Friday, May 17, 2013

It's Friday

May 17, 2013

It's Friday people and I don't know about the weather where you live but it's pretty near perfect here in Gaithersburg.  The grass is green, the trees are fully leaved out and the zicadas haven't arrived yet.  These bugs - while they won't hurt you - make me nuts.  They are noisy and if you step on them they make a loud crunchy sound.  Once they begin to arrive, the paper will be filled with recipes for eating these buggy critters.  I'm sure they are just as tasty as peanut butter but I'll pass just the same.  There's a reason they live underground for 17 years at a time and I'm pretty sure they don't surface just so we humans can eat them.

Yesterday Jeff and I went to see a new doctor re: my mental health.  He was very direct, which is a good thing if you are dealing with me.  I told him that while I don't see myself as a liar per se, others would disagree.  Anyway, we talked about communication, or more precisely lack of communication especially on my part.  You would think that as much as I love to talk that communication would be easy for me - well the truth is, it's not.

Both of us liked the new doctor and will return to see him.  I need all the help I can get.  Don't kid yourself you can get in a hole that becomes so deep you can't even see a way out.  That would be me in a nutshell.

After dinner we took the zippy "z" out for a spin and enjoyed the fresh night air and then returned home to enjoy the air conditioning!

Next week for my Tuesday cooking "class" I am making a hamburger casserole that Mom used to make all the time.  I am also making a frozen yogurt pie.  The ladies should enjoy both dishes.  While I'm prepping and cooking I feel just like Martha Stewart - only difference is I wear white socks with black shoes (horrors).

I have managed to make a dent (small) in the overly large stack of battery business paperwork.  I'd love nothing more than to shove all this paper into the fireplace!  Since I doubt that most of the paperwork will ever become relevant again I'm just packing the papers up in boxes, seal them and shove them into the bowels of the basement.  

Don't forget the Preakness horse race this weekend.  For the Derby I made myself a mental bet that Orb would win - and he did. Of course he would have lost if real money (mine) was at stack and right now I can't afford to incur any other bills.

Time for me to tend to some chores with my cane by my side.  If I get tennis balls for my walker I could trade off between my two personal "vehicles" of transportation!

Enjoy Friday


1 comment:

  1. Good to hear about your new doctor and how direct he is. I think he will be good for you to get you to really say what you are feeling, etc. Also, good news that you made a small dent in the get some of that overwhelming feeling pushed aside a little. Sending you hugs!


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