Thursday, August 3, 2017

Sunny Thursday


It is really beautiful outside today.  It's warm and I'm sure as the day progresses, will become increasingly warm (i.e., hot?) today.  No need to complain, it's summer after all.  Okay, after thinking about that, I guess it's okay to complain, it's what we people do. 

Last night I "tried" to participate in a book event for Benjamin.  Notice the word "tried".  I know how important books are to Benjamin and as a lifelong reader, definitely want to encourage that with him.  When you read a book, you can become anything and be anywhere.  A queen in England, or perhaps a factory worker in New York, things like that.

I once read books about murder, but that particular ship sailed a long time ago.  I still like mysteries, but now I only want to read what I call "cozy murders", if that's a thing.  In a cozy murder, there is a body, but no gory details.  Just a body and then some little old lady in the town (never in a big city), works to solve the mystery surrounding the dead body.  

Today, a home health aide is coming to the house.  I've never had an aide before and am a bit unsure of how exactly to begin.  I have always had trouble telling people what to do, and this morning is likely to be no different.  Since I'm not exactly up and running around the house, the house is a bit messy/cluttered or whatever else you want to call it.  My wheelchair doesn't fit in the kitchen, so I have to use my walker to get around while I make my breakfast - bagels and toast! Yum.

Off to yet another doctor today.  This is a spine surgeon and I'll be interested to hear what he has to say about the tests I've had done.  I suppose I could live with the numbness and pain, IF I had a finite day when all of my issues would go away.  I don't know if there's a doctor anywhere, who's able to predict the "how long" of getting better.  Easier to say - months, months and perhaps more months.  Telling a patient it could take a year or more doesn't sound particularly encouraging, which is where my glass is half empty comes into play.  

I better sign off so that I can have my breakfast before the aide comes in an hour or so.

Have a great Thursday.

Image result for picture of books

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