Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Last Day of March


Friends, today is the last day of March, and of course, you knew that already. Tomorrow is April Fool's Day. As an adult, playing a joke on somebody tomorrow, is no longer of interest to me.

Because, I will blog tomorrow about the history of April Fool's Day, I research what was special about March 31st.

First thing I found: In 1951the first commercially computer (UNIVAC) was sold to the U.S. Census Bureau for approximately $159,000. Tidy sum, particularly for 1951.

Today, is National Tater Day. Trust me. in my research, the word Tater was spelled this way. I, don't know about you, but I love potatoes. And, particularly french fries.

Today, is the 90th day of the year (91st in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar, and is the last day of the first quarter in a year. I know, this is pretty heavy stuff!!

The Eiffel Tower was opened to the public in 1889.

1932, the play Oklahoma made it's initial debuted 

1995, baseball players agreed to end a 232-day strike which had begun on August 12th, , 1994, after a judge granted a preliminary injunction against club owners. The strike led to the cancellation of 938 games overall, including the entire 1994 postseason and 1994 World Series. Not a very good time for baseball lovers!

And, last but not least, today is Al Gore's birthday.

I have now given you things you can talk about at your next gathering!


Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Dream Interrupted!


Ever have a dream. A dream that is so good, you hope you never wake up (from the dream). This morning, I was having one of those dreams.

Before the staff came in to give me my pills, I was dreaming that I was on a date with Tom Cruise!

But wait, it gets better. I also had a winning lottery ticket, and had just won $$28M dollars. And, unfortunately, I don't have either, and likely never will. A lottery card winning, only works, if you actually buy a ticket!!

But, a gal can still dream can't she? Most of the time, I can't even begin to tell you what, if anything, I was dreaming while asleep. So, this dream, is really special, and unlikely to repeat itself.

In Other News:

I went to a flower arrangement class. The activity director can and does have a variety of hands on things for us to do. For all of my years, flower arranging, was a vase with water, and flowers just plopped inside. Certainly, not creative, but somehow it always seemed to work. Let's clarify, good enough for yours truly.

Four of us ladies, made spring or Easter arrangements. Our flower filled vases will be put out in the lobby. Mine doesn't look too bad, but it's way below that standards of my daughters-in-laws. 

I believe that my only creative side of me is writing, and typing. When I was working in the law department at Marriott, sometimes a Union contract had to be retyped, for one reason or another. Other than myself, nobody in the department volunteered to do the job. Since it was always me, I was pretty much in heaven. I love to type. Since, it's just typing, I have been pounding on keys since 1968. 

For practice, sometimes, I just open up a book, and start typing what is written on a page or two. Love typing, or whatever it's called now. Unfortunately, my typing for work is finished. But, I still have my blog. The blog makes me very happy, particularly if I have thought of a subject that I want to share.

I'm a very busy lady today. Four activities! And, one of those activities, was chair exercising. It's only 30 minutes, but my body thinks 30 minutes is enough.

Dinner in my room today. One good thing about having a muddled brain, is that you can't remember what you wrote down on the menu yesterday. So every meal I receive, is a mystery to me.

Have to run. Next activity is Wheel of Fortune! I hope I win!!


Monday, March 29, 2021

Two Subjects - Can't Decide!


Friends, we're just a mere few days before April makes it's appearance. At this moment, I really have to check the weather everyday, to decide what I should wear. Long pants? Short pants? Sleeves", etc. 

The sun is shining brightly out my windows, but I think we're going to have weather in the 60's. But, then because Mother Nature, is so fickle, we'll have three days this week, with temperatures in the 40's. 

As I sit down this morning, I have two topics I could write about. And, believe me, these two topics, have absolutely nothing to do with each other!

Where I'm living now, there are low flush toilets. We don't have these at home, and hope we never will. My experience has been, so far, is that low flush toilets, aren't all their cracked up to be. You're supposed to save water, and that's a good idea. But, if you have to flush multiple times, then what's the point? TMI I know, but I now have a plunger in my bathroom. You get the idea. 

In our house, our appliances, with the exception of the new oven, are all mostly 32 years old. If you want a washing machine with the regular spinny thing inside, then you should buy this old kind now. Store it in the basement, if you have to. I don't even know if you can buy a regular toilet anymore, but if you can, put that in the basement as well. That's the end of that topic. Aren't you glad? 

Changing topics.

I have read a fiction, but loosely based on facts, a book about Charles Dickens. The book makes a big deal out of how handsome he was. While I can't seem to be able to give you guys a picture, but, in my humble opinion, I think he was downright ugly. And, yet, women swooned to be near him. Why? Probably, because he was well known and had money. These two qualifications from his time period, can be somewhat true for today. Who wouldn't like handsome and money? Everybody has a price!!

