Saturday, August 5, 2017

Absent Yesterday


You may, and I hope you did, noticed the lack of my blog yesterday.  Benjamin and Stacey came to the house Thursday afternoon and stayed the night, because I had an early morning doctor's appointment.  Stacey and I enjoyed watching some "cheesy" television and stayed up long after Jeff and Benjamin had gone to bed.

Friday morning, we left the house early in the morning to get to Baltimore.  My doctor's appointment went well.  She thought I looked good (insert smiley face here) and was happy about my continued weight loss (double happy face here!).  As a person, you know that going into the next size, whatever that number is for you, is absolutely unacceptable.  I had reached that point, where there was no way I was going to start buying clothes in a larger size.  I'm never going to be bone thin, but any small reduction in size is very good news for me.

After leaving Baltimore, we went to Bob Evans and had breakfast for lunch.  Who doesn't like that?  While pancakes and/or french toast, was very tempting, I knew that they would be a sugar bomb for me.  See what a good adult I'm being?  I had eggs instead and enjoyed every bit.  Oh and did I mention there was bacon too!

Thursday evening, when I went to reach for my reading glasses, on the table next to my recliner (think of it as home base), they were gone.  Surprise, surprise.  Stacey was good enough to venture outside and found them - well part of them anyway.

After breakfast, a trip back to the optician to order new lenses and frames.  This is the second pair of glasses that they have ruined.  I guess you could call them "seeing eye dogs".  Luckily, I have my regular glasses on 99% of the time, so there is very little opportunity for stealing.

A quick run through Michael's.  Love that store and then back home.  A busy, busy day.  Stacey is so good about taking my wheelchair in and out of the car.  I could use my walker, but then when my leg was tired, I'd have nothing to sit on!

Now it's Saturday and almost noon.  On the weekends, I let Jeff sleep in as much as he can.  He definitely needs the sleep and once the girls are fed, they are pretty content to take a nap.  I didn't want them to feel alone, so I leaned back in my recliner and snoozed.  Now, I must take myself upstairs and get my day started.

A very beautiful day here and I hope the sun is shining where you are.


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