Thursday, September 26, 2013

Roast Beef Salad - Some Assembly Required


Bet you have questions about Roast Beef Salad.  A family favorite I assure you.  But, I'm going to share the recipe, such as it is, with you.  I promise you that cold roast beef makes an awesome salad.  Think chicken salad just make it with beef.

Obviously, you start with a roast (cooked!).  After you have served the roast for dinner and there are leftovers, it's now time to make a wonderful salad you can eat tomorrow, and the next day etc.

Run the cold roast beef through your food processor until the roast beef has been reduced to small bits.  Then add hard boiled eggs (I generally use four, but whatever works for you), pickle relish to taste, mayo also to taste, salt and pepper.  Stir all this up, chill and wait until lunch to serve over lettuce or on bread.  My boys look forward to roast beef - not for the meal - but for the awesome leftovers!   Normally, whichever son(s) is around during the salad making gets a "to go" box to enjoy at his house.  Only requirement is that the box comes back clean.  

Yesterday was not a good day for me mental wise.  I saw my psychiatrist and it was a good session, and when I got home I was in a good place mentally.   Mid-afternoon I put the roasts in the oven for a few hours and allowed myself to watch a new series called "The White Queen" (Tudor England time).  I knew that there was no way that Jeff would be interested in the series, so I sat back, enjoyed my coke and zoned out for an hour.  What Jeff and I know about television that goes back to the year "x" where beheadings was commonplace.  You were "in" on Tuesday and "out" on Wednesday.  Not much chance of living a long life back then.

Andrew et al came by after dropping off one of their cars for mechanical repairs.  Luckily, I had Au Gratin potatoes and veggies that I could put together quickly.  Dinner was a success; but, somehow the stimuli was too much for me.  I loved seeing them all and Benjamin was happy and found all of his toys, which were new to him, since he hasn't been at the house much this year.  There was more noise (all good noise), but noise just the same for me to take in.

After they left, I told Jeff to get me out of the house and take me anywhere.  We went to Germantown to check out the new Wegman's.  First problem?  Parking.  You would think that the store was giving away food - and trust me their not.  It took more than a New York minute to find a place to park.  Once inside I was delighted, as always, with the beauty (can you really say that about a grocery store?) of the store.  They have the most helpful staff I've ever seen, except maybe Nordstrom's.  We picked up a few things, trying to avoid those gourmet, high end, products.  One of the things we were looking for was Skippy Extra Chunk peanut butter.  They had none.  We did buy the store brand and I'm sure it's as good and likely made at the same factory, but was surprised that it wasn't there.  Skippy creamy was there but for me it's got to be chunky.  I can just imagine the peanut butter factory with "x" product being labeled Skippy and "y" product being labeled store brand.

I'm going back to see the psychiatrist today and we'll talk about being antsy and needing to stay grounded and focused.  I am living one day at a time because that's all I can do now.  Every day that I get through is an accomplishment.  I am no longer looking at a week at a time and definitely not a month.  No just getting through a day is all I can do for now.

Okay, I got a bit off subject.  I started with roast beef, then peanut butter and then ended with how I'm feeling right now.  Sorry about that.  I'll try and stay on track going forward.


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