Thursday, June 19, 2014

Ode to the Egg


We all know about the old saying did the chicken or the egg cross the street first.  Well duh, the chicken of course.  How would an egg just appear in the middle of the road?  Magic perhaps - um don't think so. 

When I was growing up, the only time we had breakfast "out", was when we were traveling.  Every breakfast that we ate out, drove my parents crazy, because my brother and I both wanted eggs.  No big deal right?  Yep, except he wouldn't eat the white part and I wouldn't eat the yolk.  By cutting carefully around the edges, we both managed to get what we considered the best part of the egg.  Luckily, as an adult I have gotten over not being able to eat the entire egg.

I know Mom must have made us eggs once in a while for breakfast but the only thing I remember is Dad wanting them over easy, and watching Mom splash a bit of the bacon grease over the top.  Watching your cholesterol wasn't a big deal back then, even though it probably should have.

When I married Jeff nearly 40 years ago, he took over making breakfast, if that meal was going to consist of eggs.  The boys always wanted either scrambled eggs or soft boiled eggs on toast (heavily buttered of course)!  

Jeff has always prepared amazing scrambled eggs, with or without cheese.  They are fluffy and delicious and they are so tasty that sometimes they show up at dinner time too!  Once you have eaten eggs prepared by Jeff, you are then spoiled, and eggs in a restaurant never seem as good.

I obviously had to do some internet research and it appears that the average person eats 250 eggs a year and the country as a whole eats 765 Billion eggs a year.  And we wonder why we see huge chicken farms all over the country.  Those are some busy chickens.

I have yet to eat a free range egg, but would like to compare it to the normal grocery store egg.  I'm guessing there would be absolutely no comparison when it comes to taste.  The free range egg would win hands down.  Of course, those eggs get pretty expensive, especially if you eat or use a lot of eggs each week.

When the Easter Bunny was still coming to our house, Jeff and I boiled at least two dozen eggs, so that there were plenty of eggs for the boys to find.  Once the bunny got older, he would occasionally "forget" where some of the eggs had been hidden, and that scenario didn't end well!

Jeff fixed me scrambled eggs just last night for dinner and occasionally when we eat, there is some food leftover for one reason or another, that gets fed to the dogs as a treat.  Last night, there was nary a bit of egg left on my plate.  Sorry dogs.


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