Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Television and Books



In case any of you have forgotten, it's time for the new fall tv shows.  Some of them are pretty good, some are dire, but almost all of them require, in my mind, at least an opportunity to show me how good/bad they really are.

Last night we watched "Black List" with James Spader who we like very much.  This is an action packed show that will keep you on the edge of your seat I guarantee.  Both of us were well and truly exhausted when the show ended. 

We are both loyal Survivor fans and this year they have mixed things up a bit, with family members on opposing teams.  Family ties? Team loyalty?  Hmmm which would you choose?

We recorded Michael J. Fox's new show but haven't seen it yet, so I'll have to pass on judging.

There is Law & Order SUV, Criminal Minds and Modern Family just to name a few returning shows.  Jeff and I have never actually watched Modern Family but I saw a few episodes in rehab and it's pretty good and bears watching.  Of course, there is an endless number of reality shows that if you watched them all, would definitely turn your brain to mush.

Just finished reading "The Forgotten Garden" by Kate Morton and it's a must read.  I loved it so much that I have reserved her other books from the library.  The reviews are good for "The White Princess" by Philippa Gregory which is her 5th book in the Cousins' War series.

There is a good review for "The Exiles" by Allison Lynn that while my library has it on order, will definitely be on my reading list later this year. 

And for you Showtime "The Borgias" fans, check out "Blood & Beauty" by Sarah Dunant which covers that famous and evil family and looks like a good read to me.  It's also on my library list.  The library, though slower than using Amazon, costs me nothing.  Since we're in a bit of a belt tightening phase (not earning a salary will do that for people), I am not paying for something that I can get for free, even if it means a wait.

Weather in Maryland is beautiful today and we'll be going to the doctor later this morning with the top down.


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