Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Hump Day


What is left to say about Wednesday?  Well, for starters it's recycling day, and I know it's good for the environment, but I do miss just tossing trash into trash cans.  It's also the middle of the week, three down and two more to go.

Yesterday, Bella definitely had her bad dog paws on.  She was restless all day, and even took outside the little clock that sits on my end table next to my recliner.  Mind you, that clock has been in the same place for over a year - undisturbed.  But, for whatever reason, yesterday she took it. Initially, I thought that she had damaged it by dragging it outside and through the dirt.  However this morning, the clock seems to be fine.  The basket on my walker (mini office) is getting pretty full.  I have to cart around my puzzle books, pens, and just to be on the safe side, the television remote!  Anything that can't go in my basket, is safely locked up in a plastic box with locking handles.  I know my heart that all the stealing - food, clocks, shoes, etc., are all Bella.  Unlike Bella, Daisy is smaller, which means she can't take food off of the counter and doesn't seem to have the same inclination for stealing.  Her claim to fame, unfortunately, is "forgetting" where the doggie door is!

My aide is coming today and I'm not sure what I'm going to have her do.  I've already showered (and yes, Jeff I did it sitting down on the stool) and dressed.  She cleaned the kitchen yesterday, vacuumed (and she loved my little bag-less vacuum and dusted the living room.  Perhaps today, she can knock off the dust bunnies that have accumulated in my office.  If she just uses my feather duster in my office, I'll be very happy.  It goes against everything I know to direct somebody to clean up my messes.  I know I need help, I would just rather not be here when the cleaning is being done.  Makes me strange perhaps.

I do have some laundry that needs folding and some laundry that needs washing.  After that, I'm not sure what I'll have Fiona do.  She is supposed to do light housekeeping, which she has been doing, and I'm supremely grateful for all her help.  The kitchen, including the inside of the microwave, has never looked better.  

I seem to be out of energy now, the showering takes a lot out of me, but I'm determined to keep taking showers.  I used to tell Benjamin, before I could shower regularly, that I smelled like "day old trout".  He didn't know what I was talking about, until I told him that day old trout was super, super stinky!

Have a good day.


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