Saturday, May 29, 2021

Lost A Few Days!


Yep, it's me. Lost a few days there, sorry about that. But, once you have had a tooth removed, you're not feeling very spry. I know, I know, I never really was. But, as they say, that ship has sailed!

This week, because I didn't have any fun scheduled, I went to see the oral surgeon to have a part of my tooth removed. Twice, while eating nuts, almonds and walnuts, has ended in a tooth disaster. Teeth disasters unfortunately cost money, and if you're having an implant, which I did, there is also a waiting period of a few months, before the process ends. In the meantime, I have a hole in my mouth - looks really good I assure you - not!

At this facility, like others I suppose, you learn as you go. I think I've been here for 3 months or so. I have put my finished tray on the floor near the door. And, that's been okay. Today, I was told that my tray is supposed to be on the counter. And, nobody told me this, why? Don't put your dirty laundry outside your room, until bedtime on Friday night. Again, learned on my own. Have to sign up for activities in a binder at the front desk. That, like everything else, self taught. A new resident handbook would be very useful to new people coming in.

Yesterday, we learned that on the first of June, everybody would eat in the dining room, with a few exceptions, being sick is one of those. If you want to eat in your room, it will cost you $8.00 every time you eat in your room. I didn't in the past, liked to go in the dining room. Large tables, and people who can't hear you, and I can't hear them. I like, correction, I love reading. And, if I eat in my room, I can eat and read, which I enjoy. But there is no way that I'm going to incur yet an additional fee for Jeff to pay.

They told us yesterday, that the front doors would now be locked at 5:00. You could have heard the uproar from far away. I've been out after the door was locked. You press a button, and they let you in. When I am going to away for the day, I leave a note at the front desk, letting them know when I think I'll be back.

Several opinions yesterday, were along the lines of living in a prison. I think that's a stretch of their imagination. You do, need to play nice in the sand box, but that could be said of any place where old people live. After retiring, I have lived my life in a rut, if you will. New things that I need to learn how to use definitely doesn't fall into my rut. Neither does appointments. Things like this, upset my routine, and that doesn't make me happy. How do I put this in a word or two, most anything that is out of my norm, gives me anxiety.

If you don't suffer from anxiety, or any of the other mental problems, then it's likely that you don't understand how debilitating living with being mental, really is. 

I'm still thinking about, what kind of pet I could have in my room, that wouldn't require a lot of upkeep. Since I don't really walk well, having a dog is probably too much for me. I'm still thinking about a low maintenance animal, a cat perhaps.

I hope you're having or going to have a nice weekend. It's  pretty gloomy outside, at the moment. Maybe the sun will come out later.

Talk to you next week.


Tuesday, May 25, 2021

The Measure Of A Man


I wrote a blog about this subject, a few years ago. I want to tell you about Jeff, the man who married me 47 years ago. And, as luck would have it, is still standing strong beside me. Taking care of me is and has been nearly a 24/7 job, for him.

There were many, many good years. We went places, we did things, we took our plane to the Bahamas twice (how cool is that?). Not that it matters, but when you are flying from Florida to the Bahamas, there is a very a instant distinction in the water. You probably can't see this division of colors, from a commercial plane, but you can see at the lower level we fly at. For "x" hours, there is this mucky gray colored water in the ocean, and later you look down, and the water is blue. It is beautiful to see.

I have been "mildly" depressed for more years, than I want to think about. And, somewhere along my life's journey, mildly would no longer be an adequate word to describe my depression. The doctor gave me pills to help battle my depression, and they worked to help "maintain" my mental state. 

Then, a few years ago, I became really "mental". There are no adequate words to describe what was or was not going on in my head. Very hard to describe depression, to people who have never experienced it for themselves. And, I hope you never do.

Long story short, my mental state began to get worse. I couldn't, and still can't remember, what happened yesterday, much less remember what my breakfast was today. In just a few hours, I won't likely remember what I had for breakfast.

