Sunday, May 19, 2013


May 19, 2013


Okay I'll let you in on a little secret - that frankly most of you already know.  I don't like talking on the telephone.  Those long lazy chats during high school with my girlfriends is now just a thing of the past.  Why I wonder?  With the advent of all the new cellphone technology should be easier than ever.  So why do I think it's a pain in the rear.  There is nothing to hold on is one issue.  Give me a phone with an actual receiver that I can grab onto.  These new phones is just a palm size piece of plastic that I have trouble operating.  Have the time I don't even remember where I laid down my little cellular piece of communication.  You have to hold this small device up to your ear and more times than not I let the phone slip off my ear OR I push the wrong button and end up talking to Hong Kong!  Or calling my sister at 3:00 in the morning and then discovering my error and hanging up.  I have been forgiven for the early wake up call and after that incident in the hospital kept my cellphone in the locked security closet!

Half the time when I manage to find my phone, I"m short on battery life which bothers me not a bit. I am not a huge telephone user.  And my phone is not permanently attached to my hip or tucked safely inside my purse (which I can't find half the time either)!

The new phones are small and powerful and allow the entire population to reach out and "touch" someone with the press of a button.  But if you're having rather frequent brain cramps (like me), then the phone is no longer friendly or useful.  More times than not I have to yell upstairs to Jeff to help me get myself re-oriented with all the screens and options.  Truth is that Jeff has told me numerous times in the past two weeks how to use the phone and I absorb very little of what he tells me.  Frustrating for both of us.

So to my friends and family who don't receive phone calls from me, it's not that I don't love you or think about you.  Just the technology is, at the moment, overwhelming for me and I'm adverse to using it.  But it isn't just the telephone that gives me trouble - I'm also having trouble running my Tivo remote successfully!


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