Thursday, August 17, 2017



Stuff you say?  Yes indeed.  Like how to keep two puppies, who are still chewing constantly, from tearing up more things.  It's gotten so bad that I keep many things in my walker basket and when I'm away from the walker, I put in a closed room!  Sad, but really effective.

Today's task is put the laundry away.  Fiona did the laundry yesterday, and now it's up to me to "process" the clean clothes.  Why I dread this chore so much, I can't really say - I just know that I do.  

Perhaps today would be a good day to go up to Jeff's office and gather up all the papers for filing.  A big chore because, like folding laundry, I find many reasons why I don't want to do this!  😊  We made an agreement back in 1974, that I would handle the paperwork.  That was an easy agreement at the time, because there was very little paper.  Fast forward to today and there's a LOT of paper to process.  I shouldn't put off things, but I do and regret it later.  And, of course, there's the shredding, and that adds up pretty quickly too.  I may have retired,, but I haven't gotten away from office chores.

Last night before I went to sleep, I thought of several things to write about.  However, this morning I have the dreaded "blog block"!  

Since I don't have special glasses for seeing the eclipse, I may have to just watch it on tv.  I remember watching an eclipse when I was in grade school.  I thought it was pretty cool then, and I suspect I'll feel the same way on Monday.

I've finished watching "Dog the Bounty Hunter" while I had breakfast.  I look forward to eating raisin toast and watching the show.  All scripted of course, but I don't care, still enjoyable, at least for me.

Ever look at your keyboard?  I have this morning and boy does it collect dust and finger prints.  Pretty ugly.  I'll add cleaning the keyboard on my "to do" list.  I can tell my looking at the keys which ones I use frequently, because they are clean.  On my keyboard, the G, B, K, L, M, W and E for example are clean.  But caps lock, for instance really needs to be cleaned.

I'm coming up empty on things to write about, so rather than rambling unnecessarily, I'll close for now and hope that tomorrow I don't have "brain drain"!!


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