And now I'm here, in an Assisted Living facility. I have a studio apartment, all 434 feet of it, and thanks to Wendy and Stacey, my "apartment" is very pretty and feminine. 

Not everybody in the family, thought that I was making the right move to come here. But, I know that Jeff deserves to have some kind of life for himself. Jeff works very, very hard to take care of his customers. And, I know they appreciate this.

The family moved me into apartment 352. Will I remain in this facility, or another one like this for the remainder of my life? Hard to say.

What I do know, is that it seems unlikely that I will ever move back into the house. This makes my heart hurt, but my "brain" knows what is best for me. I have fallen several times while being here, but thanks to good bones, haven't broken any bones. This is a very good thing.

While I don't live at home, Jeff has been my rock through this transition period. We email back and forth through the day, but for the most part, we don't call each other. 

Here's the most important thing to know, that I have and will continue to struggle with my body and brain, I know that Jeff is just an email away. 

He has been very kind to me. I told him about the soft mattress on the bed, and a new one is on it's way. Required to wear those compression socks, so found a very colorful set of socks, that will actually not go with anything. But, I'm past caring what I look like when I'm here. 

A very nice water coloring set, including anything and everything you could or would need to "paint". And, Jeff has been very good about buying, for the most part, things on my Amazon list. And, I'm grateful for this.

Over the years, we have had some issues, like every other couple does. After being forced to retire for medical reasons, I stayed home 24/7. The family, and they are right, but I don't have to like it, will no longer let me drive. This means that Jeff, or somebody else, has to take me to my appointments, etc. 

I guess you shouldn't drive, if you can't even find your car in a parking lot. When we shop, Jeff always parks the car in the closest handicap space he can find. Before we go into the store, he'll point out to me, where the car is. I generally go out to the car before him, but there have been too many times where I'm literally staring at my car in the parking lot, but I don't see it. 

This move, while perhaps not what we thought or wanted to do, was the right move. He can, and does, work very long hours each day. And, because I'm not there, he doesn't have to wonder what kind of trouble I've gotten myself into. Okay, I stood on a chair to reach something at the top of the cupboard, lost my balance, broke the chair and fell, as an example. 

If, when we were married in 1974, you had told me then, that someday I would have a body and a brain, not working as they should. I would have laughed at you. Now, not so much.

Through all of this and past nonsense, Jeff has never let me down. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for me. He recognizes that my brain doesn't work at 100% now. And it seems unlikely that it ever will. Yet, he stays. My body movements, are shaky now, and yet he stays. I bring nothing to the "party", and yet he stays. I get angry and frustrated, and yet he stays. I didn't realize until I came here, how much I didn't know how to do. 

Just trying to hook up my sound machine, that Jeff bought me, was beyond my ability. Victor, the handyman, had to come and fix it up for me. And, other things like that. I'm not gracefully going older, I fight every step of the way. And, it's a number thing, truly. It's my inability to be able to know, understand and do things on my own.

It's beyond hard to live with somebody who can't remember much of anything, such as myself. And, through all the madness, the battles fought, over stupid stuff, and everything else I have put him through.



Saturday, May 22, 2021

New Things - Old Habits

 5/19/2021 now it's 5/20/21and now 22!

If you know me well, and I think most of you do. Then, you'll understand that I like things just the way they are. Thank you very much. I don't, for the most part, want or feel the need to switch things around. They call this a rut. Or, perhaps it's just an old woman disorder!!

Today, hasn't been my best day. I went to exercise class, and that was fine. Now, several days, later, I don't remember what was bad about Tuesday. It wouldn't matter if I sat here until next Tuesday - it's already gone.


Still no activity director. No exercise class in the morning, and the afternoon activity was a word search puzzle. I can do this all on my own. I have half of a drawer filled with this kind of puzzles. I stayed in my room, because I was heavily involved with a book. And I know that surprises nobody!