Here's what I know is true. Dickens lived from 1812 to 1870. He was 58 years old. His wife, Catherine, lived from 1836 until 1879. She was 64 years old. Catherine and Dickens were married for 22 years, until he became perhaps more enchanted with younger women. In the book, and it is perhaps fiction, Catherine didn't attend Dickens' funeral. The book intimates that Catherine, after her "divorce", became quite heavy and seldom left her home. 

In Dicken's lifetime, he wrote a weekly journal for 20 years, wrote 15 novels, 5 novellas, hundreds of short stories and articles. 

One of the woman, that Dicken fancied was Ellen Ternan, an actress. Upon his death, his will provided with Ternan 1,000 pounds. Today, that would be over $79 millon dollars. Tidy sum for it's time. Catherine received only 600 pounds, or 25 pounds today.

When Dickens died, his estate was worth an estimated 50 million pounds. Today, his worth would be 69 Billion dollars. He died a rich man. Unfortunately, at the time of his death, he left more money to Ternan, than his wife. 

Dickens had a very large ego, and thought of himself, as "the magical circle of one". 

The novel I read, was mostly based on fact, dates, marriages, that kind of thing. But, being a novel gives the writer free range to gather the facts, and then make them more interesting for the reader.

I tend to find a subject or topic, that sounds interesting to me, and then research the hell out of that subject. If, I could remember what I have written here today, I would be able to have a conversation about him, at a party. Of course, there are no parties, or few parties, now. My family and friends know that I'm reclusive, and have been more so, after I retired. In a large crowd, I try to find the smallest place in the room. And, yet, with friends or small gatherings, I can certainly hold my own. Sometimes people actually think I'm a funny person.

That's all the information, I have handy for today. My calendar today says "do more of what makes you happy". Nice thought to end my blog.


Friday, March 26, 2021

A Beautiful Day


I guess my blog now, is likely to be in the afternoon. There are some activities in the morning.

Just finished Bingo, ended up with 8 points. opted for only one candy, the rest were crackers of some sort or another. Sometimes, I just put my "winnings" at the nurses' station. I really don't need them in my room!!

I walked around the parking lot this afternoon, misjudged a curb. I thought, where I stopped  was one of those yellow markers for no curbs. Because, I'm not always batting a thousand when it comes to my brain, I almost fell down. That would be bad.

One activity was to paint wooden eggs. There are only 5 people allowed in an activity. I have zero, and believe me I'm not exaggerating. Some of the eggs came with little circles or squilly (however you spell it) things. I tried painting those little circles, and ended up with a mess. Trust me on this. My hands do shake, so staying within the lines, was mission impossible. But, then I had an idea. I painted my entire egg in gold, and I used clear nail polish to have the egg shiny. I think I'm seeing Benjamin next week, so I'll give the egg to him.

It was a beautiful day outside, and I and my royal "buggy" sat out in the sunshine, and it was wonderful.

I hope that you're weather is wonderful also. 


Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Hello Friends - Checking in


Subject: Checking In - Posted by JTB - helper here.


Hi everyone. Yes, it’s really me. I’ve missed “talking” daily, about anything and everything.

I stayed a week at Andrew’s house, and I was well cared for, as usual.  As a mother-in-law, I took on some chores, dishes, folding clothes, etc. Stuff like that.

By moving many hurdles, I am now in an apartment in an assisted living facility. I’ve only been here for 3 days, and I can already see that most residents, who are very old, seldom leave their apartments. I, however, went to the water coloring activity yesterday, and painted a, for my talent, quite nice picture. There is a woman who comes in I think twice a month, she does haircuts, toes and nails.

Stacey and Wendy worked hard to give me the most girly apartment, ever! It is pink and lavender, I even have some of my favorite pictures. While it isn’t home, and I didn’t think it would be, in the end, it’s simply just an apartment.

I have three windows in my room, but the view isn’t so great. My view is of houses’ back yards. And that would be okay, but, we’re talking about really messy yards. The kind of back yard that would not be acceptable at home.

While I was at Andrew’s house, Benjamin and I watched an episode of Hunger Games. Since I know absolutely nothing about the story line, I simply just watched. Benjamin, was trying so hard to help me understand, but that didn’t work out so well. Stacey, has bought me the first volume of Hunger Games. Pretty sure that I don’t think I’m going to enjoy the book. And, that’s okay, it will however, let me talk “intelligently” (ha) to Benjamin about the series. I’ll let you know how that goes, but probably this series won’t be my “cup of tea”!! The things that I will do for Benjamin!

