Sunday, May 26, 2013

My Weekend


I know that the weekend isn't really over; but, I decided to share with you some of what I've done so far.  Yesterday, a friend came and got me (I'm not allowed to drive) and we went out to lunch and I brought half of my sandwich home with me.  That half a sandwich will make an excellent bite for my lunch today.

We drove to the library and armed with my list of books/authors I wanted to read I scoured the aisles trying on books for size.  When I select a book I always look at the cover page (I like a nice cover), as well as the inside flap.  I never buy or borrow a book without reading the first page and I look for bigger print type because I don't see as well as I once did.  Who does come to think of it?

I'm new to this handicapped lifestyle and I find it tedious to juggle my purse which weighs 5 pounds, the cane and in this case a bag of books.  While I fought the use of the cane initially, I use it almost constantly.  The biggest problem I have with the cane is finding it every day.  I put it down and then of course can't remember where it is.  I need some kind of locator device that would beep to tell me where the blasted thing is.  Yesterday, Jeff found it inside a closet where I had been shuffling some paperwork for the now defunct battery business.  I was bored with the chore and didn't notice that I had put the cane in the closet while I was working and then wandered away.

Scott came over in the afternoon and we drove to the shop because everybody loves driving around the beltway to visit a warehouse!  Because it was Saturday there was a small blessing in that traffic was minimal.  We took Scott to 5 Guys after dinner where many french fries went to their death.  Scott brought along his dog, a Neapolitan Mastiff who is a big dog, actually more of a gentle giant, and she attracted a lot of attention.

Went to bed a bit late but was up, as usual, bright and early.  Today we are driving over to Andy's houe to bring Benjamin to our house for a few days.  Actually, neighbor Kim and I will split time with Benjamin.  Kim is active (and I am so clearly not) that Benjamin has a better time with her as far as playtime goes.  Mom Mom (that's me) is more of a reading, watching a movie and cuddling before bed.  When you think about it Benjamin has a perfect world.

Now that my blog is being put to bed I will retire to the sofa (Jeff is still sleeping) and start lining up tv shows for the next week.  It's a big job put somebody's got to do it!

Enjoy your day.


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