In the afternoon, they came and removed our Xfinity boxes. They replaced them with Direct TV. The basic package with Direct TV doesn't include sports. So, there goes my watching and/or listening to ball games at night. Victor told me that if everybody in the facility voted to pay for sports channels, then we could have those channels. I'm thinking why bother? There is no way on earth, that people here are going to pay, I think, $34.00 a month, just so that I can watch baseball games. Apparently, if only I wanted to pay for more channels, that doesn't seem likely that's it's going to happen. Everyone pays for their room, and the monthly rent is not cheap. Then, what I don't under- stand is, if Jeff pays the monthly charge for extra channels, why would that bother anyone? I told Victor (handyman sort of) that what I wanted, and won't hurt anybody, why would it matter if I paid for extra channels. For the last few nights, and using the Direct TV remote, which is very easy to use, and operates much like our Tivo remote, I've been able to find movies that I actually watched more, and read less. This movie, in particular, had several actors when they were young, and probably just starting thir careers. Bill Paxton is one, of those actors. When Jeff and I talked last night, about Paxton, we both remember watching him on a show, but neither of us could remember the name of that show! Wikipedia, swoops in, to provide answers. He was in a movie called Big Love and a show called Training Day.

Since the best thing for me mentally, is to have mostly everything remain the same, any changes, minor or major, bother me a great deal. I'm sure that most, if not all of you, don't have this particular problem. And, you're lucky, I assure you.

My strap on my buggy, which you pull on broke the other day. Again, yet another call for Victor and Morris. After they turned the buggy over, Victor came up with an idea for fixing the strap, so it won't break in the future. And Victor assured me that with his new fix, the strap won't come off again. Now, all I have left to do, is to ask Jeff to look at the right wheel. Perhaps, when myself and the rollator fell, it's possible that it might, and likely is, the reason the tire is leaning in toward the frame. I've been assured that the rollator will still work fine. But, with nerves like mine, which are frayed at the edges, as they almost are, I'd just feel safer if the wheel was straight like all the others. We're taking the rollator home with us, so that Jeff can assure me that this slightly bent wheel is not going to break off, or something similar. If he says it's okay, I'll return to walking with it.

My fear of falling, has become an absolute fear for me. For most people, probably all of you, don't worry about this issue at all. For me though, when I have already, fallen twice and stumbled more times than I can count, falling is on my mind. My doctor wants me to use those socks they give you in the hospital, that have the grip dots on the bottom. We're supposed to wear shoes, but my "discussion" will be, that this kind of sock, is safer for me, rather than shoes. I don't know if I can win this battle. I have told Jeff that you do have to pick your battles. Getting ice with each meal, only took a month! Not bad. Asking for milk, other than whole milk, has only taken a few weeks, And so it goes on and on.

At Bingo yesterday, several ladies complained that they didn't have books to read. I offered that I had 6 books, that I have read. I told the ladies I don't want the books back. They asked me to put the books by my door. By bedtime yesterday, the books were still there. Now, they are back in my room.

Before any activity, I bring along my very large print word search book. One lady asked if I had an extra in my room. I told her that I didn't have any other books like mine. But, I did have a very small book of puzzles. She literally asked if I had another book like mine. I told her, look for word search puzzle books on Amazon. In my "stash", I have 9 more puzzle books, but they are very small in size, compared to the one I am using now. 

Jeff is coming to pick me up on the 26th to stay for two nights. During my visit, I'll go and have the "girls" checked out, and see the oral surgeon to start the process of yet another implant. Other than the huge expense, somewhere around $50,000, I could have all new teeth. I won't lie, other than the expense, it would be wonderful to have very nice-looking teeth, for once in my life.

I am now supposed to start wearing those nasty compression socks. You know the white ones they give you in the hospital. I may need to wear socks, but they don't have to be boring. The socks that I ordered are anything but plain. There are stripes, dots, and other colorful designs on black socks. Will they "go" with anything I wear, doubtful. Do I care? Not in the least.

