Tuesday, August 1, 2017

A Busy Monday....


You know some people, perhaps yourself, whose calendar is chock full of activities - correction fun activities.  My calendar is also full, but there is nothing even remotely fun about the appointments I have this week.  Nope, just going from doctor to doctor, etc.  Basically, same song, second verse if that makes any sense.

Stacey and Benjamin took me to see an orthopedic surgeon who "does legs".  His partner, who I see on Thursday "does backs".  Would it be even remotely conceivable in this universe for both of them to be in the same office on the same day?  Nope, absolutely not.  

The doctor's appointment was delayed (imagine that) and by the time we got back to the house, the lady from a home health agency had already arrived.  Luckily, Jeff was home and let her into the house.  The nurse arrived later, took my blood pressure, checked the back of my knee and left.  I can only imagine (actually I can't begin to imagine) what her visit cost Medicare.  My thought, and it's only mine mind you, is that the moment doctors hear Medicare, the cost of your visit just doubled in price.  

Today is physical therapy, and the therapist has already given me tips on how to get off of a sofa as well as the edge of my tub.  Once I was shown the proper way to get up, it made perfect sense and hasn't been an issue since.  

We always watch Steven Cobert, the next night.  So for instance, tonight we'll watch last night's show, which should be fun with Steven making fun of the "Mooch".  I will say only this that the past seven months have been entertaining if nothing else.

Time for breakfast and get my day started.

Have a great Tuesday.


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