Sunday, July 30, 2017

What's Hiding Under Your Bed?


I always assumed, actually scratch that knew (at least I thought I did) what was lurking under our bed.  No monsters, or anything like that.  But dust bunnies mixed in with some dog hair was what I thought was underneath.  Hey, in my book, don't go looking for trouble.  If you do, you'll definitely find trouble.  And, frankly Scarlet, I wasn't looking for trouble of any kind.

And then I had my bedroom carpet cleaned.  When I went to bed that night, there was a book titled "Baby's First Year For Dummies" that I had obviously purchased when Benjamin was born.  I don't think of myself as a dummy, but there were more than a few years between Andrew (youngest) and Benjamin.  And, I knew that a lot of things had changed, not least of which was car seats that would be safe even if you sent the baby out into space, or putting him in our plane for small spins around the area.

Now I know that some of you, based on what was already found, would get down on your knees and have a look see for yourself.  If, and it's a big if, I was down on my knees, Jeff would probably come home from work and find me stretched out flat on the floor, unable to get myself back up!

Small goal for today: take up my now empty suitcase, and the clean laundry.  Or, put these things at the bottom of the stairs, and Jeff will take them up for me.  A week spent looking at my suitcase is long enough.  Time for it to move on up.  I have no trips planned for the rest of the year!  I'd be satisfied IF I could get the feeling back in my foot, so that I could drive.  Although, I'd be lying if I wasn't honest and actually enjoy somewhat being driven around like Miss Daisy!

My social worker was just here and she believes I have made enough progress that at present no longer need her services.  Progress is baby steps.  While I might want to run a mile (in whose universe?!), it's good enough for now that I'm able to walk around without using a walker.

Jeff is going to make the Costco/WalMart run today.  Since I haven't been out of the house for well over a week, I'm tempted to ride along, though I suspect that the trip might be tiring.  It'd be more fun to take Jeff's car and just ride around with the wind whipping through my hair.  Oh, and a quick stop at Mickey D's for an ice cream cone of course.  First, you work and then you get a reward!

Happy Sunday everyone.


Image result for picture of eating ice cream cone

Friday, July 28, 2017

Time to Build an Ark!


The weather here today is doom and gloom. There has been some thunder and likely there will be more later in the day.  I am grateful that the girls are not bothered by this noise.  Poor old Sam would quake in his "boots" whenever he heard thunder or lightening.  

I'm feeling a bit off my game today, so while I'm "supervising" the girls in the den, I'm binge watching Street Outlaws.  Kind of a silly show and why it appeals to me I have no idea.  I guess I'm impressed with how much money these drivers will bet on a particular race.  

For sure, there are many things that I could do: fold laundry, empty the dishwasher, dust and the list just goes on and on.  Or, more likely, I will do one or two (or none) of those things!  I've got so many appointments next week, that I have actually printed out a calendar to help me keep track.  Mind you, none of these appointments could actually qualify as a fun activity, but it's an activity nonetheless.

With the rain falling down, I can at least tell if the girls actually go outside!  I had the carpets cleaned yesterday, and every time I do this, I begin to get an advanced degree of paranoia about keeping pee, etc., off the carpet.  The girls are either going to get potty trained, or my carpet is going to be cleaned to death!

Here's what I know for sure: Jeff likely won't be driving with the top down today.  I think it's supposed to rain most of the day.  Let's hear it for muddy paws.

It's nearly noon, so I'd better get myself in high gear and get something (anything) done around the house!

Stay dry.


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Thursday Already?


It looks like it might rain today, which will mean muddy paws!  With Sam, our Westie, I used to put water in a bucket, and then just literally dunked his feet.  He didn't like it much, but I did.

The last time I had the carpet cleaned, I opted to sign up for a one year $99.00 for two rooms offer.  Since I haven't been mobile in quite some time, and couldn't chase the dogs from the upstairs hall, the carpet now needs a "bit" (understatement) of cleaning, which will happen this morning.  And, now that I am home, the gate blocking the puppies from going upstairs during the day will be put back in place.

The social worker came again yesterday.  I now have so many dates, times and people swirling in my head, I'm not sure who's actually going to show up at the house.  Physical therapist? Nurse? Social Worker?  Or all three.  I just can't remember.  A fully functioning brain would be such a good thing to have!

I have a number of doctor's appointments next week, and I feel bad that Stacey and Benjamin have to haul me around.  I am applying for a county ride program, where they come to your house and then drop you off where ever you want to go.  Who knows, maybe I could even get my nails done!

Not too much news from the ol' homestead today, so I'll keep this short.

Have a great day.



Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Getting Services


My rehab facility has set me up with a series of home visits by different individuals.  So far, a physical therapist, a social worker, a nurse have all been to the house.  Many services have been talked about, and since I don't have a remarkable short term memory, my head is fairly swirling with all the information I've been given.  Thankfully, Jeff was home yesterday when the Social Worker came.  She is coming back today with resources that can and/or will be useful to me.  

Once of the biggest resources is something called MetroAccess, where you are picked up at your home and delivered to a store, doctor's office, etc.  If approved, this could allow me to be "more" independent and give Stacey her life back.

I have been watching "Dog, The Bounty Hunter" on television.  Apparently, the "Dog's" net worth is around $10 million.  I guess if I was earning that kind of money, I probably wouldn't feel the need to button up my shirt either!  They have a home in Hawaii and another one in Colorado.  It appears that there is money to be made in chasing down the folks who have skipped bail and/or missed court dates. I'm sure the show is scripted but that in no way minimizes my enthusiasm. It's just a fun show to watch - at least for me.

Today, I have physical therapy and another visit from the social worker.  I feel as if I'm the recipient of the help that I need and I'm grateful for it.

Yesterday, I gathered up my strength and determination to vacuum the living room carpet, and boy did it need it.  Perhaps I'll dust today and then again maybe not.  Ah, the luxury of being retired.

Next week I'm off to see both doctors and hopefully between the two of them they will have a game plan of how to "cure" me.  This whole leg/foot thing is wearing me down, and it's not doing too much for my attitude either!

I'm off to visit my recliner ....




Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Another Day


It's Tuesday, and I've just finished my most excellent nap. Regardless of what you say, this staying home stuff is hard work - but, somebody's got to do it!!

Yesterday, my new physical therapist came to see me.  His findings?  I'm weak on the right side, which I could have told him from the get go.  He's coming back tomorrow, and we'll get into the nitty gritty stuff - exercises.  I can hardly wait.

Then in the afternoon, a nurse came to check up on me.  She redressed my surgical incision, which would heal better IF I were to lay down 24/7.  But, the one part of the incision is behind my knee, which doesn't seem to heal since I um bend my knee!  I liked the nurse and she apparently will come out twice a week.  Then, I'm supposed to have a home health aide, who will help do things around the house.  What she'll do I'm not sure, but there are plenty of things around here that need help.

Jeff sent in my CPAP machine for repairs while I was away.  On Friday night, when I went to use said CPAP machine, it didn't work.  Jeff assumed, as rightly he should, that if you send something out to be repaired, then it gets repaired.  Silly us for thinking such a thing.

I have blocked off the den this morning, so that Bella can't gain acsess to stuff that doesn't belong to her.  Both dogs are now a year old, so I'm wondering just when exactly will they stop grabbing up things and chewing them to death.  While puppies are cute, they are a lot of work and require major diligence! I know, or at least I think I know, that the puppies will eventually be past all, okay maybe "some" of their chewing.  Fingers crossed.

I feel the need to do at least one king of household chore each day.  It may be as simple as putting soap in the dishwasher, but even that counts as a chore.  When the therapist and nurse came yesterday, I was dismayed at the mess on the living room carpet.  The mess was caused when I had Jeff pull out the sleeper sofa, thinking a few months ago, that it would be better than sleeping in my recliner.  So the mess on the floor sadly came from the sofa when he pulled it out.  To be fair, I did "attempt" to move some dust around, not that it made much of a difference.  But, I definitely get an "A" for effort.

I have three doctor's appointments next week, and I'm hoping that at least one of those doctors will be able to come up with an action plan to return my foot back to its former non-numb state.  I cannot even begin to imagine what my life would be like, if the foot stays number.  It's not even worth thinking about.  Trying to think positive, but as every day goes by, with no change, makes it harder for me to paste a smile on my face and when asked how I'm feeling, I always say fine.  Because in the end, all these casual acquaintances in stores, etc., really don't want to know how you're feeling.  Their being polite and so are you.

Pity party is now over.  Time to move on to do something productive, and at the same time keep Bella, in particular, within my line of sight.  Many crossword puzzles went to their death yesterday (insert really frowny face here).

Have a great Tuesday and stay indoors if it's hot outside!


Picture of Jeff when he realized that the broken part of my CPAP machine was still broken!

Image result for picture of frustration

Monday, July 24, 2017

Home Alone


Just like in the movie, I'm home alone today.  Well, alone if you don't count the girls. Compared to the last time I was supposed to stay by myself, I am much stronger than I was before.  And, while it's not pretty, I can go up and down the stairs, but it's tiring.  With few exceptions, I have everything I need here on the first floor.  Food, potty, television.  Pretty much everything that I could need or want.