It's the weekend, and life is more boring than usual. Today's only activity is a walk to collect money for Parkinson's disease. We have several people in the building, that have advanced Parkinson's. I won't be walking, (a) it's supposed to be hot today; and (b) it's likely that I couldn't keep up. I know, excuses right? Everybody needs one or two!

I guess I'm finished. This has been an involving blog. Hopefully, this won't happen again.

Have a good weekend, and if it's hot where you are, stay inside!


Tuesday, May 18, 2021



It's Tuesday - big whoop. When I worked, about 100 years ago, give a year or two ago, Wednesday, with the exception of a weekend, was a good day for me. I was halfway through the week. That was good enough to keep me going. Something to look forward to.

Here at the "old folks" home, each day is no more exciting than the one before. We had (emphasis on had) a very likeable, and talented engagement director. Sandy was very encouraging, no matter what your finished product looked like - flower arranging, painting, etc. And, now she's gone. There is a new management company running this facility, and since Sandy didn't say good-bye, we suspect that she quit rather than transition to the new company.

So, for the moment, the 7 or 8 of us, that actively participated in the activities, have nothing much to do now. Since there are no activities, I'm assuming that Sandy just walked away. If this was just turning loose people, then they would have waiting someone to take her place.

Ever tried to contact a company. But, you can't find them? It's happening to Jeff and I, as I write. Jeff bought me a beautiful walker, or whatever you call it. I liked because the wires were inside the frame. The ones that have wires on the outside of the frame, catch on everything. Which in turn, makes those wires stick out more and more. While it shouldn't matter, this walker, or whatever you call it, is a deep red, and no wires outside the frame. Heaven sent definitely.

Since moving here, I get a frown from the staff, if I don't have my "buggy" with me all the time. I know their right, but I feel really older, when I walk with my buggy. But, I also know from experience, that if you are moving the buggy around, without the brakes, said buggy is just going to pull away from you. And, one way or another, you're likely to fall down. When I'm involved, it's not likely that I'll fall down, it's a matter of when I fall.

Last night, forgetting that I'm sleeping on a twin size bed, I slipped or fell when I was in bed. I tried to pull myself up using my mattress, but it was too soft. Then, I went back to the basics of my falling. Yup. Crawled on my knees until I could get to my desk, so I could stand up. Had to do that twice. I'm only 71, so I'm really looking forward to getting older!! Not. 

Ever bought something, from let's say Amazon, and you need a part, etc. You can't actually find enough information to correspond with the manufacturer. That's where Amazon comes in.

And, yes this situation if where we are today. My buggy or whatever you call it, has a bent wheel. Could Jeff fix it. Likely. But fixing this, shouldn't be something that he has to do.

Because I always look forward to the challenge of finding "x". This afternoon, I found "x", the address and email address for the maker of my buggy. Initially, Jeff needs a replacement part, or a new buggy. When I first acquired my buggy, I didn't take it everywhere I went. But, after falling, and getting new bruises, I take her (got to give her a name) everywhere, or I get that dreaded look. You know the one: what in hell are you doing without your buggy? Answer, I will be okay if I stay inside. And, after the last fall, in my room, I'm actually not allowed to leave my buggy in my room. I guess I should be happy, that it's not one of those little carts in a store, where you get that "beep beep" sound when you're in reverse. They can't help, but look at you. At least, unlike other shoppers I see at WalMart, my body doesn't hang over both sides. There's something to be happy about.

Closing now, before the therapists come and pull me out of my room.



Monday, May 17, 2021

Nothing Big Happening Here


Weekends here at the "old folks" facility, are slow. I mean there are no planned activities for Saturday and Sunday. And, the sad truth is, that since our Engagement Director left, we are getting a minimal amount of activities during the day. Or, for most of our days now, there is really very little reason to even leave your room. 

