Wednesday, June 23, 2021



Greetings from Looney Tune Town. I realize I haven't been blogging regularly. I apologize. There just doesn't seem to be enough hours in a day, to get everything done.

I forget, but think I have been here maybe four months. There are activities during the day, and you can either go or be a no show. One of the reasons I wanted to live somewhere beside home, was for the activities. I participate almost 100% of the time. If you don't join in, then the day becomes very long. Weekends are ideal for reading, painting, napping, etc. I would walk around the parking lot, but I'm not very stable, and always afraid that I'll fall down. And, I have fallen down multiple times, never hurt, thanks to my padding, but have bruises everywhere on my body. Not a good look, I can assure you.

I do have a best friend here. She is 93, and her mind is a steel trap. Her body has worn out, but when you talk, she's always on track. We make the original odd couple! We enjoy our time together, and when we play Bingo, if she wins, I tell her that she cheats!! And, she doesn't, just luckier than me.

Our weather here, goes from a nice 70 degree day, to a 90 degree day, and everything in between. I'm wearing "shorty" pants (capris) now. Nobody wants to see me in shorts, including myself!

Have a great, wonderful day.


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