While I can "walk" on my own, it's much easier when I use the walker, oh and faster too!  Even though my wheelchair is smaller in size, it still doesn't fit very well in the kitchen.  I had the best of intentions of getting up this morning when Jeff did, but after thinking about it briefly, rolled back over and went back to sleep.  I'm sure that Jeff fed the dogs, otherwise they would have probably chewed off my foot!

Getting a visit this afternoon from a home health person.  I am supposed to have on a weekly basis, a number of folks coming to the house to make me stronger and more able to care for myself.  What I would like to do is take a shower, but that's tricky business, when standing up for periods of time isn't my strong suit as yet.  And, as Jeff has reminded me, that when bodies are wet, they are slippery. 

Watching a show on Netflix called "Ozarks" which is about money laundering.  It's binge worthy I promise you.

We had a lot of rain and thunder yesterday.  The good thing about rain is that I can tell whether the girls have actually gone outside!  Of course, I also have to contend with muddy paws.  Today, is brilliant sunshine and a beautiful blue sky.  It's hard to believe that next week we'll be in August already.  Time to start watching for all of the ads for back to school clothes and supplies.  Really glad that's all behind me now.  

Have a wonderful Monday.


Sunday, July 23, 2017

Day Three?


Technically, I was only home for half the day on Friday, but I'm still counting it as a full day of being home.  You've heard of fake news - well I have "fake" days!  By my weird way of counting, this is day three at home.

I'm fairly mobile, but when I've stood and/or walked too much, then this old body begins to break down.  I was fairly active yesterday, and today I'm paying for it.  My body does not understand why I'm still trying to be in motion, when parking myself in a chair would be more comfortable.  

I have lots of clothes that I brought home from the rehab facility that need to be folded and taken upstairs.  Or, fold them and think about putting them upstairs.  Option two sounds decidedly more promising, as well as doable.

Someone from my new group of therapists (occupational, etc.) is coming to see me this afternoon. I suppose we're going to talk about who will come to the house and when, etc.  What I want today is a shower.  I'll need Jeff to be outside the door, in case I get a bit wobbly, which might be the case.

This morning, while checking out the "news" on Facebook, I came across a video that Scott shot in 2010 at Christmas.  Benjamin was such a little boy and was just as excited about the boxes and paper as he was in an actual gift.  Back then, Benjamin still had the lightest of blonde hair, but like most blondes, their hair darkens over time, and he's no exception.

Started watching a new show on Netflix last night called "Ozarks".  It's a pretty good show, about money laundering - how to do it, wear to put it and who to avoid messing with.  Could become our new binge watching television show.

We had a lot of rain and wind yesterday, but looks like everything is still standing in the yard.  Luckily for us, the girls are not bothered by the sounds of weather.  Poor old Sam used to quake in his boots when we had a nasty thunderstorm.

I know this isn't much of a blog, but then nothing much has happened around here.  I should have more to write about tomorrow.

Happy Sunday.


Saturday, July 22, 2017

Home Again - Fainnly


Stacy and Benjamin brought me home yesterday morning.  Am I glad to be home?  Absolutely.  Does it feel strange to be home?  Definitely.  I've been gone so long that it feels surreal to be here.  While I "lounged" in the hospital and the rehab center, life has gone on around me.  Dust doesn't collect under busy feet and Jeff has certainly been busy while I've been away.  He had to go to work, take care of the dogs in the morning, visit me mostly on his way home, fix his dinner and take care of the dogs and go to bed.  It sounds exhausting to me as I type this.

I know that Rome wasn't built overnight, and my house will not be back to "normal" (whatever the heck that is), for a period of time.  I am more mobile now than I have been, but I'm not going to win any race anytime soon.  Actually, even before I was hurt, I wouldn't have won any race back then either come to think of it!

I will be getting home services starting tomorrow.  I think I'm supposed to have a nurse visit sometime each week, and receive physical and occupational therapy too.  The key thing here is:  don't sit down so much.  I have been "granted" a wheelchair from Medicare, so I can and will propel myself around the downstairs.   

Stacey, who I can't thank enough, spent yesterday afternoon and a large part of the evening, doing laundry, cleaning floors and pretty much everything else.  I have never been comfortable with sitting down while somebody cleans my house.  It makes me feel very much like a slug. 

Since I'm in charge of paperwork, and have been gone for nearly two months, there is a bit of mail that needs sorting and depositing in the right file, trash can or shredder.  What I do have currently, is time.  So, I need to "tap" down my OCD feelings and take things one step at a time.  This, of course, is super difficult to do.

Jeff continues to be my primary caregiver (i.e., chief cook, bottle washer, medicine dispenser, etc.) and I don't know if it's easier for him to have me home.  When I was in rehab, he didn't have to wonder what kind of business I was getting into.  Now that I'm home, I flit for lack of a better word, from clothes that need to be folded and paperwork that needs attention (shredding/filing).  I wish I had a genie in the bottle who could make the piles of clothes brought home from rehab disappear!  

