Monday, September 30, 2013

Sunny Monday


End of September, can you believe it?  The leaves are falling and the air in the mornings is brisk which gets your heart going.  All of this is a good thing.

Those of you who might have read yesterday's second blog need not worry about me.  I was in a bad place but managed to trundle on.  Today is a better day - I promise. I'm scheduled to have an ECT treatment on Friday.  I remain optimistic that the treatments will someday move my barometer from far left (the worst) to far right (the best) mood wise. The only thing I have to lose at this point is perhaps a small piece of my depressed mind.  Cant hurt to try.

On my agenda for today?  I need to vacuum and possibly toss a dust rag around haphazardly in the house. Of course I have books to read and more books to pick up.  I am not allowing myself endless hours of sitting and watching television.  One hour during the daytime is more than enough.

We watched the new tv show last night "The Mentalist" and it was action packed.  What we didn't realize until the show was over that it was the 6th show in the series - we had skipped the pilot altogether.  We'll now go back and watch the plot which will probably allow the following shows to make more sense, including the one we watched last night.

Tonight there is "Hostages" which we haven't seen yet and "Blacklist" which we have watched and it was an action packed, edge of your seat show.  It's the sort of show that we both like watching. I am perfectly happy to watch shows on the Food Network but those are snooze fests for Jeff.  

Today to stay busy I am going to tackle a few of my kitchen drawers.  They need washing out and that is a relatively easy task.  Notice I didn't say anything about cupboards because you have to have super human strength to tackle them.  I am lacking in the strength part so I'll just stick to the drawers.  Baby steps in cleaning the house.  The "yuck" has been there for a long time so another day or two in the big picture won't kill anybody.

I spent part of yesterday plowing through the sludge that was building up in the spare rooms.  It is far easier, after a trip, to toss the empty luggage into a room and close the door.  It takes courage to go back into said room and put the suitcases away, hang up clothes and in generally right the mess that you (meaning me) have created.  Of course cleaning up a room and actually putting things AWAY is a chore that is dull as dishwater.  Not exciting and I don't know about you but I tend to get discouraged by the sheer volume of stuff that needs a home.

With the closure of the battery business we once ran with our oldest son, there is a mountain (and I do mean mountain) of paper that needs to be stored somewhere.  Old paper boxes work wonders and we have filled up several of them with papers that, for business reasons, we must hold on to.  Blah.  Eventually, these boxes will leave the spare bedroom and make their way to the bowels of the basement never to be seen again.

And medical bills for this year also need to be contained.  There is a lot of paper and it's not like you can just toss it out - we need to hang on to it for probably a year or so.  So there's yet another box of paper that needs a home.  We as a society swear we are paperless are truly kidding ourselves.  I can attest to the volume of real paper that we have received and processed this year alone.

Enough rambling - time to go to the kitchen and begin to do some fall cleaning.  I wasn't here for spring cleaning so better late than never.

Enjoy your day. P

1 comment:

  1. Glad Monday was a sunny day for you. Lots of work to keep you busy, but where to start? I started a box of give away clothing and shoes for our rescue mission in Coachella, and need to get back to it....sometimes its hard to get motivated, but then I have to think about those people there who have such great needs. Baby steps.
    Hugs, Ruthie


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