You know the drill. Put an ad (probably something electronic these days) asking for an Activities Director. Oh, and must enjoy working with older people. Even if they found Mary Poppins today, there's the interviewing, reference checking, and perhaps a background check. I'm not sure about that last one. In my mind, I would be surprised if we had a new activity person in 30 days.

Yesterday afternoon, I took the buggy out for a loop around the parking lot. One of the ladies from our exercise class joined me. It was very nice to have company. This wasn't a power walk, but definitely could be cataloged as exercise. We talked about the quality of the food. When I first came here, I thought the food was okay, but lately I've not been too impressed. A piece of meat, which I must have ordered, that might have been fish or a pork something? Took a bite, didn't like it, and left the rest of the meal largely untouched. But, on the other hand, the desserts are very good. And, I do like my sugar.

We normally get a daily bulletin, letting us know which activities you want to sign up for. For the last few days, we haven't received our daily "what to do" list. After breakfast, I'll go down to the lobby to see if there are any activities today.

The library bus won't be here again until the 4th of June. I have been ordering more "lady" books. I'm a bit burned out, at the moment, reading about galaxies, monsters, and flying beasties, etc.

It's likely that I will have physical therapy today. Still working on that balance issue. I can't decide, whether I'm making some/any progress on that issue.

Jeff is very busy, with work, the usual paperwork - bills, taxes, etc. All boring things. Plus, customers (clients?) want him to be available 24/7. When I even think about going home in a few months, I know that his work circumstances likely will not have changed. I believe he likes what he does. Trouble is there just isn't enough hours in a day for him. Reasonably so, he's tired. and I understand.

Went down this morning to see if there were any activities for today. There was a morning exercise class, but I didn't go. I was sitting in the lobby, talking to an interesting man. I preferred conversation over exercise every time!

An example of the idiocy about living in a facility -- I have a wheel on my rollator that has tilted away from the frame. I called to ask for Victor to come and fix the wheel. Wait for it. Her answer was that Victor, handyman, wouldn't be able to fix it. That this was a job for the physical therapists! Here's what I do know. I'm not taking the rollator outside, until the wheel is fixed. The last thing I want and/or need is to have a problem with the wheel when I'm outside walking. I'm trying to keep my falling record down to one a month. So, I've met my fall requirements for May!!

I wish I had new news to write about. Sadly, I don't. Basically, I live in a fish bowl, which is, at the moment, good for me. I do check up on the news every few days. 

I'm going to admit that I'm lonely. But, having an actual pet, is a lot of work. Walk the dog, clean the kitty litter, stuff like that, doesn't appeal to me. 

Time for my "head clearing" session for this week. Before talking to Dr. H, I prepare a list of things we need, or I need, to talk about. 

Have to close. Maybe, I'll actually have something to talk about tomorrow. Have a good day.


Tuesday, May 11, 2021

I'm Still Here


Sorry guys, just haven't been up to blogging. I have an excuse. With your eyes rolling back into your head, you're thinking, of course, I have an excuse, I always have one!!

Last Friday, after shopping with Benjamin and Stacey, at Jeff's favorite store - WalMart, where we had too much success in finding things. It wasn't all about clothes, well, perhaps a little about clothes. But, I also wanted to buy orange juice, 2% milk and spreadable butter. 

As you sit at home, or at work, you're probably thinking why would I need to buy "groceries" for myself. It took me over a month, to get the kitchen to understand that I wanted ice, at each meal. Success on that front.

I don't have enough energy or fight left in me, to try and get orange juice in the morning. Even though I say, 2% milk on all my meal preference sheets, I continually get whole milk - ugh. It's like drinking cream, and I know that Jeff loves whole milk. Of course, you already know about butter, here, like in restaurants, you get those two stupid little pats of butter, that are rock hard. Stacey and I have fixed all these issues. Sorry Jeff, but you have to pick your battles, and I'd put so much effort into getting ice, that am now crying "uncle", for everything else.

