Thursday, June 24, 2021

You Won't Believe These Jobs


I got your attention with the title, didn't I? Don't ask me how I found the "I've never heard of before, jobs for celebrities and rich people. I'm neither, nor will I ever be, but what I found out when I searched was nothing short of amazing!

JLO has a "wait for it" a professional nipple tweeker (it's not spelled right, best I could do). When I read the article and saw this person doing this job for her, I was shocked out of my shoes.

After finding out about that strange job, I found others:

Basket Ball Retriever when you're on your yacht! I mean does this person have to get in the water to retrieve the ball? 

Please remember these are all real jobs!

Rich Student Entourage: 12 staff people, 3 housekeepers, and a ladies' maid, just to mention a few. Wage $39,000.

A drink holder for Maria Carey, for when she's performing.

Private Jet Decorator

Human Parasol Holder

A shopper for a Ferrari?

Trust me, the list is endless. A guard to protect tennis shoes - really

I could go on and on with this list. I don't even know how you even apply for these jobs? Not that I'd want to.

So, if you get bored, you could search for jo  jobs for the rich and famous!! Since, I'm neither rich or famous, I'll just have to hold my own umbrella!! Horrors. What will people think?

Search for yourself, and be amazed at what people will do for the rich and famous.

I have a lady that cleans my house, does that count?

Have a happy rest of the day.


Wednesday, June 23, 2021



Greetings from Looney Tune Town. I realize I haven't been blogging regularly. I apologize. There just doesn't seem to be enough hours in a day, to get everything done.

I forget, but think I have been here maybe four months. There are activities during the day, and you can either go or be a no show. One of the reasons I wanted to live somewhere beside home, was for the activities. I participate almost 100% of the time. If you don't join in, then the day becomes very long. Weekends are ideal for reading, painting, napping, etc. I would walk around the parking lot, but I'm not very stable, and always afraid that I'll fall down. And, I have fallen down multiple times, never hurt, thanks to my padding, but have bruises everywhere on my body. Not a good look, I can assure you.

I do have a best friend here. She is 93, and her mind is a steel trap. Her body has worn out, but when you talk, she's always on track. We make the original odd couple! We enjoy our time together, and when we play Bingo, if she wins, I tell her that she cheats!! And, she doesn't, just luckier than me.

Our weather here, goes from a nice 70 degree day, to a 90 degree day, and everything in between. I'm wearing "shorty" pants (capris) now. Nobody wants to see me in shorts, including myself!

Have a great, wonderful day.


Friday, June 18, 2021

It's Monday Already - Ugh


I started this blog a few days ago, like Monday perhaps. I thought I had confirmed for the blog to be published. And, yet I didn't apparently hit the right button. Apologies for writing about Mondays on a Friday. But, the facts about Monday are still true.

Back when I was a working girl, I looked forward to the weekends. But, starting on Sunday afternoons, I was already dreading Monday. Oh, how I looked forward to a three day weekend. But, obviously, I don't care how many days you aren't working, there is always a Monday.

Here's what I found while searching:

If you seriously dread Mondays, you're not alone. A 2018 LinkedIn survey found that 80% of professionals experience the "Sunday Scaries". At least, I wasn't alone when it came to dreading Mondays.

More research:

Blue Monday is the name given to a day in January (typically the third Monday of the month), to be the most depressing day of the year. The concept was first published in a 2005 press release, by a company which claimed to have calculated the date using an "equation".

Monday is the best day to buy a new car

In 2012 and 2018, there were 53 Mondays in the year. This occurrence won’t happen again until 2024.

A study in 2011 showed that the average person moans for 34 minutes on a Monday, compared to the 22 minutes on other days.

Heart attack day” also takes place on Monday’s when there is a marked 20% increase of heart attacks

That's the facts people, at least according to the internet, which knows all!!


“Heart attack day” also takes place on Monday’s when there is a marked 20% increase of heart attacks

Friday, June 11, 2021



I today's blog is all about Jeffrey. From a blind date in 1974, to 47 years (in September) of marriage, Jeff and I have been through a lot.

Like most married couples, we've had our share of ups and downs. If you know, Jeff, then you also know that he has a big heart, and doesn't always bother to keep his opinions to himself! Just saying.

This year, perhaps has been our most challenging, to say the least. As I got older, and just like you, defects started showing up in and on my body. Wrinkles, age spots, and that sort of thing. I'm not vain enough to actually worry about these perhaps major or minor changes to my body. It's a fact, that everybody ages, just some people fair better than others. I won't even begin to describe what my body looks like!!  And, when did I start growing hair on my arms. Ewww (or however you spell it.

As Jeff and I both aged, one of us, Jeff, has done a better job. Jeff has his aches and pains, like all people do as they age. And, there are certain things that Jeff no longer does, using a ladder for instance.

