Friday, May 24, 2013

OCD, Bugs and Varmits

May 24, 2013

How to describe my OCD?  As anybody who suffers from OCD, which is a nasty bit of annoyance, we have routines that must be followed or our "crazy" sets in!  And I promise you that you don't want to see us when we're freaked out about locking car doors or making sure we didn't hit a pedestrian who was walking 3 blocks away.

I, for example, have to double (nah triple) check to make sure that my car doors are locked when parking in a parking lot.  Now in reality I know that the absolute worse thing that could occur while I'm off doing who knows what - is that the car will be missing when I return.  That's it.  See how simple that sounds, no big deal.  Except for me and perhaps others a missing (stolen) car would be devastating and then I'd have to quadruple check my doors!

Before I can go to bed at night I absolutely must check to make sure that the garage door is closed.  It doesn't matter that Jeff has done it and reported in - I MUST see for myself.  In theory we're back to the what is the worst that could happen.  The door remains open all night and a family of squirrels move in to eat the dogs kibble and fight for their place in the garage.  Squirrels are destructive but cuter than those tacky little meeses that continually crop up in my house throughout the year.  And don't get me started on those ugly and huge buggy cicadas due to arrive on my doorstep any day now.  I know people eat them and have pronounced them tasty and the paper will soon be filled with cicadas recipes but count me out.  I'm not fond of bugs so the thought of eating one or perhaps more is not even remotely on my radar.  I may be odd but I prefer my food to be dead before eating. Unless I'm eating pretzels or potato chips I don't want to hear a crunching sound. 

I watch these tv shows where the host goes around the world eating gross icky stuff and he declares, almost without exception, how tasty the head, or other body parts, of a particular animal is.  I wonder what his wife fixes for him when he's home.  And while he has indicated how tasty squirrels are - don't expect to come to my house for dinner - and eat anything but beef or chicken.  And I'm sure that this same gentleman would tell you that squirrel tastes just like chicken apparently tastes a lot like alligator, rattlesnake as well as many other animals that are not directly related to a cow or pig.

So as soon as I'm finished with my cup of coffee and wishing you all a happy three day weekend, I'm going down to the basement (also called the hole) to forage in the deep freeze for something for dinner tonight.


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