Friday, March 5, 2021



With the exception of having to go to the dentist yesterday, I had a great day. The first part of the day was wonderful.

Wendy and Stacey, took me shopping at Target. If you're not paying attention, you can really rack up quite a larger total, than you expected! And, yes, if I'm being honest, that's what happened. So easy to do! Probably, because everything in the store was calling my name! Actually, it always does!

I need pretty much everything, for my new digs. And, it was more daunting than I thought it would be. I had a few tears while shopping, because the mission was daunting. Yesterday, I had an appointment with the dentist to put a temporary crown on my chipped tooth. He said I was looking better, and gave him a strange look. "was I here last week", and I had absolutely no recall of my being there.

I've even had to ask Stacey and Wendy, what we bought. How said is that. And, unfortunately, I think I've asked that question multiple times. Still I don't remember the answer! As sad as this move is going to be, I will be living in a protected environment, with activities and people. And, I need both now.

The only item to be put on a wall, first day, is the "I love you to the moon and back", wall hanging that Stacey made for me. When ever  Benjamin and I have to leave each other, that's one of the last things we say.

I did blog yesterday, but looks like I never sent it! All of you know that I have a mind like a steel trap!! Ha, if only that was the case.

At the moment, I am putting things in the living room that I intend to move to my apartment. Truth is, I feel like a new bride, who is getting presents!

Jeff wants initially, to concentrate on my "bedroom" and perhaps the kitchen and bathroom. And, then adding furniture, bit by bit.

The excitement I'm feeling, and the fears as well, are doing absolutely nothing for me. I don't much care for change, and I know there will be a period of adjustment, and probably a few tears, as well.

It's Friday, but you know that of course. It's on the chilly side here, but the sky is a brilliant blue.

Till next week.




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