Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Guest Blogger again today


Good morning!
Hot and muggy today here in Maryland.

Patti is away - and will not be blogging for some period - yet to be determined.   I will try to keep this alive - occasionally on her behalf. 

 In these troubling times, I hope everyone takes the time to reflect on and be thankful for what we HAVE in our own lives.  All lives and people matter.  Life is short... live each day with positive thoughts - in these times of turmoil this can be difficult, however, DON'T let the news of the day get you down... 

Something that still helps me - I quote from a friend.

"Begin Everyday Selecting Tremendous" simple BEST - 


Friday, June 5, 2020

Free Books


I have done something good today. I posted in my neighborhood, that I had free books on the porch. Well, as soon as I posted about the books, I have received many messages from people, who think that "recycling" books is a great idea. I posted on the bulletin board, that since my family will not allow me to drive, at least for the moment, could they drop books off on my front porch. Hopefully, my neighbors, will or might keep this "recycling" thing going. I might not like every book that someone drops off, but I'll take a chance. Once I've sifted through the "new" books, the ones that I don't like, will be boxed up to give to my neighbors. 

In a nearby town, they have a "little" box (actually just somebody's address), where you can pick up and/or drop off books. Maybe, this quarantine will give some people something to do, besides watching television!

I would rather read than watch television, particularly with watching protests everywhere. Most were wearing masks, but about social distancing (forget about it).

I actually cringe when I start my morning (and that's probably not a good idea) watching protests - peaceful - and some protests are violent. I'm glad that I don't have to explain about protests, etc., to a child.

My brain is empty. Some people who know me well, might say that my brain is always EMPTY, and more times than not, that's the sad truth.



Thursday, June 4, 2020

Summer is Here!


I walked the short distance from the house to the mailbox, and the heat was intense. This means, no walking outside today! Always looking for an excuse!!

Spent several hours in the dentist chair yesterday. I like the dentist, which is a good thing, but having your mouth open so long, is tiring. Now, Jeff would tell you that I have my mouth opened most of the time.

After leaving the dentist, I told Jeff that I wanted a milkshake and fries from McDonalds. It was a delicious meal. I believe that a treat is deserved after going to the dentist.

Jeff has great and strong teeth, and very few cavities.  I'm so envious. Unfortunately, my teeth bears no resembles to his. I guess that's just the way it goes.

Came home, and briefly watched CNN for the latest news, which was and still is, all about riots and looting. After awhile, your eyes just roll back in your head. And, of course, while most people were wearing masks, the protesters definitely did not use social distinting (I know that's spelled wrong).

A quick check on the deaths from the virus here at home, the number is 105,000 and still climbing. Almost everyone, are wearing masks. And, some masks are decorated. Since you have to wear a mask, it doesn't have to be plain. I have a black mask, at the moment. This mask is screaming for some "prettying" up. I found in the drawer some glitter paint. Now, my finding paint and even thinking about decorating, sends my friends shudders up the spines. Nobody, can screw up something artsy, more than me. Just saying.

I am working on Christmas presents for Stacey and Wendy. Obviously, I can't say what I'm doing, just in case either of them follow my blog. I'll blog an update on my projects, i.e., how well things are going!

"Enjoy your day". Drink water if you are outside.

Stay safe everyone.




Summer Is Here!

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Things That Come To Mind!


When you see a subject line like that, you know that I'm "short" of a specific issue, or thought. This is called, as far as I'm concerned, "writer's cramp"! And, my friends that's where I find myself today.

Jeff and I have watched CNN which has televised the riots and protests over and over again. I don't know about you, but for me there has to be a time limit on watching riots.

Mother Nature has decided that summer is officially here. Ninety-three degrees, and 42 degrees of humidity. I just stepped out on the porch, and the heat and humidity drove me back inside in mere seconds.

I know it's Wednesday, and for folks that are still working, this is hump day. You've made it through Monday and Tuesday, and from here  it's all downhill

Now, for the good news. John Krasinski (from the show "The Office", has started a some good news today - SGN - short for Some Good News! I checked out his first video, and loved it. The video was a wonderful antodoicate (this is spelled wrong, so I apologize). The video shows touching, funny, loving stories as well as many more emotions of life. You really should check this out. It will make your day, I promise.

We are still wearing masks, staying home as much as possible, six feet distancing, etc. All things we should be doing to avoid the virus. While I watched the riots, I noticed - actually you couldn't miss it - no social distancing. And, in some cases, no masks either. I have bought myself just a plain black mask, but I have gotten out my glitter paint. I have decided that if I have to wear a mask, why not make it prettier! Perhaps (nope, in my opinion) that's just a girl thing. It's possible, but not likely, for men to decorate their masks.
As I've said before, you can buy "fancy" masks, but the cost is way up there. My rationale is, that since we're going to have to wear masks for the foreseeable future, you might as well "dress" up your mask. Some kind of a fashion statement! I'm not in the least creative, so I'll let you know how things turned out. Fingers crossed.

Oh, and a little more good news, which is all about me, is that I have lost enough weight, since November, that I am now wearing a 1x size, where before I was wearing 4x clothing. I'm not eating and drinking protein food and drinks so much now, but it definitely got me started.

Serendipity (noun), finding something good without looking for it ...




Tuesday, June 2, 2020



Yours truly here. I was having some "technical" difficulties this morning, which delayed my usual blogging time. Jeff was able to undo the problem, which I probably created.

I may be married to a geek and have two geek sons, but I only know how to turn on the computer and do basic things. The one thing I've got going for me, is that since I started typing in junior high and high school, I can still type very fast. What I find now is that I can't always remember where some of the symbols are on the keyboard.

