Saturday, May 11, 2013

It is good to be home! working back towards "normal"

May 10, 2013

For those of you keeping track it’s Friday and your resident blogger is up and at ‘em early this morning.  By my clock it’s 5:00 in the morning – give or take fifteen minutes.  I developed a farmer’s habit in the hospital of going to bed really early and getting up while it is dark outside.  My theory is simple: IF you get up with the chickens then you are ENTITLED to have a nap after lunch.  Our farming grandparents were smart.  Get your work done and then rest.

Since coming home on Monday yesterday was my most  outstanding day. After getting myself dressed and eating breakfast (raisin toast anyone I had many options to choose from as to how to spend my day.  Contrary to popular belief while I do love a good long sit between chores, I do try and actually get something done between my many coffee breaks!  Problem is my chores at the moment are tedious and depressing.  There is nearly 5 months of filing to deal with and somehow and I am not enthused about tending to something so dreary.  Course it has to happen and the pile of paper isn’t getting any smaller. I know you’re not supposed to put off until tomorrow (or next year) what needs doing but delaying is so compelling.

Yesterday we went down to the warehouse and met Stacey and her Dad.  We then went to the police station to pick up the paperwork for release of one of our recovered vans from a towing company.  So $500 later we are back in possession of a stripped van with a lot of body damage.  The van will not get us much money when we open up the warehouse for our “fire” sale! 

Between Stacey, Jeff and Stacey’s dad we managed to jockey vehicles around until the vans were safely parked back inside the warehouse.  Of course this large amount of maneuvering took quite a long time.  By the time we got home and had a bite to eat it was time for my nighttime pills and bed. 

This morning I went outside and played in the hose and attempted to pick up all the helicopters that fall at this time of the year from our oak tree.  One thing that I’ve noticed since being home is that my attention span is really short and while I may wander around the house I’m pretty sure I’m not ADD.
 I cooked some steak this week and it came out closely resembling the tread on the bottom of my shoe.  Today Jeff chopped up the meat – I added eggs, celery, mayo and relish and lunch is ready whenever we are.  There has been some suggestion that we go after lunch out to the new estate (Andy’s house) and take them out to dinner.  Tomorrow I’m cooking and baking in anticipation of lunch with them on Sunday.
That's it for today - more tomorrow

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