months since I have driven and I never liked it anyway so I am relearning my way around the car.  I'm not sure if I'm ready (or anybody else) to take the car out on a street.  I know that night time driving isn't happening since I see things that aren't there - like believing that some signs are people or animals.  

Tomorrow is October Fest in Andy and Stacey's town and we are planning on going out early in the morning for a pancake breakfast and then to join in whatever other activities are there.  We probably can get some apples from local farmers, since this is apple season.

We have a hedge hog or ground hog (I don't know the difference) living under our front porch.  Who knows maybe we'll have baby "hogs"!  The squirrels are enjoying their dried corn cobs that we throw out on the lawn and can they ever devour a cob in a hurry.  Our theory is that if we feed the squirrels maybe, and it's probably a stretch, they won't go looking for ways to get into the attic and set up housekeeping.

It's time for me to turn my attention to chores.  I have finally beaten the laundry into submission so now I can concentrate on putting away the bits and pieces of paper that have accumulated in my absence.  Would that I could just throw most of it away and not bother with where it belongs. 

Well that's my news in a nutshell.  I'm well today and that is what matters most.



  1. Patti, so glad to have you back! I missed your daily blog. Glad to know you are up to writing again, one of your great talents. I can relate to so much of what you write. Keep up the good work......and your baby steps.
    Much love and hugs, Ruthie

  2. Patti...

    Welcome.home!!!!!! May all your days be filled with sunshine! GlAd you liked the book. Take good care and know that I love you...Marilee


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