Cutting this short for the day, my lunch has just arrived.

Have a great day wherever you are. I’ll talk to you again tomorrow.




Monday, March 8, 2021

Hello and Good-bye


It is possible that this blog, will have to take a recess, for now.

I'm moving to an assisted living facility. As I write, Stacey is helping me, or to be fair, has taken over all the things that need to be done.

My emotions are all over the place: anxious, scared and, to be truthful, want to vomit, pretty much all at the same time! Go figure. 

Since, I'm at the moment, at some kind of breaking point, Jeff has told me to just relax and everything will be handled. Okay, I know all that is true, but you know me .....!!! Like that is ever going to happen. For me, and perhaps forever, somebody will control my life. Not in a mean way, but because my brain is always in some kind of a muddle, I know I do need help. But, my ego, I guess you could call it that, has taken a beating.

Stacey came today, and helped me, big time. Some of my clothes are ready to be taken to Stacey's house. She packed up all of my little "bites" that I wanted to take, at the moment. 

Once, all of my furniture is in my apartment, then I'll need help to put everything in place. And, once that's done, I'll say good-bye, and then close my door. You know they say when a door closes, a window opens. And, that once I move in, the window will be open for me.

I have to keep this short, because Jeff and Stacey want to pack up my computer now. I don't know when I'll be on line, but please don't give up on me.

I thank all of you, for your support, and also reading my blogs.

I will write you all later.


Friday, March 5, 2021



With the exception of having to go to the dentist yesterday, I had a great day. The first part of the day was wonderful.

Wendy and Stacey, took me shopping at Target. If you're not paying attention, you can really rack up quite a larger total, than you expected! And, yes, if I'm being honest, that's what happened. So easy to do! Probably, because everything in the store was calling my name! Actually, it always does!

I need pretty much everything, for my new digs. And, it was more daunting than I thought it would be. I had a few tears while shopping, because the mission was daunting. Yesterday, I had an appointment with the dentist to put a temporary crown on my chipped tooth. He said I was looking better, and gave him a strange look. "was I here last week", and I had absolutely no recall of my being there.

I've even had to ask Stacey and Wendy, what we bought. How said is that. And, unfortunately, I think I've asked that question multiple times. Still I don't remember the answer! As sad as this move is going to be, I will be living in a protected environment, with activities and people. And, I need both now.

The only item to be put on a wall, first day, is the "I love you to the moon and back", wall hanging that Stacey made for me. When ever  Benjamin and I have to leave each other, that's one of the last things we say.

I did blog yesterday, but looks like I never sent it! All of you know that I have a mind like a steel trap!! Ha, if only that was the case.

At the moment, I am putting things in the living room that I intend to move to my apartment. Truth is, I feel like a new bride, who is getting presents!

Jeff wants initially, to concentrate on my "bedroom" and perhaps the kitchen and bathroom. And, then adding furniture, bit by bit.

The excitement I'm feeling, and the fears as well, are doing absolutely nothing for me. I don't much care for change, and I know there will be a period of adjustment, and probably a few tears, as well.

It's Friday, but you know that of course. It's on the chilly side here, but the sky is a brilliant blue.

Till next week.




Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Shopping and Shopping


Stacey came and took me shopping for the immediate necessities, for the apartment. We had a really good time, actually a ridiculously good time. 

First stop, "Donation Nation". The prices are quite reasonable. I think that I purchased a few things there, but, as usual can't remember yesterday.

We also went to a Home Goods store. I loved just about everything! But, in the end, I had an attack of buying too many things. Most everything went back to the shelves, except for one thing. It's a full size dog (perhaps it was) that will keep me company, when I'm in my apartment.

Today, Stacey and Wendy are coming to take me to Target. Mission? Bed blankets, sheets, comforter, shower curtain and liner, as well.

After, we get the remaining things for the bedroom and bathroom, then we'll stop, for the moment.

I took my walker yesterday, and boy did I need it. I push my little walker around, and sit down when I can't be on my feet much longer. 

I'm trying to take as few things as possible from the house. I will, however, take some necessary paper products (tp, kleenex and paper towels), and things like that.

Jeff's suggestion, and it's a good one, for all of us to concentrate on the "bedroom" and bathroom. I would like to have as much lavender and purple, in my room as possible! As a teenager, my bedspread had different shades of purple, and I loved it, Jeff isn't found of these colors, and I'm so excited to have my apartment, frilly, etc. I think I'm at the end of the hall, so perhaps there will be little traffic near me. 