Oh, where was I? Oh yes, Friday and bringing bags (Jeff doesn't need to know that right?) up to my room. The bags, and yes there was more than one, were put into my room. I was in the business of pushing my "buggy" into my room. What I didn't realize is that my sweater had gotten caught in one of the wheels. Well, as they say, the rest is history! Long story short, I fell hard. Face first of course, and hitting my left leg on the floor. 

I pushed my little panic button twice, and nobody came. I managed to get myself up on my knees and was able to crawl to my desk. Once at the desk, I was able to pull myself up, and parked my fanny in my chair. Was I disappointed in the staff? Oh, you bet.

Before I knew it, my room was full of EMTs. How they got there, I don't know. They were there to take me to the hospital - I refused to go. When I did fall, my head brushed against the wall, emphasis on brushed. I, had to go through motions with arms, legs, etc., to prove to them that I hadn't broken any bones. They again suggested that I go to the hospital for a CT, and again I refused. Bruises to the body, does not need medical attention.

I was, however in pain, so I took the only pill for pain, that you can have, is Tylenol. I don't have a prn on file for pain. I got through the day, and checked my body, which I hate to do, in the mirror. Oh boy, I was already getting a bruise on my thigh, about the size of Arizona. Not much you can do about a bruise.

On Saturday, I stayed in my pj's all day. And I almost never do that. By now, my bruise had grown to the size of Texas - so not attractive. And, will take a long time to disappear. Glad it's not bathing suit season yet. Oh it is? I wasn't planning on wearing a bathing suit this year, nor did I do so, last year. So my ugly appearance, wasn't going to matter to anyone, but yours truly.

Book delivery came on Friday, and I had ordered 15 books. I've already read 2, and am most of the way through a third one. 

Yesterday, my physical therapist came by, and told me that I can't leave my room without my buggy - argh. I went down to the lobby, to see if I had mail - no. But I did have my buggy with me. There are two reasons that I choice this one. First, the necessary wires that are needed, are inside the walker. Second, the walker, by pulling on the strap on the seat, you can collapse it into a very thin walker, or whatever you call it. I collapsed it in the lobby, and all the people who sit in the lobby, were amazed. Where did I buy it? Why does it collapse so small (really?). 

Most, if not all, of the residents here, are very, very heavy. They push around a little walker intended for somebody who weighs 100 pounds or so. Basically, they use their walkers to hold books, water, etc. Pretty obvious that they aren't actually able to sit on these walkers. Why they have them, is a mystery to me. These little walkers would be of no use if somebody fell. Okay, enough about falling.

Sunday was Mother's Day. Chef put together a tea, coffee, cookie get together. There were only about 8 of us who attended. I actually feel very sorry when the staff goes to so much trouble to do nice things for us, and then nobody comes. It must be frustrating for these people.

There is nothing to do around here on the weekends, but I had options. I could water color, Jeff bought me a very, very nice set of paint, ink pens, which so far I haven't been able to work (shocker) and very heavy paper for me. It's a wonderful set, and I've already used it, such a nice selection of colors!

I could latch hook, and I have a "diamond dot" picture to work on as well. The diamond dots has a pattern printed on paper. You "pick" up each little "diamond", and place it approp- priately. My hands are a bit shaky, so I haven't been very successful with that project. 

I did go to exercise class yesterday. I did all the exercises on my right leg, left leg not so much. I also had physical therapy in the afternoon. The concentration at the moment, is balance, or lack of balance. Yes, I need work on my core, but I feel like I'm always just one step away from falling down. I really need help with staying upright.

Beautiful day outside, and if I had a therapist walk around with me and my buggy, with one of those belts around my waist, I would go out and walk. No therapist, no belt, no walking. 

I "watched" a ball game last night. Who was playing? I have no idea. I use the games more for white noise, while I'm reading. If one of the local teams is playing, preferably, the Nats, then I actually do watch.

Looking at my clock. Have to get ready to go down and flex my muscles, such as they are. 