I'll keep this short this morning.  I'm going to get some breakfast, get dressed and start my day.


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

I'm Here


Yes, it's really me!  After a long siege of going in the hospital, and out of the hospital, in rehabilitation facility and I now have a discharge date for next week.  I am having two tests next week, which will give the back surgeon everything he needs to decide what the next step will be.  Fingers crossed that he'll have an action plan for me.

In the mean time, I'm doing physical therapy, twice a day, played a few games of Bingo (and never won), and took the occasional nap (okay, okay, a daily nap)!

I'm going to give a heads up that I'm coming home, because Stacey (Daughter-in-law) has offered to clean my kitchen and bathrooms.  I am feeling much better, and stronger.  I can make it up the 12 stairs in the stairwell, but I have some difficulty coming back down.  We are still practicing the decent, trying multiple options (cane, clinging to the rail, or if all else fails, "bump the rump")

Watching "Dog the Bounty Hunter", and wonder why: A) he doesn't get a haircut and ; B) why he doesn't button up his shirt.  I am tired of watching the show "say yes to the dress", and am dumbstruck by how much these brides are willing to pay for a wedding dress.  For the price some brides pay for a dress, it would make a good down payment on a house😉.  Mt wedding dress, which was beautiful, made by my mother, probably cost less than $50 to make (mind you that was in 1974). 

Went to jewelry making class, and made a beautiful lavender beaded bracelet (Jeff's least favorite color).  Since I am in my rouge state I might go bra less tomorrow. 

My good friend Helen, who I ate all my meals with, was discharged this week.  Helen, is a "young" person of 93, sharp at a tack, and can hear, and see.  Hearing is not something that many patients  here can do easily.  I know this because, if I don't close the door to my room, I can hear "Gun smoke" on someone's television.  I keep my television volume as low as possible.  I am if nothing else, considerate!

Jeff brought my Kindle, but I have not used it.  At home, I sit in my recliner, with coffee, a bagel, and at least one dog in my lap.  Here, I either sit in my wheelchair, (blah), my sitting chair, or my bed.   Dogs are allowed to visit, but can not stay overnight (unfortunately).

I am looking forward to finally getting home, and might be so inclined to take back up some of Jeff's new chores (laundry, cooking, and dishes), not necessarily in that order.  If Jeff will go downstairs to the freezer, and bring it up, I **might** be convinced to cook it for dinner (depends upon my mood)!  (I can be cranky at times)... and we will resume, two taco Friday when I get home.

I think that's for now.  Thank you for remaining faithful followers during my absence and kudos to my faithful guest blogger (Best Friend), Jeff. 

More later

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

July 4 - Guest Blogger - STILL!

Hi, Jeff Here -
With all that has been going on, I have not been very good at keeping up my duties as a "GUEST BLOGGER"

Patti is still in the Rehab center - at the Asbury Methodist center here in Gaithersburg.  She has progressed - and is stronger.  She continues to have ups and downs.

We saw a spine surgeon last week, and of course, he asked do you have films or tests for me to review... "no" - ok, so go get these tests done, and see me when you have these complete... (it takes approximately 2 weeks to schedule these tests - she can no longer have a regular MRI due to all the metal that she has in her body (cages in her spine from the previous spine surgery, and nerve simulator) - so, we have scheduled July 12 for the tests...

Meanwhile - the spine doc wants her to see another "LEG DOC" (orthopedics) due to the swelling and condition of her leg and foot.  That will occur tomorrow July 5.

The actual rehab - has helped Patti tremendously - she is now able, with a lot of pain, to actually make it up a set of stairs in their lab, and walk some.  And, they are also working on her upper body strength as well.  This all causes lots of pain, and as she says "angers the leg God" - so she then goes and gets in the bed with her leg elevated to "calm" the "leg God".

Her initial fully paid Medicare allocation has now ended - so moves to the 80/20 portion where Medicare pays 80% and the supplemental policy pays 20%.  We are told, that this will require additional justification... but, she really is still not strong enough to be alone, so she will stay.

This week, we made the hard decision to cancel the trip to Patti's 50th high school reunion.  She was really looking forward to the trip - just because it would be an ADVENTURE - road trip to Illinois, see people, and something different.   She really is not physically ready, and she reluctantly gave me the list of things to cancel.  The boarding for the dogs, the various hotel reservations, the actual dinner reservation at the reunion etc.  and, I have completed the list.

Today is July 4th - Happy Holiday, I hope this finds everyone well and enjoying the day off.

I am heading out to my Andy and Stacey's house to spend the day with them and Ben.

Back to work - and the grind tomorrow.

Enjoy the day!

Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...