Wednesday, July 12, 2017

I'm Here


Yes, it's really me!  After a long siege of going in the hospital, and out of the hospital, in rehabilitation facility and I now have a discharge date for next week.  I am having two tests next week, which will give the back surgeon everything he needs to decide what the next step will be.  Fingers crossed that he'll have an action plan for me.

In the mean time, I'm doing physical therapy, twice a day, played a few games of Bingo (and never won), and took the occasional nap (okay, okay, a daily nap)!

I'm going to give a heads up that I'm coming home, because Stacey (Daughter-in-law) has offered to clean my kitchen and bathrooms.  I am feeling much better, and stronger.  I can make it up the 12 stairs in the stairwell, but I have some difficulty coming back down.  We are still practicing the decent, trying multiple options (cane, clinging to the rail, or if all else fails, "bump the rump")

Watching "Dog the Bounty Hunter", and wonder why: A) he doesn't get a haircut and ; B) why he doesn't button up his shirt.  I am tired of watching the show "say yes to the dress", and am dumbstruck by how much these brides are willing to pay for a wedding dress.  For the price some brides pay for a dress, it would make a good down payment on a house😉.  Mt wedding dress, which was beautiful, made by my mother, probably cost less than $50 to make (mind you that was in 1974). 

Went to jewelry making class, and made a beautiful lavender beaded bracelet (Jeff's least favorite color).  Since I am in my rouge state I might go bra less tomorrow. 

My good friend Helen, who I ate all my meals with, was discharged this week.  Helen, is a "young" person of 93, sharp at a tack, and can hear, and see.  Hearing is not something that many patients  here can do easily.  I know this because, if I don't close the door to my room, I can hear "Gun smoke" on someone's television.  I keep my television volume as low as possible.  I am if nothing else, considerate!

Jeff brought my Kindle, but I have not used it.  At home, I sit in my recliner, with coffee, a bagel, and at least one dog in my lap.  Here, I either sit in my wheelchair, (blah), my sitting chair, or my bed.   Dogs are allowed to visit, but can not stay overnight (unfortunately).

I am looking forward to finally getting home, and might be so inclined to take back up some of Jeff's new chores (laundry, cooking, and dishes), not necessarily in that order.  If Jeff will go downstairs to the freezer, and bring it up, I **might** be convinced to cook it for dinner (depends upon my mood)!  (I can be cranky at times)... and we will resume, two taco Friday when I get home.

I think that's for now.  Thank you for remaining faithful followers during my absence and kudos to my faithful guest blogger (Best Friend), Jeff. 

More later

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