Have a sunny day. Chat with you tomorrow.


Thursday, May 6, 2021

New Management Company


Good morning everybody. I hope all of you are having a better day than I am.

A new management company took over the facility where I live. Old management told the residents, that we likely wouldn't even notice the change. They lied! Which actually we didn't believe.

We have an exercise class every morning, and I never failed to go. This morning, while we were waiting for Sandy, whom everybody loved, we were told that she decided to move on. The company says it was a personal decision, and not one taken by management. I call BS.  After we were told, you could have heard a pin drop. Losing Sandy, was a big blow to the regulars. Now another body from management is gone. I guess for now, we all will stay in our rooms, and thankfully have things to work on. 

But, here's the thing. Even in a facility, like this one, you get really attached to both residents and staff. 

Losing Sandy, leaves a large hole in my heart. When you are around the same people every day, close bonds are made. It's a part of life. People come into your life, and then sometimes they go out. Even casual relationships can form a strong bond between  people.

While I write this, I am heavily burdened by the events of today. I'll be fine, it just takes time.


Wednesday, May 5, 2021

It's Just Wednesday!


This morning I was given an indication that this wearing mask wearing thing, has gone on too long! How do I know this? Because, this morning when I went to put a mask on, bits and pieces of the elastic fell off! Luckily, it was just one of those generic blue masks, but still. 

As we did years ago, when we women burned our bras. I'm pretty sure that we'll be burning masks, when we can.

The six foot rule doesn't apply, if you can't hear the other person and vice versa. There are several women in the exercise class, that don't hear very well. I have to actually talk into their ears. So, there goes the 6 foot rule!

I'm a bit excited about today. I'm on the schedule to have a pedicure! Now, in the big picture, I don't think many men understand how important this is for women!! Even, if you don't wear sandals, and I don't.

I've reached that part of my life, where I prefer elastic waist bands (actually, I only) for my clothes. They are so comfortable and pretty forgiving. Thanksgiving comes to mind.

My shoes, which are super ugly, have Velcro straps. It's pretty hard for me to be able to reach my feet, which, for the most part, takes tie shoes out of the question. I think back to my past, and that was a long time ago, when I wore heels (I was younger), shoes with straps, things like that. I wear Birkenstocks. The first time you wear these shoes, it feels like you are wearing shoe boxes! But, after a time, my Birkenstocks have become one with each other. They're worn in, and I have actually paid to have them resoled. They are like old friends.

Pestilence has a long history of influencing how people dress. The bubonic plague killed as much as half of Europe’s population in the 1300s, leaving survivors with hefty inheritances and higher wages. Some historians credit the plague for sparking demand for finely tailored clothing and luxury goods—clothes became tighter, decorative features like buttons and fur trim became more common, people got really into grand headdresses. In this way, the plague gave rise to the Italian fashion industry, which still helps set global trends. Little known fact that I decided to throw in.

And, then we come to leggings. The first boon was from 2006 to 2010. They eventually resurfaced, and recently has been a big deal in the fashion industry, I will confess I have one pair of leggings - black. I purposely ordered a larger size, because let's face it folks, leggings don't look on everybody. The upsurge of tunics to wear with leggings, is also not flattering for most women. I don't have a highly toned body, and the last thing I want people to see is, a tunic stretched against my back side! I've looked in the mirror, and the look isn't good, believe me on this! They say accent your possibilities, or something like that. I'm not thin, by any stretch of the imagination. So, the last thing I want to wear is leggings with a pattern of some kind. Don't get me wrong, that type of patterned leggings, looks very good on some people. I just happen to be one of those, that should stick to plain colors! And, wear them seldom, and generally only in the house.

I'm not an adventures person. My hair is really starting to go gray, and I personally like the look. On one hand, I don't want to try and keep dying my hair, to hide the gray. It's just a fact of life, so get over it. When my mother was older, she dyed her hair some kind of red. Not a good look for her. Happily, she returned back to gray, which was a good look for her.

