Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Post Review Eclipse


We all survived yesterday.  The dogs didn't stand outside and howl at the moon, or even woke up for their nap to notice.  Jeff did come home early and based on the amount of traffic he encountered that was a good thing.

We watched the eclipse on television.  This required no special glasses, lawn chairs or traveling.  Moving from the den into the kitchen doesn't qualify as actually "moving".

I remember an eclipse when I was in grade school.  I was living in France at the time, and all of us children were taken outside to watch.  I don't recall any precautions for viewing the eclipse, and we all managed to survive.

Benjamin stayed over Sunday night and on Monday morning before Stacey came to get him, he ate his pop tarts while watching some annoying movie on Netflix.  I have a lot of patience when it comes to this sort of thing, so I did my puzzles while he ate and played while watching the television.

My schedule was a little off because I normally watch "Dog the Bounty Hunter" while eating my bagel and drinking my morning coffee.  I caught up on my "cheesy" television last night, after Jeff went to bed.  

I don't want to jinx anything, but lately after breakfast and a romp outside, the girls settle into their beds (and yes we have more than one) and take a nap.  Now admittedly, this week Bella snatched one of Jeff's favorite baseball caps, took it outside and tore it to shreds!  Ah, puppy dog days.

I'll spend today doing a bit of laundry and cleaning up in the kitchen (i.e., dishes).  Fiona was here yesterday, and she ran the vacuum in the den and cleaned the kitchen, which always looks marvelous after she's finished.  Somehow, when I do it, it never really looks that nice.  Um, perhaps because I get tired and do a hit and miss tidying up. True confession!

I need to get upstairs and shower and dress.  I can't phantom still being in my pajamas at noon time!  Well, I didn't get showered and dressed soon enough.  My physical therapist came and we did my exercises while I was still in pajamas.  She's coming on Thursday and I'm going to be up and ready for her.

I have two minutes to do my "toilet" for the day, so I'd better get busy.


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