Thursday, June 4, 2020

Summer is Here!


I walked the short distance from the house to the mailbox, and the heat was intense. This means, no walking outside today! Always looking for an excuse!!

Spent several hours in the dentist chair yesterday. I like the dentist, which is a good thing, but having your mouth open so long, is tiring. Now, Jeff would tell you that I have my mouth opened most of the time.

After leaving the dentist, I told Jeff that I wanted a milkshake and fries from McDonalds. It was a delicious meal. I believe that a treat is deserved after going to the dentist.

Jeff has great and strong teeth, and very few cavities.  I'm so envious. Unfortunately, my teeth bears no resembles to his. I guess that's just the way it goes.

Came home, and briefly watched CNN for the latest news, which was and still is, all about riots and looting. After awhile, your eyes just roll back in your head. And, of course, while most people were wearing masks, the protesters definitely did not use social distinting (I know that's spelled wrong).

A quick check on the deaths from the virus here at home, the number is 105,000 and still climbing. Almost everyone, are wearing masks. And, some masks are decorated. Since you have to wear a mask, it doesn't have to be plain. I have a black mask, at the moment. This mask is screaming for some "prettying" up. I found in the drawer some glitter paint. Now, my finding paint and even thinking about decorating, sends my friends shudders up the spines. Nobody, can screw up something artsy, more than me. Just saying.

I am working on Christmas presents for Stacey and Wendy. Obviously, I can't say what I'm doing, just in case either of them follow my blog. I'll blog an update on my projects, i.e., how well things are going!

"Enjoy your day". Drink water if you are outside.

Stay safe everyone.




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