Men get a pass. A lot of men look really good with a smattering of gray hair. Think, Ricard Gere, as an example. Men look dignified, some women just look old.

I've chatted on, and now it's time for lunch.

Talk to you tomorrow.


Tuesday, May 4, 2021

I've Been Busy!!


Sorry about missing you guys for a few days. Please forgive me. I'm retired you know, and my days can get pretty busy. You exercise, paint with water colors, physical therapy. and of course, reading!!!

The library on wheels is coming this Friday. I am returning 12 books, and in return, getting 14. When I first ordered books, I wasn't paying too much attention to the order of each series. Yesterday, I spent time, actually quite a bit of time, going through the books I haven't read. And, I haven't read them because I'm missing a book in the series! You would think that a book lover like myself, would be able to think about selecting books in line! Apparently not. But, on Friday, all should be okay in the book world.

I've had two outings. Of course, I can't remember which one, if any, I have chatted about. Please bear with me, if I've already shared my "news" with you before. Um, I really don't remember.

First, was Benjamin's 13th birthday. He is now taller than Mom-Mom (me). Benjamin is growing up way too fast for me. I keep looking for that little toddler, who used to scramble up onto my lap. But, life goes on. And, as Benjamin has aged, yours truly has as well. 

We had burgers, etc. Stacey, hung different masks from their dining room chandelier. Very unique. Jeff's best friend's wife, a doctor, from Alaska, is in town to take care of her brother. And, to present a paper, the subject of which, escapes me at the moment. Benjamin received many gifts, which included a new laptop, and some kind of electronic gadget that he had asked PopPop to buy. I don't remember what it was, or does, but in any case, Benjamin loved it.

Last Saturday, Andrew took me to Scott's house, to celebrate his 41st birthday. Wendy made real sour dough bread, it was so good, that I could have made a meal just eating the bread.

She also made a chocolate ice cream cake, with caramel on the top. It was past delicious. My mouth wanted another slice, but my brain "kicked" in, and told me that I didn't need another slice. And, the brain was right.

I got back to my room at midnight. Unlike most nights, when I really don't want to go to bed, I was glad to be in bed, and fell asleep in minutes. I also took a nap on Sunday.

Jeff sent me, a box of art supplies. A large set of watercolors, brushes, thick stock paper and pens filled with paint. I have already painted my first painting. It reminds me of geodes, where the rock is open and inside are beautiful colored rocks. I painted a version of that. And, from my point of view, is beautiful!! We have painting class today, so I can't wait to show it to Sandy, our instructor.

Yesterday, not only did I have my usual morning exercise class, but a combined session in the afternoon of occupation and physical therapy. I ended the day, feeling pretty happy with myself - as far as exercising went.

While "watching" a baseball game, I was actually doing more reading. I have four books left from last month to read. Two of the books are really thick, so I might not finish all of the books. Trust me, I'll try.

Weather in the 80's today. I don't go outside, even for a short walk. I use my buggy when I go outside, but I have a real fear of falling. Inside the building, I walk on my own two feet, and don't seem to have any fear of falling. Maybe, because it's carpet rather than asphalt!

Time to close. Have to get ready for exercise class. I haven't missed a day since I've been here. There are generally 7 women who come most, if not, all of the time. We call ourselves the Magnificent Seven. We have a wellness goal for May. You know what that really means? Um, weight loss is a huge part of that. 

I've already started with eating and drinking high protein foods. I reached my first goal, 50 pounds in a year. I have a scale in my room, and I weigh twice a day. I have a two pound window, as far as numbers go. With two cakes in a week, I'm um a little past my window (sigh). This morning, I ate only one waffle and one piece of bacon. When I think back to my high protein diet, I was never really hungry. And, if I'm not hungry, I once was disciplined enough, to stop eating, Worked before and it can work again. 

Have a wonderful day. Chat with you tomorrow.


Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...