Friday, June 13, 2014



I have clothes, lots of clothes, which is a pretty big confession on my part!  Most of my clothes were work clothes, and I don't work anymore, so I obviously need fewer "good" clothes.  I am in the process of "skinning" down the closets.  

I tried to sell a couple of things on Ebay, and only sold one sweater.  The time that it takes to take multiple pictures of each item, download them, write a description, an accurate one, and come up with a fair price and estimate the postage.  Truly not worth the effort and the mere measly dollars that the sweater sold for.

Next up was to donate clothes.  I put out two bags for one charity group, and took the receipt to use for our 2014 taxes.  

I gave some thought to seeing if any of my friends might have an interest in some suits I wore when I worked for the CEO, and had to really dress up when the Board came into town.  I nixed that idea.

There is a local consignment store and I have now taken in oh maybe eight things to sell.  So far, I've made a lofty $8.75!!  If the clothes that they take in on consignment don't sell, you can either take the clothes home (not); or they will donate them to one charity or another.  I don't want the clothes back especially after I took them out of the closets in the first place.  I'm okay with donating, because I can show a deduction for the clothes that don't sell.

And no, if you're wondering, I'm not trying to fill up the empty spots in the closet.  I have bought some new what I call good clothes that I wear when we're going to someone's house, or a party.  If I wear them around the house,I will undoubtedly spill something, and they won't be "good" clothes anymore!!

My "wearing around the house" clothes are in storage boxes at the bottom of the closet, marked long, or short sleeves, pants and capris. All very organized, until I finish doing the laundry and I get impatient and then I don't put the clothes in the appropriate boxes in a neatly fashion, I'm more likely to just plop them on top.

I am pretty organized, but I'm also lazy!  (Another confession).

One way or the other, I'm going to get the closets cleaned up.


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