Monday, August 7, 2017

Monday, Monday


The post reminds me of the song by the same name.  A dreary day outside.  This morning, I ventured into the basement (ick) and went into the yard.  I only have the backyard mowed every now and then, well the now and then is here.  The yard looks like a jungle.  Of course, unlike other jungles, my yard is strewn with found "treasures", including a blanket, one elastic therapy band, and countless pieces of paper plates, etc.  I truly cannot wait until the girls, and I think most of the time it's Bella, to grow up a bit and stop all of this stealing.

Going outside when it's raining, means that my gripper socks got wet, but luckily I have a spare pair.  Always good to have a back-up!  Today, Stacey is once again taking me to the doctor.  Truthfully, I'm getting tired of going to one doctor after another.  I would give anything, if I could find a doctor that would take ownership of everything relating to the right leg.  But, I'm losing faith that this kind of doctor exists.

I have an appointment in September to be interviewed for transportation services from Metro Access. If I'm approved, then I can call them to take me to the doctor, shopping, etc.  My doctor told me that she has a number of patients who use this service, and all of them like the ability to get around without needing someone to take them.  If, and that's a big IF, I ever get feeling back in my foot, then I would be able to drive to places by myself.  But, that's so not a possibility right now.

While Stacey is willing to take me to doctor's appointment, I feel guilty about taking up her time.  I know she's got better things to do, than come and take me somewhere.  There are not enough words that I think adequately say how much I appreciate and love her.

I ordered new reading glasses last week, since the girls got a hold on mine and completely destroyed them.  The reading glasses aren't super expensive, BUT it is the second pair in a year that I've had to buy!  It's a good thing that the girls look so angelic when they sleep......

It's difficult but I do try and keep my eye on the girls, but they are fast(er) than me and they can race down the basement stairs, and it takes me much longer to chase them.  Actually, chase isn't an accurate word, better to say, I "toddle" after them.

Time for me to get myself ready for my appointment.  I need to do major things like comb my hair, and put on some lipstick.  Since I have so much "natural beauty", I really only need to do those two things.  (Insert smiley face here).

Have a good Monday.


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