Sunday, July 30, 2017

What's Hiding Under Your Bed?


I always assumed, actually scratch that knew (at least I thought I did) what was lurking under our bed.  No monsters, or anything like that.  But dust bunnies mixed in with some dog hair was what I thought was underneath.  Hey, in my book, don't go looking for trouble.  If you do, you'll definitely find trouble.  And, frankly Scarlet, I wasn't looking for trouble of any kind.

And then I had my bedroom carpet cleaned.  When I went to bed that night, there was a book titled "Baby's First Year For Dummies" that I had obviously purchased when Benjamin was born.  I don't think of myself as a dummy, but there were more than a few years between Andrew (youngest) and Benjamin.  And, I knew that a lot of things had changed, not least of which was car seats that would be safe even if you sent the baby out into space, or putting him in our plane for small spins around the area.

Now I know that some of you, based on what was already found, would get down on your knees and have a look see for yourself.  If, and it's a big if, I was down on my knees, Jeff would probably come home from work and find me stretched out flat on the floor, unable to get myself back up!

Small goal for today: take up my now empty suitcase, and the clean laundry.  Or, put these things at the bottom of the stairs, and Jeff will take them up for me.  A week spent looking at my suitcase is long enough.  Time for it to move on up.  I have no trips planned for the rest of the year!  I'd be satisfied IF I could get the feeling back in my foot, so that I could drive.  Although, I'd be lying if I wasn't honest and actually enjoy somewhat being driven around like Miss Daisy!

My social worker was just here and she believes I have made enough progress that at present no longer need her services.  Progress is baby steps.  While I might want to run a mile (in whose universe?!), it's good enough for now that I'm able to walk around without using a walker.

Jeff is going to make the Costco/WalMart run today.  Since I haven't been out of the house for well over a week, I'm tempted to ride along, though I suspect that the trip might be tiring.  It'd be more fun to take Jeff's car and just ride around with the wind whipping through my hair.  Oh, and a quick stop at Mickey D's for an ice cream cone of course.  First, you work and then you get a reward!

Happy Sunday everyone.


Image result for picture of eating ice cream cone

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