Thursday, June 5, 2014

Happy Birthday Kim


Today is the birthday of one of my dearest friends.  A year or so after we moved into our house, Jeff and I would see this beautiful woman walking around the neighborhood with her dogs and her babies.  We knew where she lived, but didn't know her name.

Our paths crossed literally six years ago when Benjamin was born.  I don't remember how Kim came to know that Wendy had passed away, but she did.  I remember when Benjamin was probably only a month old, I put him in the stroller to walk to the mailbox.  I had trouble securing the infant carrier to the stroller, so while I was walking I kept a death grip on the carrier!  Techy things generally just float right over my head.

As I was passing Kim's house, she came flying out (literally) and walked home with me.  When we got to the house, I let Kim have Benjamin, because who doesn't love a new baby.  While sitting in the living room, it came to me that I didn't know her name or anything about her. That morning, which I believe was fated to happen, began the friendship that we enjoy today.

Kim, and her family, loved Benjamin and since I was working full-time, Benjamin had "sleep overs" with Kim, so that I could sleep through the night!  It's hard enough to take care of a baby during the night when you're in your 30's, but when you're nearing 60, it can take a toll on you.  I was, and will remain so, grateful for Kim and her family.  It was as if Benjamin had two families, and not many kids can say that.  

Kim hung a baby swing on a tree in her yard, and together the two of us watched Benjamin grow.  Benjamin is a blessed child for all the love there is in his life.  Benjamin was as much a part of Kim's family, as he was ours.  

Benjamin went to live with Andrew around his second birthday, and we adjusted our schedules to have Benjamin spend as much time with us as possible.

Andrew and Stacey live close enough that we can see Benjamin often.  Kim and I have worked a satisfying arrangement.  When Benjamin comes over, Kim and her children wear him out physically (since I can't).  I get Benjamin in the evening for bath, reading and cuddle time.  It's a perfect arrangement.  Benjamin loves spending time with Auntie Kim and she is an integral part of his life.

Kim, I can't imagine how I would have managed without you.  You are a constant reminder to me of all that is good in the world.  We have been through a lot together, and I couldn't ask for a better friend than you.  I want to thank you for being with me through both the good and bad times of my life.  

Happy Birthday my friend.  I love you.


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