Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Raining Cats and Dogs


Can you believe that the month is half over?  I know that school children everywhere are dreading to see the end of summer.  And, Moms everywhere can't wait for school to begin!

It's raining cats and dogs this morning.  When it rains, I at least know if the dogs have gone outside, because their fur is wet.  And, when it comes to Daisy, she seldom comes back in the house wet or even damp!  Such fun to own a terrier.  😊

I had physical therapy yesterday and apparently am scheduled to have just one more session.  The fact that my balance is off, doesn't mean I can get more help.  Gotta love the system.  I do have a home health aide through the end of the month.  After that, Jeff and I will have to pay out of pocket for an aide to come in three or four times a week.  Once our 90 day waiting period ends, then insurance will pay for the aide.  So, I guess we're going to have to suck it up until the insurance kicks in.

My routine in the morning is: coffee, bagel and back-to-back "Dog the Bounty Hunter" shows.  Don't bother to ask why I am drawn to the show, but I watched it sometimes when I was in rehab and loved it.  I suppose stranger things could happen.

Jeff has been wonderful about fixing dinner every night.  I really appreciate his help and I don't mind (at least much) doing the dishes and cleaning up afterwards.  It seems a fair distribution of a household chore/task or whatever else you want to call it.

And speaking of dishes, I need to go do some now.  At the moment, I work a bit and then have to sit down before I can start again.  It's not a fast process, but by the end of the day, I'll have them done.                    

I wish I had something more exciting to write about, but unfortunately,  when you stay home 24/7, there's not much to say.  I'm sorry about that.

Have a good day.


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