Unfortunately, in the last few years, both my body, and my memory issues have become a problem for both of us. I can't remember s**t. Most of the time, I can't even remember what I ate for breakfast. Much less what's on tv.

A few months ago, I moved to an assisted living facility. Jeff works very hard for his customers, and puts in the hours to prove it. A 12 to 14 hour day, is his norm. And, that meant I was at home, with little or no interaction with other people. The situation wasn't mentally healthy for me. 

I've been away from home for several months. Is my facility the best one out there? It's not, but there is always somebody around to help pick me up off the floor when I fall. There are activities in the afternoon, and for the most part, enjoy all of them.

Jeff has been my champion since I moved out. I don't know if this is a permanent thing, or will I go home at some point in the future. I no longer have an Amazon account in my name. I look for items on Amazon, that might and/or should make life easier for me. 

He has bought me weighted silverware, which makes a huge difference, in my life. I put on my list, a plastic cup that has finger holds on one side of the cup. The kitchen knows that I can't use a regular coffee cup now, it's just too heavy to lift. Styrofoam cups are easiest for me to use.

When life changes, you must adapt. Luckily, there are many devices to assist people, who are having difficulties. I ate breakfast this morning, with a woman whose hands shook violently, while trying to eat. Watching her struggle so much to cut up a pancake made me very sad. Perhaps, because I'm always looking on the internet, for things to make my life easier.

I am a very lucky woman, to have a husband, who pays for room and board, which isn't cheap, and also checks my Amazon list for  items that are on my list. Jeff has been very supportive of this new, game changing, situation. Is it permanent? I don't have an idea. Here's what I do know for sure. With me living away, means that Jeff can concentrate on his work. Pretty much, a normal day for him is around 12-14 hours. No wonder that his clients love him so much. Oh, and it doesn't hurt, that he's really very, very good at his job. 

It's not Father's Day, or Jeff's birthday. It's what I'm calling "Jeff's Day". I want to write about, and have Jeff, as well as everybody else know, that through this difficult, but necessary, procession, he's by my side. While I'm saddled with issues, mostly mental, I still feel the love that Jeff and I have for each other, even at a distance.

Jeff, words will never be adequate enough, to tell you or show you, how truly thankful I am for all you have done, and likely will continue to do for me. I am truly grateful. Love you.


Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Bugs, Particularly the Cicada


Happy Afternoon.

I wasn't sure what I wanted to write about today. But, then it was clear when this particular icky bug was stuck on the window screen in my room. 

The bug in question is a cicada. The last time they were out, was 17 years ago. I don't know where they go, and I don't really care, just them away from me.

Seventeen years ago, the neighbors on our street all applied a product called Milky Spore. All the neighbors on our street used this product on their lawns. It's been 17 years, and these nasty hideous bugs have come out of the ground. Ever wonder what they do in those 17 years? 

They make a lot of noise, dogs eat them, but they don't do a lot of harm to plants and gardens. Even knowing that, I don't want them anywhere near me.

When they popped up the last time, I had never heard of this ugly bug. I was driving, with my window down, and one of them flew into my car. It's a wonder that I didn't have an accident.

Get ready to laugh. On our neighborhood bulletin board, somebody posted that if his neighbor, didn't control the bugs on his yard, he will be fined $25.00. Jeff and I haven't laughed that hard in a very long time. Can you imagine somebody trying to keep the bugs from wandering off his property? 

Research, and you know how much I love to do that, says that their mating season only lasts for 4 to 6 weeks. And, they are generally gone by June or July. 

See how ugly they are. They are harmless to humans, but the noise they make seems to last all day and night. I doubt that they are a 24 hour bug, they have to sleep sometime right?

By my numbers, which are sketchy at best, they won't return until I'm 88! By the way, being 88 seems scary to me. 

Obviously, there are other scary bugs outside, but today, the one that is the most annoying is the bug above.

I hope you don't have cicadas where you live. But, if you do, know that they won't be around long.

Have a good rest of the day.


Monday, June 7, 2021

Just A Monday


It's the start of another week. When I was working, I dreaded Mondays, all of them. I always looked forward to three day weekends. But even having an extra day at home, came the inevitable, no matter what day of the week you had to return to work, it always felt like Monday

When we would vacation, I always added an extra day, to be home, and put things away. And, also trying to get my head wrapped around the fact that the fun was over. Reality set in. I worked, and you do as well, for money. Money makes the world go round, and helps pay for groceries among other things.

You want to know ONE good thing about being retired? You almost never have to set an alarm on your clock. Not having to do this, makes me very happy. Sometimes, when Jeff or I, have a very early doctor's appointment, we have to use the alarm. And though we don't have to do this very often, it's still "alarming"!!! Aren't I funny? This where you say yes you are!!

When I was a teenager, I had a beautiful little clock, that was meant to be used by girls or women. I loved that clock, not just because it was pretty, but the alarm played music. This many years later, I have no idea where the little clock went.

