Tuesday, June 2, 2020



Yours truly here. I was having some "technical" difficulties this morning, which delayed my usual blogging time. Jeff was able to undo the problem, which I probably created.

I may be married to a geek and have two geek sons, but I only know how to turn on the computer and do basic things. The one thing I've got going for me, is that since I started typing in junior high and high school, I can still type very fast. What I find now is that I can't always remember where some of the symbols are on the keyboard.

The news of late, is horrific. I don't know what to worry about from moment to moment. The pandemic, which seems to have fallen out of the news cycle, shows that we have over $100,000 deaths. That number is horrific. I know that Jeff and I have been doing our part, since the beginning. And, it's been boring! I'm not sure that people were meant to be 24/7 every day. When I do go out, Jeff and I shop (actually it's not shopping, it's pick up the stuff on the list and move on) at the only store in the "world" - WalMart!

Now, we have another something to worry about, which has overridden pandemic fears. And, that is protesting all over the country. Even in the county where we live, there was a small protest that we saw last week. 

Everybody has the right to protest. But, that doesn't give you a pass to do whatever the hell you want to do. Walk the streets, carry signs and behave like a civil person would or should.

Just because you don't like the situation that has brought multiples of people out, doesn't give you the right, although I guess some people do, to tear up stores, pharmacies, etc. They have started fires on cars, particularly cop cars. What am I supposed to think of the 
current happenings. If I had a child, old enough to understand, what would I say? You could hardly say that the protesting and/or rioting is the new normal. 

When I see these large crowds doing what they believe in, it reminds me of herd mentality. If I jump off a bridge, would you? I suspect that some of the protesters are there simply to be able to tell someone years from now, that they participated in these protests. 

Sort of, like being at Woodstock years ago. Still very cool to talk about it, this many years ago.

Jeff and I have many shows to watch (thank you Tivo), but seem to be drawn toward CNN for news. When we watch CNN, sometimes my eyes occasionally (okay, more than occasionally) will close as I listen to the drone of sound. 

I want to be optimistic, which I rarely am, and hope that tonight will be more peaceful than the last few nights. Fingers crossed everybody!

Stay safe everyone.



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