Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The Dogs - Sigh!


This morning when I got out of bed, I was greeted with a mushed box that one of them, Bella probably, was trying to stand on so she could get things off the dresser.  Jeff had, emphasis on the word had, a shoe box on the back of the sofa.  The box is gone and I'm unsure whether there were shoes inside.  I'll have to trek to the backyard to make sure.  

I think going forward for the sake of all our worldly possessions, I need to get up when Jeff does.  After they eat, they can come into the den where I'll be waiting in my recliner for them to take a nap, so I can take one too!

Picked up my new reading glasses yesterday and they are secured with one of those necklaces that hold glasses.  There is no way I'm sitting down my much needed reading glasses again.  This is the second pair I've had to buy in a year.  While they're clearly not as expensive as my "real" glasses, the reading glasses with frames (cheapest ones I could find) set me back over $100.00.  Hmm, do the girls bring me more joy or ......  Still thinking about that (smiley face here).

I had an injection of cortisone in my right knee yesterday.  I'm not exactly sure what the shot was supposed to do for me.  The knee still hurts and swollen.  I'm not sure what the doctor is going to do about that.  This right leg saga is making me angrier by the day.

While Stacey was here yesterday, she put tennis balls on my walker, which makes moving around a lot easier.  I bought navy blue balls, but I should have opted for purple or pink!  I also now have a mounted cup holder on my wheelchair.  My water bottle fits nicely in the holder, so that I can stay hydrated when I'm out and about.  Sometimes, it's just the little things that make a difference.

A passing of age is occurring today.  We had for many years a little plastic basketball hoop on the front porch.  Benjamin would throw the balls and sometimes they actually went in.  He's a big boy now and no longer plays with this basketball hoop, so it's sitting forlornly on the street waiting for the garbage men.  Maybe, one of the men will decide it's worth keeping and won't crush it in the back of the truck.  Time doesn't stand still for anyone, including Benjamin, who now has his first pair of glasses and doesn't fit in my lap any longer.  (sad face here).

The good news is that Benjamin loves to read.  I found him a book on Amazon, which is book one of a series, and he read it the other day when we went to Baltimore.  He finished reading it in record time and now wants to know where book two is!

My home health aide is coming this morning.  I'm going to have her sweep the kitchen and dining room as well as clean the kitchen up a bit.  I also have laundry that needs folding.  I'm not very comfortable with people being in the house and doing things for me, while I sit in my chair like some kind of queen.  But, she gets paid to come to the house and the rehab facility gets paid for her work from Medicare.  I have been granted the month of August from the nurse as a necessity for having someone come in and help me.  I am fully aware that I need help around the house, for the amount of time I can spend standing and walking is limited.

The rain has finally stopped.  It rained so much yesterday that I thought we were going to need to build an ark.  Yesterday morning, I went into the backyard in pursuit of something that the dogs had taken outside (a blanket) and discovered that since I don't have the backyard mowed regularly, the grass/weeds were really high.  They'll mow today, which will make it much easier to find missing things!

Happy Tuesday.


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