Have you ever thought back to something you used to own like a desk perhaps, or clothes? I have. I, at one time, had a beautiful coat with a fur collar. Not an imitation fur, but the real thing. When we moved from Illinois to California, I knew that there wouldn't be any need for the coat. I don't remember what happened to that beautiful coat. Or, my many pair of shoes, and other clothes. So, I wonder why did I get rid of them? The shoes are a mystery, because I loved shoes then and I love them now. I had one particular pair, that were half light pink and the other color was a darker pink. These shoes happened to match a suit that happened to be pink. You knew that was coming didn't you?

Now I, like Queen Elizabeth only wear "dress" shoes with short and stocky heels. They really aren't that attractive, and I don't know about the Queen, but I sometimes have trouble standing on my own two feet. 

I love watching women on television or in a movie, that are wearing the well known red soled shoes from Louboutin, generally with a very thin high heel. Maybe not every one, but most women, would recognize these shoes on sight. And, they ain't cheap. The designer also makes shoes with stocky thicker heels, but still with the red sole. I suppose, if you were a crafty type of person, you could possibly paint the bottom of your shoes - red. I know they wouldn't look as good as the real ones. Still, it would be fun to try and do this on, let's say, an inexpensive shoe.

Boy, I don't know how I got off track, but all of you know that my mind wanders, in many directions, mostly at the same time!

In case you needed to know this, and I know you don't, but today is National Chocolate Ice Cream day. I like, okay love, ice cream, and I also love chocolate candy. But chocolate ice cream - not so much. But, if it was chocolate ice cream, or no ice cream, I'd still eat it.

Time for my exercise class. Have a good day everybody. See you tomorrow.


Saturday, June 5, 2021

I'm Back


Hi guys. I've guilty of not behind around for a few days. No excuse, other than sometimes in places, like this one, my day is driven by meals and activities.

Since being here, we have painted wooden eggs. I will leave it to your imagination, what mine looked like!! Let's just say, that if you combine certain colors, with other colors, sometimes the color you get at the end, is a murky brown. Not an Easter egg color at all. But I tried.

Flower arranging? I tried. Water coloring? Again, I tried. This old woman, I guess, wasn't born with much of a creative side. Unless, you count reading and writing. Oh, and blogging, when I get my **** together.

Since being here, I have only been really lonely just a few times. As in any "place" I've stayed in, Most people, and I'm not exception, get off to a rocky start. You don't know the people, the routine, etc. But, over time, I have managed to adjust to waking up when it's time for breakfast. Too early I think. But, then I also think to myself, don't make waves. Stay just below the confusion.

If you stay in places, such as this, you begin to know the names of the other residents. You have your favorite people/persons to share meals with.

Also, for me I always find "that" person. Somebody who might be older or younger than you. And, has traveled a different path than you have.

In this "place", I have met a woman, who has become very special to me. The age difference, which is approximately 22 years, has never bothered either of us. This woman's name is Doris, and she will have her 93rd birthday this month.

Doris' mind, is sharp as a tack. And, when we're together, we always find something to laugh about. We eat our meals together, unless Doris is late. Little 'ol me is never late.

I love to listen to Doris talk about her life. She worked in a shirt factory, some years ago. Her job was folding the new shirts, coming down the line, and, I'm not entirely clear here. She folded them - yes. Did she put them in their boxes? Um, can't remember.

Doris does two things really well. She understands, when you're having a bad day. Frankly, I've had more than a few of those since being here. And, she's optimistic and funny as can be. I love and enjoy spending time with this special woman. We might be the "original" odd couple, but it works for both of us.

My Grandmother passed away when I was in my early 30's. I was so pregnant when she died, that I didn't get to go to her funeral. I've decided that Doris, at least in my imagination, is Grandma. And, everybody needs a grand- mother. 

I've only been a grandmother for 13 years, to a special boy, but when Benjamin came into our lives, it was like putting a cherry on the top of your sundae!

And, few people would dispute you, that being a Grandma to your grandchildren, is probably the best thing in the world. When Benjamin is at our house, rules are loose, food isn't very healthy, and as for going to bed, that's always up for discussion. When he's at MomMom's house (Benjamin's special name for me)  and life is good, for both of us. 

Benjamin, MomMom loves you very much. To the moon and back! It's what we say to each other, when we have to separate. 

It's nearly dinner time, and if I'm late, Doris will give me crap, and vice versa!

I believe I'm where I'm supposed to be. And, somehow I'll know when it's my time to go back home.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


Thursday, June 3, 2021



Everybody needs an excuse, at one time or the other. My excuse for few blogs this week, is I haven't been very well. 

I'm hoping that I'll be back at the computer tomorrow. Don't give up on me, I'll be back.

Apologies for very few blogs this week.


Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...