Monday, May 13, 2013

Life is good!

May 13, 2013

I hope that everyone had a wonderful weekend.  And that all of you ladies received the recognition you deserve.  

I spent the majority of the day prepping and cooking dinner to take to Andy and Stacey's house and everything turned out quite well if I do say so myself.  Scott came over yesterday morning and I invited him to join us for dinner and - he accepted!  

The really big present for me was seeing Benjamin after 5 months.  He hadn't forgotten me and he has really shot up.  He may be 5 now but he hasn't gotten too big or too old to sit and cuddle with Mom-Mom.  

Jeff helped Scott and Andy with some "manly" things in the basement probably having to do with wires.  Benjamin and I sat on the sofa and it wasn't long before he went to sleep and I followed suit shortly after.  

Today I must get a handle on the ever growing pile of paper that doesn't seem to decrease. If anything the stacks seem to get bigger. The task is overwhelming (to me) and it is making me reluctant (or perhaps I'm just lazy) to make much progress.  I think the best way, at the moment, to handle the paper is to box up all the battery company paperwork and shove it in the back of the basement and in a few years shred everything! Not the best method of filing but it will help me keep my sanity by getting it out of sight, for the moment.

It's a beautiful morning and the air is a bit crisp which really beats air that has a "bit" of humidity (and we know there is no such thing as a little humidity around here).

Have a great day. 


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