The news of late, is horrific. I don't know what to worry about from moment to moment. The pandemic, which seems to have fallen out of the news cycle, shows that we have over $100,000 deaths. That number is horrific. I know that Jeff and I have been doing our part, since the beginning. And, it's been boring! I'm not sure that people were meant to be 24/7 every day. When I do go out, Jeff and I shop (actually it's not shopping, it's pick up the stuff on the list and move on) at the only store in the "world" - WalMart!

Now, we have another something to worry about, which has overridden pandemic fears. And, that is protesting all over the country. Even in the county where we live, there was a small protest that we saw last week. 

Everybody has the right to protest. But, that doesn't give you a pass to do whatever the hell you want to do. Walk the streets, carry signs and behave like a civil person would or should.

Just because you don't like the situation that has brought multiples of people out, doesn't give you the right, although I guess some people do, to tear up stores, pharmacies, etc. They have started fires on cars, particularly cop cars. What am I supposed to think of the 
current happenings. If I had a child, old enough to understand, what would I say? You could hardly say that the protesting and/or rioting is the new normal. 

When I see these large crowds doing what they believe in, it reminds me of herd mentality. If I jump off a bridge, would you? I suspect that some of the protesters are there simply to be able to tell someone years from now, that they participated in these protests. 

Sort of, like being at Woodstock years ago. Still very cool to talk about it, this many years ago.

Jeff and I have many shows to watch (thank you Tivo), but seem to be drawn toward CNN for news. When we watch CNN, sometimes my eyes occasionally (okay, more than occasionally) will close as I listen to the drone of sound. 

I want to be optimistic, which I rarely am, and hope that tonight will be more peaceful than the last few nights. Fingers crossed everybody!

Stay safe everyone.



June 2 - blog

Good morning - from a GUEST blogger (Jeff)
The day is starting out cloudy this morning - not very pretty.

The ongoing  situation across the nation is taking a large toll on everyone.

I normally don't comment on political issues - however, today is election day here in Maryland. 

Please everyone - Please register and VOTE -
The way we make change in this country is VOTE - so please make sure you make your voice heard.

I will turn the keys back to your regularly scheduled keyboard driver....


Protests and Riots


Yesterday, Jeff, Bella and I made our weekly shopping. Sometimes I don't go, but Bella always goes. After leaving that "fabulous" store (WalMart), we stopped at McDonald's for ice cream. They have really ice cream, and it's not very expensive. The real problem is the "hog" in the back seat. I share my ice cream with Bella, but she tends to get a little pushy. Sometimes, I have to "remind" her that the ice cream was bought for me. But, I do share, and generally have to push her back, so that I can enjoy the treat too!

Well, we made it. We're half-way through the year. However, I'm hoping that the rest of the year, is more peaceful than it is right now. 

This weekend, if you were either (a) reading the paper; or (b) watching the news, the horrible events of the last few days is like a car wreck, you don't want to watch, but you can't take your eyes off the screen.

I think the reason is, at least for Jeff and I,  we are having a really hard time watching the horrors that have played out. Not just here at home, but in other countries as well. How in earth did we get here? This reminds me of the Watts riot. 

I searched, and you know that I always do, but wasn't able to find, and I know he's out there, a leader for the black people. Malcom X, Martin Luther King, Martin Luther King, Jr., and others have all passed away. So, who is the leader for black people right now? I don't know. Who or what event will tamper down the events of right now. I wish I had an answer.

Yesterday, on our way home, there was a small and quiet protest going on in a city near us. The police were present in their cars, and not challenging the people.

Right at this moment, 2 people have died. In Pittsburgh, 44 people were arrested, and 60 businesses and properties were damaged. Personally (no hate mail please), I think looting and damaging stores, is not necessary. I mean, what did those stores ever do to you?

Going back in time, to 1971, there was a major earthquake where I was living. People didn't even want to go under overpasses, for fear that those overpasses would collapse.

I was very pregnant at the time, but on my way to work, the earthquake had done some damage to the city. Windows of stores had been broken by Mother Nature. One of the scenes I saw then, and I can still remember to this day, is the looters who ran in and out of a liquor store. Other businesses were damaged as well, but only the liquor store incident has been seared into my mind. Question is - why is that particularly image stored into the good spot of my brain.

So, as I sit here blogging about events, I just keep wondering why we can't all get along. There was a song by Jackie Deshannon, and part of the lyrics are these:

Come on people now. Smile on your brother. Everybody get together. Try to love one another. Right now. If you hear the song I sing. You will understand (listen!)
Jul 2, 2018 - Dim the lights and get ready for a party. We're in this together now. DJ Falcon and Thomas Bangalter - “Together” ...
Feb 12, 2020 - The 1960s was an exciting but dangerous era. The Vietnam War and fight for civil rights were tearing the U.S. apart. This article suggests a ...
Missing: everyone ‎| Must include: everyone
Get Together Lyrics: Love is but a song we sing / Fear's the way we die / You can make the mountains ring / Or make the angels cry / Though the bird is on the ...
Missing: everyone ‎| Must include: everyone
Nov 2, 2017 - George Harrison - 'Give Me Love Give Me Peace on Earth' Another song from a solo Beatle, taken from Harrison's ...
Image result for song about everyone getting togetherImage result for song about everyone getting togetherMay 12, 2020 - When the going gets tough, the artists get to work. ... our team has come together to share 17 songs from artists around the world that take a ... and in this song she delivers encouragement to everyone to be true to themselves ...

Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...