Closing for now, the "girls" are on their way, and we're going to have such a good time.

Till tomorrow.




Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Going shopping today!!


I have much to look forward to this week. And, one thing that I'm not looking forward to. That is my dentist appointment this week. Argh. 

This afternoon, Stacey is coming to the house to visit. I think it would be a perfect time to have our toes "done". And, tomorrow, both Stacey and Wendy are going to take me shopping for things for my new "digs".

The girls want to make my apartment both frilly and feminine. Oh, and use a lot of purple and lavender, because those are my favorite colors! Perhaps, if they needed to, they could use my apartment, as part of a tour, for possible new residents, who want to see what a studio apartment, with furniture, looks like.

Switching gears, which is certainly not unusual for me, a PopTart recommendation. I know you're thinking Pop Tarts, who cares. But, friends, I am here to tell you that PopTart has a new flavor - salted caramel! It tastes wonderful, and you feel like you're having dessert! I promise you, you will really like this PopTart. It's yummy. I wish I could be paid by the company, for this review - but you know, that ain't going to happen.

People have great adventures all the time. I know that Jeff and I did, while we were living in California. Somehow, for years I worked for two attorneys, nobody to play with there.

Once I started working for Marriott, things changed. I had friends, and through the years,  had real real relationships. At the moment, my working friends, well still working. This means, that, for the most part, I don't have people to play with, at the moment.

While I am on the younger side of the majority of the residents, I might be able to bring something new to the table! And,they wiall have stories to tell.

It might be possible for Jeff to bring Bella occasionally for a visit. Bella would be treated like a queen, and the residents will love seeing her. Though we don't generally let anybody pet Bella. But, perhaps we can make an exception when visiting. Maybe, Bella could be the community dog, and visit with us regularly.

Lots to do today. I know I say that every day, but I really do need to get some things done. For instance, what furniture I will be taking with me. General stuff like that.

Once I move in, I don't know if, or even how, I will be able to keep up with my blog.



Monday, March 1, 2021

Last Great Adventure!


Friends, yours truly has made a big decision. If you know me well, then you know that I don't make many decisions. Particularly now! With a somewhat muddled brain, it's for the best if I let somebody else make decisions for me.

But, over the weekend, I took Jeff to a assisted living community in Virginia. A fair distance from home, but closer to Stacey.

I have my own studio apartment, rent is cheaper, for one reason. They have some rooms, where you shared a bathroom. Nope, not going to happen. I did this during my last stay at Hopkins, and my bathroom mate, was a young man, who didn't understand how to use a shower curtain. Shower curtain inside please. Long story short, I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night, Nothing special about that. But, my bathroom mate, didn't put the shower curtain inside.

Then, I of course, had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, and I didn't turn the light on. That was a mistake, since I didn't see the water on the floor. When I realized that there was a lot of water, I used a word, that I almost never use, but it was fitting at the timeon the floor, and I nearly slipped, I actually said to myself "what the f***. Not a word I generally use, but it was fitting at the time. Next day, I had a "chat" with this young man, about shower curtains and wet floors. He improved his habits quickly.

Jeff has rented a studio apartment, in an assisted living community. I'm not the youngest person in the community, but I'm a youngster compared to the other residents. 

There is a daily activity calendar, which is absolutely full from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. They play bingo, have cocktails, arts and crafts, and also a book club!!

Stacey, had found on line, a really pretty (at least I think so) bedroom set. It has an old time style, which I happen to love. For the price, I get the bed, dresser and a nightstand! I haven't seen it yet, but it's in Stacey's garage at the moment. I'll have to ask her today, what she thinks of the set. 

I believe Stacey is coming to the house tomorrow, and if she does, we'll be going to stores to look for small things for the apartment. One thing I really want, is some kind of a room divider. 

I am making a list, of what things I need and/or want to take with me. Because of the room's size, initially I will bring just a few things: chair, lamp, plates, and other things like that. Once we have moved the designated furniture into my apartment, then I'll know how much extra space I will have.

Obviously, I will have to leave behind some of my favorite things, until I can see how much space I will have leftover.

Please be happy for me. I've checked their monthly menus, and I must be diligent about what I eat. Not going to put on, weight, when I've worked so hard to lose 50 pounds. And, because I believe in me, I have donated 6 bags of clothing, that are, at the moment, too big for me. So you see, there is no going back!

Oh, food hint. Try the salt caramel pop tarts, you won't be sorry.  They are delicious, I promise.

Have to close now, have to get ready for a doctor's appointment.


Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...