Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Another Day


It's Tuesday, and I've just finished my most excellent nap. Regardless of what you say, this staying home stuff is hard work - but, somebody's got to do it!!

Yesterday, my new physical therapist came to see me.  His findings?  I'm weak on the right side, which I could have told him from the get go.  He's coming back tomorrow, and we'll get into the nitty gritty stuff - exercises.  I can hardly wait.

Then in the afternoon, a nurse came to check up on me.  She redressed my surgical incision, which would heal better IF I were to lay down 24/7.  But, the one part of the incision is behind my knee, which doesn't seem to heal since I um bend my knee!  I liked the nurse and she apparently will come out twice a week.  Then, I'm supposed to have a home health aide, who will help do things around the house.  What she'll do I'm not sure, but there are plenty of things around here that need help.

Jeff sent in my CPAP machine for repairs while I was away.  On Friday night, when I went to use said CPAP machine, it didn't work.  Jeff assumed, as rightly he should, that if you send something out to be repaired, then it gets repaired.  Silly us for thinking such a thing.

I have blocked off the den this morning, so that Bella can't gain acsess to stuff that doesn't belong to her.  Both dogs are now a year old, so I'm wondering just when exactly will they stop grabbing up things and chewing them to death.  While puppies are cute, they are a lot of work and require major diligence! I know, or at least I think I know, that the puppies will eventually be past all, okay maybe "some" of their chewing.  Fingers crossed.

I feel the need to do at least one king of household chore each day.  It may be as simple as putting soap in the dishwasher, but even that counts as a chore.  When the therapist and nurse came yesterday, I was dismayed at the mess on the living room carpet.  The mess was caused when I had Jeff pull out the sleeper sofa, thinking a few months ago, that it would be better than sleeping in my recliner.  So the mess on the floor sadly came from the sofa when he pulled it out.  To be fair, I did "attempt" to move some dust around, not that it made much of a difference.  But, I definitely get an "A" for effort.

I have three doctor's appointments next week, and I'm hoping that at least one of those doctors will be able to come up with an action plan to return my foot back to its former non-numb state.  I cannot even begin to imagine what my life would be like, if the foot stays number.  It's not even worth thinking about.  Trying to think positive, but as every day goes by, with no change, makes it harder for me to paste a smile on my face and when asked how I'm feeling, I always say fine.  Because in the end, all these casual acquaintances in stores, etc., really don't want to know how you're feeling.  Their being polite and so are you.

Pity party is now over.  Time to move on to do something productive, and at the same time keep Bella, in particular, within my line of sight.  Many crossword puzzles went to their death yesterday (insert really frowny face here).

Have a great Tuesday and stay indoors if it's hot outside!


Picture of Jeff when he realized that the broken part of my CPAP machine was still broken!

Image result for picture of frustration

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